Yüksel Ünal

Yüksel Ünal

Total Credits at Criticker: 2 (Actor), 1 (Writer)

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    Azraille Dans
    A Turkish film set in olden Greece. The story of a local known as Niyazi. Who continues his life by stealing. Niyazi, who lives in a small Aegean town with his brother Hasan and his mother Gülizar, walks the children in classical car and circumcision weddings. His brother spends his time playing gambling and loving Gozde trying to make him happy. If you do not wait for one night, the arrival of Azrail will completely change Niyazi's life.
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    Elimi Birakma
    Elimi Birakma (2018) - TV Series
    The story revolves around a girl named Azra who is studying abroad in America to become a professional cook just like her father. (imdb)
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