
Flick Fan - 18 Film Ratings
Member Since: 23 Oct 2007
Location: Blackpool, Lancashire, UK
Bio: Big film fan, numerous shelves have actually broken under the weight of my DVD collection. Importing has become a must for me, in light of many films not making it to UK, or losing all their extras.

more Recent Ratings

70 50% Rocky Balboa (2006) - Rated 23 Oct 2007
"As Rocky was a mirror for Stallone in the 70's, a talented, passionate man from humble backgrounds who was yet to make it big, Rocky Balboa is a mirror for Stallone now - washed up, faded away and counted out. But just as Rocky makes a credible, interesting comeback, so does Stallone, proving he has lost none of his edge and showing the critics and naysayers he can still cut it. Bring on Rambo 4."
2% Gigli (2003) - Rated 23 Oct 2007
"There are a lot of films that attract critical scorn yet are pefectly enjoyable. Gigli is not one of them. This film fails on every single level. Aside from cameos from Christopher Walken and Al Pacino, there is nothing interesting or appealing about this wreck. Avoid at all costs."
93 97% The Mask of Zorro (1998) - Rated 23 Oct 2007
75 63% Star Trek: First Contact (1996) - Rated 23 Oct 2007
"Learning from the mistakes of the last entry, First Contact actually feels and acts like a movie. It takes the opportunity to use it's budget to make the Borg, who were creepy in concept but not in appreance into more monstrous creations, with wet skin and more "in your face" conversions via nanaprobes. The script successfully balances out story arcs among all the characters, although yet again Stewart and Spiner get the meat. This is easily the nest Next Gen film, and accessible to non-fans."
60 19% Saw II (2005) - Rated 23 Oct 2007
67 36% Galaxy Quest (1999) - Rated 23 Oct 2007
"A charming Star Trek spoof with some genuinely great moment, but sadly not as funny as it thinks it is and the oddly appealing black heart of script was lost in editing room, making this film watchable and enjoyable, but far from a classic."
80 75% Super Size Me (2004) - Rated 23 Oct 2007
"Serious without being heavy handed, Funny without losing it's focus, Educational without being dull and Entertaining without being dumbed down. Super Size Me comes highly recommended, and will most likely put you off McDonalds for a very long time."
76 69% Constantine (2005) - Rated 23 Oct 2007
"While taking massive liberties with the source material, Constantine has a lot to offer. Keanu Reeves, despite his limited emotional range, has more than what it takes to convingly portray a desperate, haunted man, cyncial and twisted. The movie's visual are stunning and inventive, there is able support from Tilda Swinton and Djimmon Honsou and Francis Lawrence makes a good impression as a director to keep an eye out for."
85 86% Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982) - Rated 23 Oct 2007
"While TMP was a thought provoking, intelligent movie ala "2001", the sequel is a grittier, more dramatic affair. In my oponion, it's much better. While the action and effects sequences still impress, there is a lot of depth as we see beloved characters surrender to the ageing process and we say (a temporary) goodbye to a beloved character. TWOK holds the honour of not only being the best Star Trek film, but a great film in it's own right."
65 30% Hitch (2005) - Rated 23 Oct 2007