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85 50% | Die Hard (1988) - Rated 31 Mar 2012
"The Granddaddy of all modern action movies....did every cop and reporter that wasn't the dad from Family Matters really have to go out of their way to hamstring McClane? Did we really need to ROOT for the FBI guys to die in a helicopter crash? Not that it was a documentary before, but 9/11 totally ruined this film, but in a way it's even better now as a joke."
80 29% | The Bourne Identity (2002) - Rated 31 Mar 2012
"This is the 1st one, right? And it's different from the other two in some manner, I think. All of the movies should be renamed "The Bourne (Insert Adjective Here)" and you have to guess which one is which."
90 72% | Airplane! (1980) - Rated 31 Mar 2012
"I picked the wrong day to stop smoking crack."
90 72% | The Fugitive (1993) - Rated 31 Mar 2012
"What kind of rich doctor grows a long hobo beard like that? That beard was motive enough to get Kimble convicted for murdering his wife."
90 72% | American Psycho (2000) - Rated 31 Mar 2012
"Can't believe I haven't seen this flick in over 5 years....one would think, given today's economy, I'd want to frequently rewatch a movie where Wall St. executives get chopped to pieces."
85 50% | Philadelphia (1993) - Rated 31 Mar 2012
"Is it bad that I knocked a few points off the score for this movie because I'm no longer shocked by homosexuality and the AIDS epidemic? I like to think that that reflects positively on my tolerance and open-mindedness.....Hanks definitely deserved his Oscar, but there have been so many other, more recent and more relate-able gay-themed movies since this one, that the bite is gone."
85 50% | Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984) - Rated 31 Mar 2012
"I hate to admit this, but I'm pretty sure I've been EXTREMELY hesitant to try new foods (especially from Asian countries) after watching this movie as a kid. There'll always be a dark part of my brain that tells me, "If it ain't a cheeseburger, then it's monkey brains and eyeball soup." This movie turned me into a food racist."
90 72% | Rocky (1976) - Rated 31 Mar 2012
"Remember when Rocky is trying to convince that teenage "girl" to stop swearing, because apparently Stallone believes using ridiculous slang terms that no one has ever used leads straight to prostitution and drug abuse? Yeah, my eyes still haven't finished rolling since I last watched this movie."
75 16% | Lost in Translation (2003) - Rated 31 Mar 2012
"I'm so glad Bill Murray starred in a critically-acclaimed movie, but....damn this was a slow and depressing slog to get through. How is this even remotely a comedy? No amount of Scarlett Johansson buttcrack makes this enjoyable."
75 16% | Back to the Future Part III (1990) - Rated 31 Mar 2012
"Totally pointless."