Zeki Demirkubuz

Zeki Demirkubuz

Country: Turkey

Total Credits at Criticker: 3 (Actor), 12 (Director), 12 (Writer)

Picture submitted by madisalvador

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    Released from prison after serving a 10-year sentence, Yusuf finds himself in a cheap hotel in Izmir where he meets a woman, a man, and a child who will complicate his life in unexpected ways, as he tries to survive in a society where social turbulence, an economic crisis, and an unstable political situation have created a new reality. (Cornell.edu)
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    Musa's mother dies, yet he acts unaffected. When a coworker, a woman for whom Musa has no passion, asks to marry him, he agrees with his shoulders shrugged. But when Musa is tried and found guilty of a crime that he did not commit, his passivity and fatalism are taken to truly absurd levels. (imdb)
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    A man suspects his wife of being unfaithful, but he's not prepared for what her confession will do to him. (imdb)
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    Bekir is mad for Uğur. Uğur is enamored with Zagor and Zagor's passionate for committing crimes. Zagor is released from jail. A sultry summer night, one mishap followed another and a murder is committed in the neighborhood. Same night, Uğur vanishes.
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    Bekleme odasi
    Zeki Demirkubuz plays the lead character Ahmet who wants to make a film about Dostoyevsky's 'Crime and Punishment'. He falls into a deep depression, loses interest in the film and life, pushes those who love him away and cannot complete the film. (imdb)
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    C Blok
    Block C is a drama on modern city life. The film takes place in tall and lonely apartments of Istanbul but it is in-fact universal in reflecting loneliness of modern man. (IMDB Comments)
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    Üçüncü sayfa
    Isa is beaten up after being accused of stealing $50. When his landlord demands the back rent, Isa gets angry and shoots him. The police round up the tenants, but are not suspicious of him. Back in his room, Isa collapses and is helped by his pretty neighbor Meryem, who also pays the $50 when the thugs return. (imdb)
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    It's 1930s. The Republic Day Ball is in progress in Zonguldak, a coal mining town in Turkey. Among the invited guests are the newcomers to this small and boring town...
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    Muharrem pressgangs his old friends into inviting him to dinner, no matter that he hates and is hated by them. The dinner starts off with a few harmless gibes and trivial shows of bravado; but as time wears on and heads become fuddled, the conversation progresses steadily into the inglorious past. Old grievances come tumbling out into an ugly showdown. Through his character inspired from Dostoevsky's Notes from Underground, Zeki Demirkubuz examines the existential problems of the individual. (iksv.org)
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    Ahmet, a prominent intellectual, lost his wife and daughter in a traffic accident which happened while he was spending the night with his lover. As a person who cares about nothing and bows to nothing, Ahmet is not much affected by this tragic event and goes on with his life. After a while, without any apparent reason, he experiences certain changes in himself and his life. (official website)
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    When her husband Cemal is arrested in Romania, Emine is left alone with their child who needs immediate surgery. She takes a job as a needle worker at a garment workshop where she comes across Ziya, her husband's former boss. He can't stay indifferent when he learns what the woman he once fancied is going through. (imdb)
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    Hicran, who was forced to get engaged by her father, runs away from home. Riza, who thinks that Hicran does not want him, does not care much about this situation, but it becomes increasingly difficult for him and he decides to confront Hicran. He goes to Istanbul to follow his fiancée, whom he has only seen once, and begins a long-lasting search. (IMDB)
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