Wallace McCutcheon

Wallace McCutcheon

Total Credits at Criticker: 2 (Actor), 35 (Director), 2 (Writer)

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (2) | Director (35) | Writer (2)

    Dream of a Rarebit Fiend
    Adapted from Winsor McCay's films and comics of the period, this film follows the established theme: the "Rarebit Fiend" gorges himself on rarebit and thus suffers spectacular hallucinatory dreams. (imdb)
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    Police Chasing Scorching Auto
    Police officers pursue a speeding automobile that almost hit a small child. (imdb)
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    The White Caps
    The White Caps (1905) - Short Film
    Two members of a vigilante group known as 'The White Caps' post a warning sign on a man's home. When the man comes home, he tears down the sign, and then proceeds to abuse his wife both verbally and physically. As soon as she can get away from him, the wife leaves home with her child to find a place of refuge. When the vigilantes find out about this, they arm themselves with rifles and immediately go to confront the abusive husband. (imdb)
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    Watermelon Patch
    Several men take watermelons from a melon patch, and are pursued. (imdb)
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    Life of an American Policeman
    A policeman has breakfast with his wife and children, and then prepares for the day's work. While on his beat, he finds and helps a lost child. Later, several officers try to save a woman who has attempted to drown herself. And there are some even more hazardous situations yet to come. (imdb)
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    The Terrible Kids
    Two boys and their dog cause chaos with their practical jokes. (imdb)
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    The \
    Seven toy teddy bears of varying sizes suddenly come to life, getting in all sorts of merry misadventures. (imdb)
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    The Black Hand
    The Black Hand (1906) - Short Film
    Two members of a gang write a threatening letter to a butcher, demanding that he give them money, or else they will harm his family and his shop. The butcher is afraid and upset, but he is unable to meet their demands. The gang then kidnaps his daughter, leading to a series of tense and dangerous confrontations. (imdb)
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    How They Rob Men in Chicago
    A burlesque on the work of highwaymen in Chicago. An elderly gentleman is sandbagged and robbed by a thug, who inadvertently leaves some money on the victim's prostate body. A policeman happening along, takes the money and passes by without paying any attention to the plight of the victim. (imdb)
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    A Fire in a Burlesque Theatre
    A man runs out the stage door of a burlesque theater, followed by billowing smoke. Firefighters run up. One places a ladder up to a second-story window beside the door, and he helps several women wearing burlesque costumes to climb down. On the other side of the door, a firefighter coaxes a woman out of a window. Two fire fighters enter the building and emerge soon after carrying a woman who has collapsed, overcome by smoke. (imdb)
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    Airy Fairy Lillian Tries on Her New Corsets
    A very large woman, wearing a shift, stands beside a bed and tries to put on a corset. After failing to get it around her, she calls her husband in. He stands behind her holding the corset and reaches around her so she can grasp and begin to tie it in front. He tightens the laces in back. She's done, and he's done in, collapsing onto the bed as she laughs and laughs at him. (imdb)
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    From Show Girl to Burlesque Queen
    A woman in fancy dress enters a dressing room and begins to disrobe. She removes a coat, a top, and her skirt. As she starts to remove her chemise in front of the camera, she thinks the better of it and steps behind an opaque screen. Soon, she tosses her slip over the screen toward the camera. Then, she reaches with her naked arm across to a chair to grab her next costume. She emerges dressed in a very short and spangled skirt and top, ready for her next performance. (imdb)
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    Troubles of a Manager of a Burlesque Show
    Facing a stationary camera, sitting at a desk, a man works busily. Posters of burlesque queens are on the wall behind him. A single woman, followed later by later two others, comes into the office seeking a job. The manager hands each a box with a costume in it and points to dressing rooms. Each of the women has a different reaction when she discovers the nature of her costume, and the busy manager has a distinct response to each of the women as well. (imdb)
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    Three American Beauties
    Images of a rose, a young woman, and the American flag. (imdb)
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    At the French Ball
    A husband finishes packing a suitcase, and then says good-bye to his wife. As soon as he is gone, the wife has her maid help her to dress for a costume ball... (imdb)
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    The Sculptor\
    At a political club, the members debate whose bust will replace that of Theodore Roosevelt. Unable to agree, each goes to a sculptor's studio and bribes him to sculpt a bust of the individual favorite. Instead, the sculptor spends their fees on a dinner with his model during which he becomes so inebriated that he is taken to jail. There, he has a nightmare. (imdb)
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    The Miller\
    Hazel, the miller's daughter, is courted by a country boy and a sophisticated city boy. Her father favors the country boy, but she elopes with the city boy. Before they can marry, his wife shows up and stops the ceremony. Hazel tries to return to her father, but he has disowned her. She jumps into the river, but is rescued by the country boy, who later marries her. (imdb)
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    The Nihilists
    The Nihilists (1905) - Short Film
    A happy Russian family is shattered when the father is arrested for treason. (imdb)
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    The Moonshiner
    The Moonshiner (1904) - Short Film
    A mountaineer loads a shipment of moonshine whiskey onto his horse-cart, then goes to make a delivery. After he leaves, a revenue agent comes to the mountaineer's house to stake it out, and he soon observes some whiskey being traded for corn. The agent at once goes to alert other revenue officers, who arm themselves with rifles and then begin an immediate search for the moonshiner's still. (imdb)
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    From Leadville to Aspen: A Hold-Up in the Rockies
    From the point of view of the front end of a train, a group of robbers on a handcar rob the train and murder one of its crew. (imdb)
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    Personal (1904) - Short Film
    A man who has placed a personal advertisement for a prospective wife goes to wait at the meeting place that he designated. Soon a woman comes in response to the advertisement. Before the two have a chance to converse, several more women arrive on the scene. Now completely flustered, the man flees, initiating a lengthy chase. (imdb)
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    The Dude and the Burglars
    Two burglars have just entered an elegant-looking home, but before they can proceed, the woman of the house enters the room. One of the burglars seizes her, but then her husband enters and gets her free of the burglar's grasp. But the husband did not notice the second burglar, who now comes to the aid of his partner - and a tense confrontation is about to begin. (imdb)
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    The Boy Detective, or The Abductors Foiled
    As a newsboy is playing a game on the sidewalk with a friend, two men come near to them, and then stand in a position where they cannot be seen from the sidewalk. When an attractive woman walks past them, the two men follow her. Sensing that they have bad intentions, the newsboy follows them to see what they are up to. When his suspicions are confirmed, he tries to come up with a plan to protect the woman. (imdb)
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    Her First Adventure
    A father arrives home, greets his wife and daughter, and then goes inside with his wife. Though they are only inside for a brief time, their daughter wanders off, attracted by the music from a pair of gypsies performing in the street. When the gypsies move on, they take the young girl with her. As soon as the parents realize that their daughter is gone, they begin a frantic search, assisted by the family's loyal dog. (imdb)
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    A very clever and interesting picture. A family group composed of grandpa, mamma and several children are seen about a library table. One of the little girls takes a large reading glass, and with the other children looks at various objects about the room. Among the objects thus shown are: 1. Little girl playing with kitten; 2. Monkey eating banana; 3. Parrot; 4. Baby's face; 5. Page from comic paper; 6. Mamma's face; 7. Mamma's eye. (imdb)
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    Photographing a Female Crook
    Photographing a Female Crook, possibly, contains an early rendition of sequences of tracking-in shots that leads to a close-up of one the characters. (imdb)
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    Classmates (1908) - Short Film
    Stage set with empty park bench, dillon & arvidson sit, kiss. Women and several men to door to locker room. 2 players out. Coach drags them back. Harvard-pa football game and playing. Team & coaches run off field past camera.
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    Falsely Accused!
    A wealthy old alchemist and inventor has just perfected a motion picture camera with which he hopes to revolutionize the art of animated photography, and our story opens with the old man in his library studying out the plans of his invention. A telegram calls him hurriedly away. He replaces the papers in his safe, but, in his haste, neglects to lock it, which oversight is pardonable, as his wife and daughter are in the room at the time.
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    Caught by Wireless
    In Ireland, Paddy is having troubles with his rent collector who has also made advances to Paddy's wife. The rent collector enlists the aid of the Black-and-Tans and Paddy has to flee to the United States. Much later the rent collector is charged with theft and to also flees aboard a ship to the U.S. Paddy has done well in America, and sent his wife the money needed to join him there.
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    The Escaped Lunatic
    A lunatic confined in a barred cell, labors under the delusion that he is the Emperor Napoleon. In the first scene we see him in an altercation with his keepers over the quality of food furnished him. The keepers set upon him and beat him unmercifully and leave him unconscious.
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    The Lost Child
    A mother mistakenly thinks her child has been kidnapped and soon the entire neighborhood is in an uproar. The child is eventually discovered in a dog kennel, playing peacefully with the pup.
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    The Widow and The Only Man
    Only women are at a resort, until one man arrives. He woos a pretty young widow, and wins her.
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    The Invisible Fluid
    Had the poor melancholy Dane, Hamlet, lived in this, the twentieth century, he would never have given voice to the remark, "Oh, that this too, too solid flesh would melt, thaw and resolve itself into a dew!" No indeed! He would have procured some of the mysterious fluid compounded by an erudite scientist by which things animate and inanimate were rendered non est, for ten minutes at least by simply spraying them with it. In an atomizer he sends a quantity, accompanied by a letter to his brother.
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    When Knights Were Bold
    Two noblemen fight over a lady.
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    Panorama from Times Building, New York
    The view is from the top of the then newly-erected Times Building, at a height of approximately twenty stories. The film opens with a vertical pan, going from the street below up to the sky. The photographer then makes a pan to the north over the tops of the buildings from Bryant Park, south of 42nd Street (behind the New York Public Library) [Frame: 1078] up 6th Avenue to the Hippodrome Theatre at 43rd Street [1866]... (imdb)
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