Zdenek Sverák

Zdenek Sverák

Date of Birth: 28 Mar 1936

Country: Czech Republic

Total Credits at Criticker: 12 (Actor), 15 (Writer)

Biography submitted by Dunstan-xxx

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (12) | Writer (15)

    Dark Blue World
    March 15, 1939: Germany invades Czechoslovakia. Czech pilots flee to England, joining the RAF. After the war, back home, they are put in labor camps, suspected of anti-Communist ideas. This film cuts between a post-war camp where Franta is a prisoner and England during the war, where Franta is like a big brother to Karel, a very young pilot. On maneuvers, Karel crash lands by the rural home of Susan, an English woman whose husband is MIA... (imdb)
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    Franta Louka is a concert cellist in Soviet-occupied Czechoslovakia, a confirmed bachelor and a lady's man.
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    My Sweet Little Village
    Comedy about the people who inhabit a small town. For years the overbearing Pavek has endured Otik, the "town idiot," sharing his meals and the front seat of their dump truck. But Otik is such a sweet-natured fool that Pavek, exasperated as he becomes, always relents on his threats to find another partner. This Laurel and Hardy-like pair are at the heart of a comedy which finds humor in an abundance of everyday situations.
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    Vratné lahve
    Tkaloun is a nervous, over-aged school teacher living with his slowly retreating wife and struggling to find a new way of life for himself after he leaves his teaching job. When he accepts new work in a supermarket as the clerk responsible for storing empty glass bottles, he learns that it is never too late to be kind to other people, nor for life itself... (IMDB Comments)
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    The Elementary School
    The time is 1945-46. 10 year old Eda and his friend Tonda live in a small village outside Prague. In school, their class is so wild and indisciplined that their teacher quits and is replaced by the militant Igor Hnidzo. He is very strict - but also very just. His weakness is his interest in young women. (imdb)
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    Zivot a neobycejna dobrodruzstvi vojaka Ivana Conkina
    Set in a small Ukrainian village during the outbreak of war with Germany in 1941 Private Chonkin, not overly endowed with intelligence, is left to guard a downed military aircraft. The authorities appear to have forgotten about him so this leaves him free to work his chams on the village postmistress, Njura, untill the local militia are tipped off. (imdb)
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    Jára Cimrman lezící, spící
    The biography of Jára da Cimrman, a fictive Czech genius (imdb)
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    Vrchní, prchni!
    It is the story of a man who had financial troubles. He was married several times and had to pay for several kids. He wanted to earn some extra money by playing in a cafe. But one drunk guest supposes he is a waiter and pays his bill to him. So the main hero finds his chance - he goes through restaurants, pretending that he is a waiter and asks people to hand their cash to him...
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    Akumulátor 1
    A fantasy film about Dobbelgängers who live inside TV set. If you've been filmed for TV, your double will appear into the TV world. It needs to such your energy to survive always you turn the set on. Olda is one of the victims who almost dies because of it. He starts to fight against his double. (Me)
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    Na samote u lesa
    A family of uptight city dwellers rent a rundown cottage in the country that they intend to buy and renovate to their taste. Unfortunately, after they have settled in, their elderly landlord reconsiders his decision to sell... (Channel 4)
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    Rozpustený a vypustený
    Detective Trachta investigates the mysterious case of Mr. Bierhanzel, a wealthy factory owner that made his fortune by selling miraculous salves against balding, who has suddenly disappeared and noone has a clue as to what could have happened to him...
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    Jáchyme, hod ho do stroje!
    The main character is shy young man František who believes that he will have guaranteed success in his life if he obeys biorhythm chart which is created by computing machine and contains summary of good and bad days. You will be surprised that it works! (csfd.cz)
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    Marecku, podejte mi pero!
    This comedy is about one average family. The father works as a master in a factory and his son is studying at high school. One day the father must start visiting the evening school. It's the same school as the one his son goes to. The lives of both students start connecting together. The son must teach math and physics to his own father. The father begins to realise that the life of students is not as simple as he supposed. (imdb)
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    Kulový blesk
    Housing is still a major problem in the Czech Republic. If you have a flat, you are OK, the rent is controlled and thus relatively cheap, but if you don't, you have no chance of getting one. Unless you pay an enormous amount for one of the very few newly built flats - quite out of proportion with your local salary. Also, if you move out or die and a relative is not already registered as living with you, the flat might be lost! One way for ordinary people who need to move is to swap flats.
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    Long Live Ghosts!
    Trespassing gang of boys encounter a ghost in the ruins of a castle. When they rescue the ghost who is caught in a trapset, they become allies in a fight to prevent ruins from being turned into mushroom farm by the city authorities. (imdb)
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