Lady Moe

Film Freak - 740 Film Ratings
Member Since: 18 Jan 2011
Location: USA

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70 29% Night of the Demons (1988) - Rated 27 Sep 2019
82 53% It Follows (2015) - Rated 07 Oct 2018
"The first half has some incredibly scary moments but unfortunately it goes downhill by the second half. Still recommended and has a great score."
84 56% Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) - Rated 07 Oct 2018
86 66% Gremlins (1984) - Rated 10 Aug 2018
95 93% First Reformed (2018) - Rated 28 Jul 2018
"Shook me up bad the first time I saw it in theaters. In my life I have felt helpless to change the world around me. One wonders about the capacity in all of us to take matters into our own hands when pushed far enough and left without nothing else to lose. A true spiritual sequel to Taxi Driver."
87 72% Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) - Rated 03 May 2018
"The best of the Mad Max series. Charlize Theron is the real star of this film and carries it with subtlety and restraint while also carrying immense emotional weight. Tom Hardy delivers his usual stellar performance, being understated while also extremely effective. The action setpieces we love from Road Warrior are back in full swing and the film is just gorgeous to look at. While Max starts off in his old self of wanting to protect his stuff, like part 3 he has more of an arc in this film/"
81 51% Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (1985) - Rated 03 May 2018
"Mad Max takes a sharp turn in this oddball of a sequel that is much better than people give it credit for. I heavily enjoyed its over the top weirdness and enjoyed that Max was given more of an arc and a goal in this film other than just protecting his stuff."
83 55% The Road Warrior (1981) - Rated 03 May 2018
"The best of the original Mad Max trilogy. This is the film that cemented the post-apocalyptic setting we all have come to know and love and that influenced who knows how much of pop culture and other media. Max barely says anything through the entire film but that's okay: just sit back and be blown away by awesome action setpieces, wild costumes, and the arid landscapes."
75 35% Mad Max (1979) - Rated 03 May 2018
"A visually appealing film that seems to be trying to find its footing. There is potential that will be explored in sequels. A good film about rage and revenge and how one bad day can turn someone around."
79 45% Saving Mr. Banks (2013) - Rated 03 May 2018
"An intriguing movie that's less a biopic and more of a story. While it does depict real occurrences there are obvious embellishments. People take the movie to task for this but I believe there is a deeper point to it. Sure it can't depict Disney as deceitful or bad and there is bias the story is less about the actual facts of the battle between Walt Disney and PL Travers. The film to me is more about death of the author: when you release a piece of art is it yours anymore?"