Yesim Ustaoglu

Yesim Ustaoglu

Date of Birth: 18 Nov 1960

Country: Turkey

Biography: Yeşim Ustaoğlu (born 18 November 1960) is a Turkish filmmaker and screenwriter.

Total Credits at Criticker: 2 (Actor), 7 (Director), 4 (Writer)

Biography last updated by Rivette, and picture by madisalvador

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (2) | Director (7) | Writer (4)

    Kapali Gise
    Turkish film industry has been experiencing a breakthrough in the last ten years. Yet without any regulations at work, this growth only made injustices in distribution bigger. While a single cinema chain controls more then 50% of the market, it also started to control distribution and production. With the guidance of producers, distributors, and economists, the film traces the distortion created by the bad economy that has become an obstacle for freedom of choice. (IKSV)
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    Onun Filmi
    Two film school graduates intimidated by the gender stereotypes that pervade film industry decide to make a documentary to explore the issue. The two women spend two years shooting, make 5000 kilometers, talk to established women directors and record every moment of this journey of discovery and self-discovery. But the real journey is just about to begin. (imdb)
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