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85 75% | Please Give (2010) - Rated 12 Nov 2010 |
80 62% | Paranormal Activity (2009) - Rated 12 Nov 2010 |
85 75% | Extract (2009) - Rated 12 Nov 2010
"I liked it. If I'm going to watch a dumb comedy, this is what I'm looking for. Yes, it has its flaws, but it was entertaining and funny enough."
86 80% | Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (2009) - Rated 12 Nov 2010 |
76 57% | The Road (2009) - Rated 26 Aug 2010
"I don't think the movie captured what the book did and I don't think I really needed to see it. This story was about the father and son and for it to be believable, they both had to pull off amazing performances. But they didn't. I will probably never forget the book, but the movie is definitely forgettable."
82 66% | Zombieland (2009) - Rated 26 Aug 2010
"I think Bill Murray stole the show. That whole part was hilarious. Otherwise, I liked Woody Harrelson and the other characters were pretty decent too, but for my taste, the gore was a bit much. Like that clown zombie? Could have done without that image, thanks. But that's just me. I'm not a horror fan and I don't think I found the "funny" parts all that funny. Except for Bill Murray, as mentioned."
57 38% | London to Brighton (2006) - Rated 23 Jun 2010
"Certainly not fun to watch and not worth all the queasiness and shuddering in the end. In the predictable, predictable end. When I finally found out the details of what happened that night, it really drove home just how uninspired this story was."
55 35% | My Blue Heaven (1990) - Rated 23 Jun 2010
"Not funny at all. I just kept asking myself why Martin was chosen for this role. Was the fact that he was playing a mobster meant to be part of the humor? If so, it was an epic fail."
95 98% | Crazy Heart (2009) - Rated 07 Jun 2010
"Bridges was as good in this as Rourke was in The Wrestler, which is to say he was GREAT. The times when he was performing on stage or interacting with Gyllenhaal's son were phenomenal. The soundtrack was perfect. Definitely not predictable either. Loved it."
92 95% | Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009) - Rated 28 May 2010
"Loved it! The animation, voices, characters, and plot were all very enjoyable. Definitely got a few laughs too."