Yakov Protazanov

Yakov Protazanov

Total Credits at Criticker: 23 (Director), 12 (Writer)

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Titles you haven't rated - Director (23) | Writer (12)

    Aelita: The Queen of Mars
    This is called the first Soviet science fiction film because of its "futuristic" sets on Mars, although most of it takes place in Moscow. The movie is set at the beginning of the NEP (New Economic Policy) in December, 1921. A mysterious radio message is beamed around the world, and among the engineers who receive it are Los, the hero, and his colleague Spiridonov... (imdb)
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    Otets Sergiy
    The life story of a young successful army officer, prince Kasatsky, who unknowingly falls in love with the mistress of the Czar. When he eventually finds out the truth about his soon-to-be-married wife (she wants to marry him to stop the rumors about her affair with the Czar), he is so shocked that he retreats to a monastery to become a monk (and after years Father Sergei). Later he battles with the temptations of sexual lust and the dreams of how things could have been. (IMDB comments)
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    Pikovaya dama
    While hosting a game of cards one night, Narumov tells his friends a story about his grandmother, a Countess. As a young woman, she had once incurred an enormous gambling debt, which she was able to erase by learning a secret that guaranteed that she could win by playing her cards in a certain order. (imdb)
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    Ukhod velikogo startsa
    A group of peasants comes to see Leo Tolstoy and his wife, the Countess, to request some land. Tolstoy must explain to them that it is his wife who has authority over their land-holdings, and she will not help them. Stung by their negative reaction to him, Tolstoy becomes increasingly preoccupied with the problems of the poor. (imdb)
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    Prazdnik svyatogo Yorgena
    This rarely seen film was presumably a dodgy release prospect outside it's home market, with it's unstinting anti clerical content. The priests, stock market officials and police conspire to squeeze income out of pilgrims come to see relics of a Christ like figure. The con man duo beat their time by passing the lead off as the resurrected saint. (imdb)
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    Zakroyshchik iz Torzhka
    A 1925 Soviet comedy sponsored by the Soviet Finance Ministry, with a plot promoting the new economy. A small-town tailor, Petya Petelkin (Ilyinsky), bought a lottery ticket and handed it to his landlord, widow Shirinkina (Deykun) who wants to marry him. Petya is a hard-working tailor trying to start his own business. He is also in love with Katya (Maretskaya), whom he wants to marry. He has to survive a cascade of funny situations in the unstable Soviet reality. (imdb)
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    Protsess o tryokh millionakh
    History of theft and double crossing when two thieves fall out over the theft of the money of the proceeds of the sale of a house by a banker to a religious community. (imdb)
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    Chelovek iz restorana
    During the good old days of the Russian aristocracy, that is to say, before the October Revolution, in the city of Moscow there was a fancy restaurant which catered to the appetites and egos of the rich. In one such establishment works a middle-aged waiter who is devoted to serving his bourgeoisie clients correctly. However, his life outside his job is very different: His son was killed during the Russian civil war and the waiter's wife died of grief as a result.... (imdb)
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    Don Diego i Pelageya
    The vain station master of a Russian train station out in the sticks has a quarrel with an old peasant woman and has her thrown in jail. The local party youth organisation finally manage to get her released, after having to cut through lots of red tape. (imdb)
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    Belyy oryol
    Lash of the Czar was one of several English-language titles for the Russian film Belyi Orel. The film was based on The Governor, a play by Leonid Andreyev. V.I. Kachalov plays the governor of a small Russian province who tries to treat the people under his authority with kindness and equanimity. But when a local factory goes on strike, the governor buckles under to pressure from the Czar and orders the wholesale slaughter of the strikers. He pays for this betrayal of his trust with his life.... (imdb)
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    Soviet Union want more influence in Europe and decides to get more power by giving the nation of Boufferia a new king. A easy to handle drunkard, because they don't have enough power over the current 7 year old king.
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    A great stage performer falls ill and loses her voice and beauty, and she and her admirer's lives crumble because of it.
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    Satana likuyushchiy
    In a small town live two brothers, one a minister and the other one a hunchback painter of the chapel who lives with his wife. One dreadful and stormy night, a stranger knocks at the door asking for shelter. The stranger talks about all the good things of the earthly life the minister is missing because of his puritanical faith. The minister comes to accept the stranger's viewpoint but it is others who will pay the consequences because the minister will discover the human pleasures... (imdb)
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    Gornichnaya Jenny
    After the death of Count Chambery his wife and daughter were left without means of subsistence. Seeing no other way out, a young woman settles maid in the house of Baroness Angers.
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    Bogatyr dukha
    A romance in the upper-classes develops as the Bolshevik revolution is at hand.
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    The marquis de Granier would like his son Charles to end his current relationship for a respectable marriage. His younger brother Octave tries to help but Yvonne Lelys tricks him and he nearly leaves his family for the dancer. He even follows her to Constantinople. He falls asleep while writing to his father and dreams that he is a movie actor who, driven by poverty, sneaks into his father's home to rob him... (imdb)
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    Sorok pervyy
    Tragic romance between a female Red Army sharpshooter and a White Army officer. (imdb)
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    Chiny i lyudi
    From his early silent works, the great Russian film director, Herr Yakov Protazanov, made literary adaptations from equally great Russian writers, as is the case with "Chiny I Lyudi" ( Ranks And People ) (1929) in which three short stories by Chekhov, "Anna On The Neck", "Death Of A Petty Official" and "Chameleon" were assembled for the silent screen.
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    Ogudolova, unlike her sisters, refuses to obey her mother's wish that she marry a wealthy old man in order to collect a dowry. She falls in love with a dashing scoundrel who betrays her in about sixty minutes, leaving the waters of the Volga as her solution. (imdb)
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    Nasreddin v Bukhare
    Smart Man Nassredin easily penetrates into Bukhara Emir inner circle posing as Wise Man from Damascus. He becomes Emir trusted advisor, and even convinces the tyrant to relax the rule and release a lot of political prisoners (because stars favor this arrangement).
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    Muzikalniy moment
    A musical number based on Schubert's music.
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    Rozhdestvo v okopakh
    Short film about Russian soldiers during World War I.
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    Odin nasladilsya, drugoy rasplatilsya
    Russian comedy short by Yakov Protazanov.
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