
Film Freak - 564 Film Ratings
Member Since: 11 Jul 2010
Location: UK
Bio: Ranking too many bad films has distorted my tiering. Just because it's tier 8 it still means I thought it was crap.

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87 98% Ran (1985) - Rated 22 Aug 2020
"Captivating story and many absolutely stunning shots, the use of colour, and makeup, and.. and.."
35 53% Rambo: Last Blood (2019) - Rated 09 Aug 2020
"What was the point of the first 75 minutes?"
30 45% Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga (2020) - Rated 11 Jul 2020
"Spain wouldn't have been in a semi final as they are part of the big five. This single flaw - in a film endorsed by Eurovision itself no less - is unforgivable. Also, it's way too long, the "group sing" thing was horrific and did not fit at all, the whole voting sequence was painful to sit through and it wasn't funny. They also had too many different ideas and the script needed some editing to strip some of the bloat out of it."
55 73% Terminator: Dark Fate (2019) - Rated 07 Jun 2020
"I was enjoying it until Arnie shows up with his laughable explanation as to why he's there and doing what he's doing. It threw me out of the film completely and it never won me back. Grace was a good character though, and I did like the schism between her and Sarah, and how by changing the future, Sarah became a nobody who knew nothing about what happened next and resorted to just grim platitudes."
10 4% Fateful Findings (2013) - Rated 01 Feb 2020
"Neil Breen tackles alcoholism and drug addiction, and realises he can get women naked for what we shall charitably call art? It's the usual god complex confusing mess, but with breasts sometimes!"
81 97% Joker (2019) - Rated 05 Jan 2020
"Too good for its own good. This is the first DC film where they've got the dark-psychological-horror they've craved because it's not corny or forced or unrelentingly stupid like BvS. But be careful what you wish for, because there is no way you could use this as a basis for a cinematic universe. How would you do Batman in this style without it coming over as absurd - a billionaire who dresses up as a bat?"
72 89% The Artist (2011) - Rated 05 Jan 2020
"It's nice that a film like this can be made, and be watchable and good, today. Though it does drag toward the end."
65 81% Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019) - Rated 05 Jan 2020
"Don't think too hard about the story and any of its implications as that way lies madness and disappointment. Just watch it, don't think and you can get some decent enjoyment out of it. The star destroyers had dicks though. If there is anything to think about it's that. Their red-tipped dicks that unsheathe and grow from their smooth underbellies."
74 92% Ralph Breaks the Internet (2018) - Rated 15 Feb 2019
"An excellent sequel, with a different story and message, with the stand-out part for me being the song in the middle - both a pitch perfect parody and meaningful in the context of the story. I would have liked a bit more satire about the Internet and the culture that has developed around it, but then this is a kids film so it can't go too far, or pessimistic. And it had a nice moral message too, and who doesn't enjoy a good moral?"
52 71% Venom (2018) - Rated 22 Dec 2018
"Watchable if a bit simplistic, but what bothered me the most was how the symbiotes, at first, struggled to join with life on earth - killing it, but when Venom and Eddie work together, it seems the other symbiotes are fine with just moving around to person to person with no problems. Then there's that "mask!" line in the building scene - that was never established, so it was unexpected and felt wrong - probably an editing problem."