
Film Freak - 877 Film Ratings
Member Since: 24 Jul 2017
Bio: WARNING: My tiers might be skewed because I go out of my way to avoid bad movies. -> the Tier 5 of my scored film list includes movies I'd happily watch again, recco 2 others & prob received 4* or 5* reviews in press.

0-20 = 1* | 20-40 = 2* | 40-60 = 3*
60-80 = 4* | 80-100 = 5*

Just returned 2 Criticker. Got excited about whole idea so posted rankings for everything that stands out in my memory. However, as I saw some of these films YEARS ago I might not remember whether exactly deserve 71 or 91 points. So I may update some rankings as I re-watch. Happy 2 receive any reasoned & reasonable (!) advice as to why my opinion is 'wrong'

Not ranked PURELY on cinematic quality but also slanted scores somewhat toward enjoyability as entertainment. IE. Maybe I am just accustomed to modern pacing but I find some B&W white classics tad slow 4 repeated viewing. (Feel I can't be alone in that). So, though I can clearly recognize & appreciate classic pieces of cinema or ground-breaking, game changers of their time I'd still rather watch Inception, Fight Club, Heat, GoG, Sideways, Trainspotting or Big Lebowski 4 times than say Birth of a Nation or Citizen Kane once.

-> I might score an old classic 82 & superb new film 92 even tho I think they are approx same quality. The modern Fincher/Nolan/Coens etc is just more ENJOYABLE to me.

(PS. Had previous account (P1001) b4 but lost details)

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95 98% One Flew Over the Cuckoo\ One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) - Rated 24 Jul 2017
"Perhaps feels a little dated in style now but performances are absolutely brilliant. 1 of only 3 films in history to sweep Best Picture, Director, Actor, Actress & Ad Screenplay. Everyone knows how sublime Jack was, but all = SOLID++. LF as Ratched (1 of great authentic, human, understandable, yet truly scary, destructive screen villains ever) is amazing & crucial. Real life: Godzilla'll never crush U but a Ratched might! + THAT ENDING: lump in throat MINIMUM each & every time"
86 72% Baby Driver Baby Driver (2017) - Rated 16 Sep 2017
"Original, inventive, Fun. HAD I seen it uninformed I would have come out raving 4 it. Sadly, Brits love 4 Edgar Wright & justified sympathy (Ant-Man debacle) -> maybe just a TAD over-hype + OTT goodwill for EW's passion project. So, I expected 1 of best films of my viewing life & it wasn't that Eg. I'd cut 5m of JH as T-800 & -> improve hugely pace, realism + remove tiny section of drag I felt @ that point. Otherwise, great! 5* film, superb just not quite Holy Grail hyped"
92 95% Game of Thrones Game of Thrones (2011) - Rated 24 Oct 2018
"Brilliant, complex, dark, violent, moving, engrossing, highest quality! Just tad concerned by wobble in S7 (prob having to go 'off book' & accelerate pace -> SLIGHT sloppiness) Really hope S8 wraps things up @ flaming, roaring, sizzling level the show maintained thru first 6 seasons. PS. WISH ALL TV SHOWS WERE SPLIT INTO SEPERATE ENTRIES PER SEASON HERE on CRITICKER. Not this, but some shows range from 5* to 2* quality in different seasons & thus hard to rate/review in 1 entry."
87 77% Britannia Britannia (2017) - Rated 16 Mar 2020
"?? it (@ S2E4) | ?BBC Nature TV might be involved: totally gorgeous shots •Not as grim as GoT but ARE stakes & shocking deaths: real, brutal world (Romans in 'UK'): just need 2 buy into conceit Druidic magic really worked. ?ACTORS: EW-C = Young, serious new talent 4 future •DM: usual quality; intimidating, darkly magnetic •Nik Kaas + JR-Tutt= great fun: Show has humor | Once in stride = Must ?? TV •Not a new GoT, same genre but = own beast & has diff qualities 2 relish"
82 56% Mandy Mandy (2018) - Rated 25 Oct 2018
""OK Nic, now b4 Bathroom Scene: Recall 1996: U won an Oscar, were RICH & married to Patrica A ...&.. GO"?? DAMN: NC sure didn't ? this 1 in! Bloody but ? vile leering. = More cartoony ??: not normal film AT ALL: ¼ woozy then ¾ NEON drenched nightmare lunacy. I fell into groove & had blast; as cast seem 2've done. 'Plot' = stock revenge but attacked with total intense loco cinematography, ? + acting. ? Lynch+Only God F+Inh Vice+MMax: Unique art-revenge-stoner pic????!"
84 62% Servant Servant (2019) - Rated 12 Mar 2020
"Well acted, ?? & shot •Creepy, tense, engrossing ? loads of early fun theorizing with GF on what may TRULY be happening & in whose head!? •Loved highest quality early episodes then ? scale BUT only from excellent to just V good ? •Hope stays as open-ended miniseries. Fear $ will ? diminishing returns series til hammered concept & quality into ground! ?? here please. •Classy, Quality psych/supernatural horror. STRONG Recco 4 what hope is the only series"
92 95% Kiss Kiss Bang Bang Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005) - Rated 30 Sep 2018
"Real hidden gem; deserved 2 hit big. Shane B's best. Kilmer's best~ (top 3 def). Does all Nice Guys does, BETTER. RDJ does his usual @ top notch. A dark comedic-noir with, clearly, hints of NGs & LWeapon but also Big Lebowski, LS&2SB + Snatch. MM keeps comedic pace & elevates role above just 'babe' & damn HOT. Plot & resolution all solid but secondary 2 sparking hilarious antics & banter. Is clever-clever, in love with itself but = part of fun Not just wry, FULL-ON FUNNY?"
90 87% Mad Max: Fury Road Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) - Rated 26 Nov 2017
"As deep as a music video (maybe 2 harsh of me) but WOW: Roaring engine of a video! 1 vodka RBull, Biggest screen poss, Forget all costume drama/quiet emotional films U've ever enjoyed & lose Urself in 1 hell of RELENTLESS adrenaline-rush film rollercoaster. All about director's vision, visceral audio & striking visuals but 4 actors: more Theron's than Hardy's film. TRIVIA: Longest ever gap till actor recalled to a franchise. If love, see Black N' C version (Scary intense) big as possible!"
89 83% The Guilty The Guilty (2018) - Rated 27 Nov 2018
"EXCELLENT, taught, plausible, cruel thriller orbiting Jakob C's compelling performance | Near 100% solo onscreen, but not utterly as in 'Locke' or 'Buried' | Incredible tension & kick-in-guts moment(s) achieved purely by stellar acting (mostly seated so face & voice only - SO impressive) + sound design & voices on phone. ??NOT a light or feel good flic: Tho U see ZERO gore, its great plot takes ur mind thru some dark & disturbing drama. Might shake you. ARRESTINGLY POWERFUL!"
73 36% The Greatest Showman The Greatest Showman (2017) - Rated 04 Jun 2018
"Great fun whitewash of interesting, complex historical figure. Suceeds very well ON ITS OWN TERMS. Some catchy tunes & heart swelling, stirring scenes. Feel-good original musical entertainment in its pure form; Totally inoffensive & very enjoyable but no deeper than that. 5 leading actors attractive & likeable company.Hugh & Zac clearly having a blast. If U hope 2 learn anything about Barnum U wont. Hope 2 end with toes tapping & smile on face then U probably will."