Tzvi Shissel
Total Credits at Criticker: 4 (Actor), 1 (Director)
Picture submitted by Moribunny
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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (4) | Director (1)
A musical, semi-documentary motion picture considering the making of "Shablul", a rock album by Arik Einstein and Shalom Hanoch. The film demonstrates fragments of being, a few funny sketches and musical numbers, much affected by The Beatles' flicks. "Shablul" reminds its viewers the taste of 60s, showing them the Israeli pop/rock scene of these jolly years. (imdb)
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Gote (zohar) and Eli (einsteen) are two aging friends who dont want to age. Gote is a lifeguard who's fighting peepers on the Tel-Aviv beach. Eli is a guitar player who dreams of building a night club in altman's restaurant. (imdb)
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Three elderly and a child, finding themselves robbing a bank in Jerusalem. (imdb)
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An up-and-coming funny guy finds as well as creates ways to bolster his comedy career and make his way up the ladder of success.
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