Criticker Newbie - 7 Film Ratings
Member Since: 05 Mar 2016
Location: Canada

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60 42% Concussion (2015) - Rated 05 Mar 2016
"The documentary about the doctor is far better. This film is about a story worth telling, but ironically lacks much impact. Smith tries his best, I suppose, but nothing for me in this really worked well. It is more or less and aimless film and doesn't sink its teeth in far enough. Would've benefited from greater focus on something as opposed to trying to cram a bunch of superfluous details into an already muddled story."
40 0% Burnt (2015) - Rated 05 Mar 2016
"Burnt is, fundamentally, a film about a chef who really wants to get 3 stars from a tire company. Okay, I know that they're a big deal in the culinary world, but this film is perhaps one of the worst of the year. The idea that anyone involved thought they were making a decent film is hilarious. Everything is poorly written and there are no redeeming qualities or characters. The film's best scene is delivered by Cooper putting a plastic bag on his head. F grade."
58 28% Bicentennial Man (1999) - Rated 05 Mar 2016
"This film made a lot of odd choices, but what I have the hardest time wrapping my mind around is the idea that a robot would be built in Robin William's dimensions. The fact that the robot then endeavors to become a human Robin Williams is bizarre too. Nothing against the guy, but if I had a choice I'm not sure I'd choose that. All that aside, turning into some silly melodramatic love story that is poorly assembled at best is really what this film suffers from. D+"
76 57% Love (2015) - Rated 05 Mar 2016
"If I were less mature I might give this film a 69, but I think I liked it more than that. It isn't Noe's best, but it is an interesting depiction of human emotion. Shot well and a fun watch in 3D. Not the best nut I've ever had, but definitely a solid B grade ejaculation."
95 85% The Lobster (2015) - Rated 05 Mar 2016
"I can easily see people having polarizing views on this film, and perhaps that is part of its charm, but to me it is one of the best films released in 2015. The often subtle and sometimes ridiculous black humour throughout carry this film along and underscore everything the characters do. Another really solid film from Lanthimos. Well acted and well narrated. A+."
90 71% Anomalisa (2015) - Rated 05 Mar 2016
"The 'stars' of this film are equal parts the writing, visual artistry, and cast. The story itself is an interesting portrayal of the repetitive and mundane nature of an unfulfilled existence and is adapted exceedingly well into a beautiful stop-motion film. As expected, it lends itself to discussion after watching it through, but stands as one of the year's best. Solid A grade for this film."
52 14% Jurassic World (2015) - Rated 05 Mar 2016
"The biggest dinosaur in this film is the portrayal of female characters. There isn't anything that is overly offensive, but the despite all the ~cutting edge technology~ used to bring dinos to life they couldn't manage a single character that didn't seem awful. Every character was a caricature of some trope. Beyond that, the premise of militarizing raptors is one of the most idiotic plot lines I can remember. D- score for dumb dino."