William Clemens

William Clemens

Total Credits at Criticker: 33 (Director)

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Titles you haven't rated - Director (33)

    For treating a wounded revolutionary, respected brain surgeon Dr. Gaudet is sentenced to the hellish French penal colony on Devil's Island. There, he rebels against the inhuman conditions and incurs the wrath of the brutal commander, Colonel Lucien. When Lucien's daughter is injured in an accident and only Gaudet can save her, the tables are turned. (imdb)
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    The Falcon and the Co-eds
    Tom Lawrence, the Falcon, is called to the Bluecliff School for young ladies to look into the murder of one of its professors (and hopefully cover up the scandal such a murder will entail). After his arrival murder strikes again. (imdb)
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    The Falcon in Danger
    Two industrialists disappear from an airplane while the plane is in the air. Also missing is $100,000. The Falcon investigates and discovers a plot against the government. (imdb)
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    The Falcon Out West
    When a Texas playboy is murdered in a New York City nightclub the Falcon investigates. When he learns that the victim was slipped rattlesnake venom, the trail leads to Texas, his own kidnapping and near death. (imdb)
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    The Case of the Stuttering Bishop
    Perry Mason tries to find out if a long-lost heiress is the real thing. (TCM.com)
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    The Case of the Velvet Claws
    Perry and Della are finally married by his old friend, Judge Mary. They plan to go on a honeymoon, but before it can start, Perry is retained by a woman with a gun and $5000. She wants him to stop a story that is coming out in 'Spicy Bits' about Peter Milner. When Perry cannot talk the editor out of publishing the story, he finds the owner and also finds that the woman who hired him was Mrs. Belter. Soon afterwards, George Belter is dead, Eva shot him and blames Perry Mason for the murder. (imdb)
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    Crime by Night
    Detective Sam Campbell and his perky sidekick Robby Vance are called in on a routine child support dispute. Things take an unexpected turn when the client's ex-father-in-law, the head of a chemical plant with a war contract to make a secret formula, is the victim of an axe murder. (imdb)
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    The Thirteenth Hour
    Truck-firm owner Steve Reynolds gets involved in a feud with a rival firm, and shortly thereafter is slugged by a masked assailant who steals the truck he is driving. The assailant runs down a policeman in the truck and leaves other clues pointing to Reynolds as the cop killer. With only a glove, with diamonds stuck in the thumb,as a clue, and while evading the police and other characters after him and the diamonds, Reynolds finally runs down the guilty party and clears himself. (imdb)
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    Torchy Blane in Panama
    Determined to scoop the other newspapers, reporter Torchy Blane convinces her boyfriend, police lieutenant Steve McBride, that the only way the perpetrator of a recent bank robbery could fence the stolen money is to exchange it in Panama. Torchy, accompanied by McBride, blundering police sergeant Gahagan and smarmy rival reporter Bill Canby are off on a luxury liner to Panama carrying a boat load of Los Angeles Leopard lodge members, one of whom figures to be the robbery suspect. (imdb)
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    Nancy Drew... Reporter
    While participating in a contest at a local newspaper in which school children are asked to submit a news story, local attorney Carson Drew's daughter Nancy intercepts a real story assignment. She "covers" the inquest of the death of a woman who was poisoned. Nancy doesn't think the young woman accused of the crime is guilty and corrals her neighbor Ted into searching for a vital piece of evidence, and they stumble onto the identity of the real killer. (imdb)
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    Nancy Drew -- Detective
    After a wealthy dowager who has made a substantial donation her alma mater suddenly disappears, Nancy Drew sets out to solve the mystery. (imdb)
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    Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase
    Nancy helps two aging spinsters fulfill the byzantine provisions of their father's will, but the murder of their chauffeur complicates matters. (imdb)
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    Nancy Drew... Trouble Shooter
    When a close friend of the Drew family is accused of murder in a rural community, Nancy, aided by boyfriend Ted, helps her lawyer father expose the real killers. (imdb)
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    Accidents Will Happen
    An insurance adjustor tangles with a big insurance-fraud gang. (imdb)
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    On Dress Parade
    The Dead End Kids are sent to military school. (imdb)
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    Calling Philo Vance
    Philo is in Vienna working for the US Government to see if Archer Coe is selling aircraft designs to foreign powers. He grabs the plans with Archer's signature, but is captured by police before he can escape. Deported he comes back to America and plans to confront Archer, but Archer is found dead in his locked bedroom with a gun in his hand. (imdb)
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    King of the Lumberjacks
    A lumber camp provides the setting for this romantic drama that chronicles the love between a nightclub singer, her new husband, a lumberjack, and her old flame, who also happens to be working in the same camp. When the singer spies her former love, the affair is rekindled. Unfortunately, neither wants to hurt her gentle new husband. When he spies them embracing, he gets angry and sets them on a runaway train. (allrovi.com)
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    The Law in Her Hands
    A lady lawyer for the mob tries to break free of her criminal connections. (tcm.com)
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    Here Comes Carter
    In this drama, a press agent loses his job and becomes a Hollywood radio columnist. He is angry about having to change careers and ends up launching a smear campaign upon the actor who got him fired. He begins by announcing that the star's brother is a gangster. (allrovi.com)
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    Down the Stretch
    A jockey tries to overcome the reputation of his father, who once threw a race. (imdb)
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    The Footloose Heiress
    A spoiled rich girl tries to elope with a ne'er-do-well, but they are stopped by a charming hobo, who thwarts the mismatch. The girl's father, an embattled ad executive, rewards the hobo with temporary room and board. It turns out the stranger is no hobo after all, but an educated young man who then comes to his host's rescue by composing a hit advertising slogan. The girl resents the stranger at first, but eventually she realizes she has fallen in love with him. (imdb)
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    In this boxing drama, champion fighter Johnny Rocket decides to leave the ring to please his new bride. Unfortunately, his greedy manager, unwilling to get off the gravy train engineers things so that the fighter cannot find work and must return to the squared circle to make a living. His ploy works, and the fighter resumes his career. He also begins falling in love with a sexy female sports writer. This causes his marriage to disintegrate. (allmovie.com)
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    Lady Bodyguard
    A.C.Baker, advertising executive for an insurance company, approaches test pilot Terry Moore with a proposition that in return for using his picture and endorsement he will get a paid-for-a-year $1000 policy. High-risk Terry agrees. George MacAlister fires his secretary, Miss Tracy, just as she is typing up the policy and she, for spite, changes the amount from a thousand dollars to one million dollars. (imdb)
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    Man Hunt
    Jane, the school teacher, thinks that life in Coasterville is dull so she tells her pupils about the days of the Daltons Boys and the James Gang. When bank robber Kingman escapes and hides out in the school house, Jane helps him escape from town. To Hank, her intended, this is the biggest story to hit the Clarion in a long time. Even old Sheriff Hoggins wants to join the G-Men looking for Kingman. Jane soon finds that there is no truth to the stories of the gallant misunderstood outlaws. (imdb)
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    Missing Witnesses
    The daring of the racketeers, all working for one organization, in an east coast city leads the Governor to create a new undercover law agency formed to combat the gangsters, and to find witnesses against them. Heading the agency is the Special Prosecutor's aide, Inspector Lane, and his assistants, Emmet White and Bull Regan. Mary Norton, who Bull has fallen in love with, is the secretary for one of the legitimate enterprises ran by Ward Sturgis, the head of the crime ring. (imdb)
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    Once a Doctor
    Steven and Jerry are both young doctors, rivals professionally and for Paula Norland. Jerry lets Steven take the blame for a mistake he made and sending him to prison. Steven gets redemption, after release, during a storm at sea. (imdb)
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    Talent Scout
    A Hollywood playboy helps a small-town girl achieve stardom. (imdb)
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    The Sunday Round-Up
    The small church, pastored by Ted Burke, in a western town is struggling to stay alive as all the men gather at Jack Higgins' Mustang Saloon every Sunday. Burke decides to ask Higgins to close his business on Sunday, but Higgins only concern is to find a baritone to sing in the saloon's quartet, and has his henchies toss Ted out into the street. Ted decides to fight fire with fire... (imdb)
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    The Night of January 16th
    The story revolves around three people; Tycoon Bjorn Faulkner, who is being called upon by his board of directors to explain a missing $20,000,000; Kit Lane, his secretary who also has a personal interest; and Steve Van Ruyle, a sailor who has inherited a position on Faulkner's board of directors. Faulkner is (presumably) murdered, and Kit is falsely accused of the murder. Steve assumes the job of clearing her name. (imdb)
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    Night in New Orleans
    The police lieutenant Steve Abbott is engrossed in a baffling murder case. As Steve pieces the clues together, he comes to the sobering conclusion that his own wife Ethel Abbott may be intimately involved in the murder. It even gets worse. Soon Steve himself is accused of the crime.
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    She Couldn\
    Corporate lawyer Wallace Turnbull travels to a small town to convince local curmudgeon Eli Potter to sell his land to Turnbull's client. When Turnbull is called away on business, his legal secretary and longtime girlfriend, Alice Hinsdale, agrees to represent Potter in a breach of promise suit brought by his ex-sweetheart, Pansy Hawkins. Stung by Alice's presumptuousness, Turnbull decides to serve as Pansy's lawyer.
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    Sweater Girl
    College students attempt to solve a series of murders on campus while also trying to put together the school's big show. (imdb)
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    Mr. Chump
    A small town boy prefers playing the trumpet to working.
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