
Cinema Addict - 1572 Film Ratings
Member Since: 10 Aug 2006
Location: MD, USA

more Recent Ratings

70 67% Kiss Kiss (Bang Bang) (2001) - Rated 15 Jun 2012
85 91% Letters from Iwo Jima (2006) - Rated 15 Jun 2012
35 11% Iron Man 2 (2010) - Rated 15 Jun 2012
"Unable to match the spirit of the first film."
25 4% In the Army Now (1994) - Rated 15 Jun 2012
0% Get Smart (2008) - Rated 15 Jun 2012
45 25% Once (2007) - Rated 15 Jun 2012
60 51% Pi (1998) - Rated 15 Jun 2012
35 11% The Cabin in the Woods (2012) - Rated 15 Jun 2012
40 16% Prometheus (2012) - Rated 15 Jun 2012
"Scott has a chance to do something great, but turns in something rather lazy."
60 51% Midnight in Paris (2011) - Rated 22 Jan 2012
"Woody lays it on rather thick, but it's still entertaining."