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20 15% | Daybreakers (2010) - Rated 17 Jan 2010
"Atrocious. The original concept I suppose might have been slightly compelling, if in practice it wasn't completely hammed up with such laughably camp and uninspired scenes, with the blood coffee's typifying this point. Terrible performances from the entire cast, and atrocious dialouge ("life's a bitch, and then you dont die") cement the film as an absolute turkey, let alone the fact that they forgot to include an actual ending. Avoid at all costs"
10 10% | Zombieland (2009) - Rated 11 Dec 2009
"Considering the fact that the supposed purpose of criticker is to broaden one's understanding and knowledge of cinema, a worrying number of people have scored this film ludicrously highly. It is literally one of the worst films in recent memory, completely devoid of plot or charm, speciically plot, there is literally no point to this film."