
Film Freak - 633 Film Ratings
Member Since: 20 May 2009
Location: Austria

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80 85% What Time Is It There? (2001) - Rated 19 Mar 2024
75 68% Oppenheimer (2023) - Rated 19 Mar 2024
"A technical achievement. The movie is really well-shot and quite a spectacle. The performances were great too. But Nolan's baffling decision to check off most of Oppenheimer's liaisons as well as a lot of points of interest in his biography without actually giving them enough time to breathe and develop, made the movie seem quite bloated. The way the story was told seemed a tad disjointed. The Trinity Test sequence (roughly a third of the movie) was superb though."
65 44% Summer of Sam (1999) - Rated 17 Oct 2023
"A scatterbrained movie. I can see what it wants to accomplish, it's just a bit too all over the place. There are great things to enjoy in there though. A great mise en scène and some spirited performances by Leguizamo, Sorvino and Brody are among them. It was hard to enjoy at first because pretty much all of the characters are unlikeable. But that is sort of the point - they were the product of societal expectations that were pretty toxic. The movie does, in parts, succeed in driving that home."
85 95% Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023) - Rated 09 Aug 2023
"Part two doubles down on the carefully crafted character study of Miles Morales and the absolutely stunning visuals. Beyond that, Gwen Stacy advances to the status of a joint lead character with her own, very moving plot. Beneath all the visual spectacle (and a spectacle it is) still lies a palpable emotional core. There are little bits and pieces of both presentation and dialogue that deliver so much in between the lines that a rewatch sure is rewarding. Up there with the first outing. Superb."
66 46% Nightbreed (1990) - Rated 15 May 2023
"This movie has a hell lot of lore. Too bad it won't elaborate on any of it. But for what it is lacking in the storytelling department, it makes up for (and then some) with stellar creature design, makeup and campy fun. The bombastic, gory spectacle really is the main attraction here. Who is this Boone and what motivates him? I couldn't tell you. Character development? Ha ha, good one! But the movie seems to be aware of its limitations and has fun with it. And so did I."
55 26% Pepsi, Where's My Jet? (2022) - Rated 14 May 2023
"Occasionally amusing and informative, but empathizing with the hollow pursuits of someone pining for his own personal fighter jet is too much of an ask. It doesn't help that much more severe cases of corporate misconduct are brought up and compared to this venture. Third degree burns and actual loss of life are not comparable to someone not receiving a fugazi prize. There are also a lot of padding, cheesy reenactments and overall tangents."
78 78% Die Wannseekonferenz (2022) - Rated 08 May 2023
"It is pretty hard to rate this. It's more of a reconstruction of (absolutely horrifying) historical events aided by cinematic techniques than something you'd watch for your enjoyment or recreation. Its portrayal of the policy-making echelons of the Nazi party in all its euphemistic perfidiousness is extremely effective though. The understated tone of the dialogue as well as the subtle performances add a horrifying nonchalantness to the severe thematic content. Not an easy watch, but important."
69 51% The Wiz (1978) - Rated 08 May 2023
"I think this is due for a re-evalutation. True, it feels stuffed with songs at times, not all of them bangers (though quite a few totally are) and some of its concepts don't work at all due to its somewhat confused script and direction. However, its artistic merits are abundant. The art direction is iconic and absolutely gorgeous, the choreography is elaborate and awe-inspiring, the songs that are good are great. Russel, Jackson and Ted Ross lend a lot of endearing qualities to their characters."
80 85% Sideways (2004) - Rated 27 Apr 2023
"What makes Sideways stand out are the immaculate performances by its ensemble cast. As conceited and problematic Miles and Jack may be, their bond becomes quite endearing through Giamatti and Church's amazing on-screen chemistry. Virginia Madsen shines in her portrayal of Maya as well. Every bit of doubt, pain and some things that may have remained unspoken are evoked through glances, gestures and brilliant intonation. It feels tangible. It helps that the cinematography is gorgeous as well."
60 35% Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022) - Rated 27 Apr 2023
"I'm of two minds about this: On the one hand, it delivers some pretty creative Raimi madness in all its schlocky glee. On the other hand, it's a piss-poor continuation of Wanda's arc that was set up in WandaVision. And the overall tone of the movie gets muddled among all the bombast and excess. There is a lot of fun to be had with the visual exploits on screen, but its emotional core is confused and the narrative cohesion is suffering as well."