
Flick Fan - 41 Film Ratings
Member Since: 05 Jun 2010
Location: Bedford, Nova Scotia, Canada
Bio: Just a random lover of fine (and sometimes less than fine) cinema. Looking for good recommendations. My favorite movies are heady and atmospheric science fiction films, or slightly cheesy action flicks. Like pretty much everything though, assuming quality.

more Recent Ratings

97 92% The Incredibles (2004) - Rated 05 Jun 2010
"One of the best superhero movies I've seen. Great character dynamics, hilarious comedy and some exceptional action. Weird Randian subtext, villain wants to elevate regular humans to superherodom; remeniscent of a Promtheus metaphor. May be unintentional. Very little to say about this one other than: Great!"
94 85% Citizen Kane (1941) - Rated 05 Jun 2010
"A great character study of a man's life. Innovative cinematography, good use of gothic architecture and deep-focus shots. Acting is generally good. Orson Welles is fantastic in general. It could have a bit more fun with the multiple perspectives gimmick; something more Rashamon like perhaps. A classic film; required viewing."
31 2% Transformers (2007) - Rated 05 Jun 2010
"Abysmal movie. An overlong, loud, incomprehensible mess of a movie. Annoying comedy cliches and a plethora of obnoxious and useless supporting characters. Tranformers are barely in the film, and given little to no character development or dialouge. Their designs also make them hard to distinguish. The action scenes are filmed in an incomprehensible and chaotic manner; impossible to follow in any way. SKIP THIS MOVIE."
81 37% Spider-Man 2 (2004) - Rated 05 Jun 2010
"Good superhero movie. Has fun with itself, and isn't too serious; a refreshing break from the gritty superhero movies of the Dark Knight mold. Good action scenes, though the special effects used to potray spiderman's acrobatics look a bit cheap. The best spiderman film."
87 59% Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) - Rated 05 Jun 2010
"The best of the Potter Films. Great atmosphere and music score. The most coherent of the films in transfering the story into a movie. Changes to original story make it work well in a visual medium like film."
92 79% Shutter Island (2010) - Rated 05 Jun 2010
"Some Great Scorcese. DeCaprio is great as usual, and the 50's dective atmosphere is fun. Cinematography in particular was fantastic, in particular the use of colour in the numerous dream sequences. Great execution of a well-worn twist that breathes new life into it. One of the best films of 2010."
85 50% Gamera: Guardian of the Universe (1995) - Rated 05 Jun 2010
"A fun Monster film. Sequels are better. Human Story is surpsingly involved for this type of movie. Good use of effects, but the design for Gamera is a bit silly looking, and Gyaos is very obviously a hand-puppet in many scenes. Sequels are superior."
75 28% I Am Legend (2007) - Rated 05 Jun 2010
"Problematic. Will Smith is better than normal; great atmosphere. Final act brings it way down. We get inroduced to a religous supporting character (her religion is her sole character trait) who spouts nonstop "We should not have tampered in God's domain" nonsense that science fiction loves to indulge in these days. Terrible ending that rips off Signs, oddly enough. Should have kept the books ending."
85 50% Face/Off (1997) - Rated 05 Jun 2010
"A fun movie with John Woo's trademark directorial flare. A great premise: Two men who hate each other switch identities. Thrilling, well shot action. John Woo loves to break vases and mirrors it seems. However, it's a bit too long for this kind of movie; an action scene could have been removed to shorten it."
91 73% The Terminator (1984) - Rated 05 Jun 2010
"Good Neo-Noir cyberpunk chase thriller. Great Screen presense from Arnold; very memorable villian. Sarah Conner is practically the definition of a strong female protagonist. Special effects in final scene are somewhat silly; brings film down somewhat. Still a classic, see it and the sequal."