
Criticker Newbie - 6 Film Ratings
Member Since: 26 Jun 2009
Location: Lawrenceburg, Indiana, USA
Bio: Avid movie watcher and game enthusiest.

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95 66% Transformers (2007) - Rated 28 Jun 2009
"Though I wasn't a huge fan of this TV series as a kid, I grew to love it after seeing this film. It was great. There were flaws, yes I know but any movie has them. It's definitely a good rent/ buy if it's cheap enough."
85 16% Disturbia (2007) - Rated 28 Jun 2009
95 66% Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009) - Rated 28 Jun 2009
"And they say the sequels are not as good as the originals... Transformers 2 made me wet my pants 2 times around."
70 0% Not Another Teen Movie (2001) - Rated 26 Jun 2009
"The film is alright... just relates to the parody films recently."
94 50% X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) - Rated 26 Jun 2009
"Epic explosions happen.... that's all you need to know."
87 33% The Proposal (2009) - Rated 26 Jun 2009
"For a romantic comedy, it wasn't half bad... but very predictable."