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5 1% | Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009) - Rated 04 Jul 2009
"Michael Bay is a terrible human being who hates you."
42 32% | Into the Wild (2007) - Rated 22 Sep 2007
"Fairly disappointing hagiography of a contradiction of a young man, the brave, brash, and unprepared Chris McCandless. Beautiful nature photography obscures the fact that this turned the book's wily, unpredictable protagonist into some profound hippie bastard."
64 60% | Wild Zero (2000) - Rated 22 Sep 2007
"Surprisingly fun and acerbic zombie rock comedy, with lots of great music and a mind-melting set of plot twists. The DVD drinking game bumps this up to 100."
81 75% | Eastern Promises (2007) - Rated 22 Sep 2007
"Unerrving crime saga with a beguiling structure that reveals more upon a second glance."
97 95% | Playtime (1967) - Rated 14 Aug 2007
"Wonderfully elegant, timeless dadaist comedy, with impeccable mis-en-scene, detailing the futile comedy of regular life. Let it wash over you."
9 3% | Little Man (2006) - Rated 14 Aug 2007
"Leagues better than "White Chicks". Otherwise, a litmus test."
90 88% | Fata Morgana (1971) - Rated 14 Aug 2007
"Gorgeous hagiagraphy of a time that doesn't exist. Herzog the humanist."
98 96% | A Scanner Darkly (2006) - Rated 14 Aug 2007
"As sad and affecting as science fiction gets, Linklater has finally moved forward as a filmmaker, using state of the art technology and marrying it to his classicist trust in improv actors. A treastie on drug addiction but also effectively denouncing the dehumanizing involved in the current war on terror, its also a bouncy, often hilarious tale of a man torn apart by outlandish bueracracy and a social pecking order."
50 41% | Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006) - Rated 14 Aug 2007
"Typically ho-hum summer blockbuster, not dumb enough to dislike, and not complex or thematically rewarding enough to really enjoy. You'll remember each of the action setpieces- you won't remember, however, how they end and connect to the next dialogue scene. Spectacular special effects."
90 88% | Superman Returns (2006) - Rated 14 Aug 2007
"As affecting and thematically resonant as any superhero film has been. Granted, there are minor transgressions- his flightus interruptus to Krypton remains clouded in pointless mystery, left as more of a plot contrivance than actual significant story point. Still, Bryan Singer makes up for it with the first ever auteur superhero film, where loneliness and isolation take precedence over whiz-bang special effects. And finally, the previously-unrealized potential of the Supes-Lex dichotomy makes"