Syd Chaplin

Syd Chaplin

Country: UK

Total Credits at Criticker: 18 (Actor), 5 (Director)

Biography last updated by xinet, and picture by Gauntlet

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (18) | Director (5)

    The Bond
    The Bond (1918) - Short Film
    Half-reel made for the Liberty Loan Committee and distributed free throughout the country. The actors show that bonds of friendship, love and marriage are inspiring but the most important bonds of all are Liberty Bonds, the blockbuster which will knock out the Kaiser. (imdb)
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    Shoulder Arms
    Shoulder Arms (1918) - Short Film
    Charlie is in boot camp in the "awkward squad." Once in France he gets no letters from home. He finally gets a package containing limburger cheese which requires a gas mask and which he throws over into the German trench... (imdb)
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    The Pilgrim
    When Charlie escapes from prison he dons a preacher's clothes. By mistake he becomes the new minister for the town of Devil's Gulch. Later, discovered as the convict, the sheriff takes Charlie to the Mexican border where he can choose to return, a convict, or face Mexican bandits at war with each other. (imdb)
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    A Dog\
    A Dog's Life (1918) - Short Film
    Poor Charlie lives in a vacant lot. He tries to get a job but when he gets to the head of the employment line the jobs are gone. Back "home" he rescues Scraps, a bitch being attacked by other strays. Together they manage to steal some sausages from a lunch wagon... (imdb)
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    Pay Day
    Pay Day (1922) - Short Film
    Charlie is an expert bricklayer. He has lots of fun and work and enjoys himself greatly while at the saloon. As he leaves work his wife takes the pay he has hidden in his hat. But he steals her purse so he can go out for the evening. He has a terrible time getting home on a very rainy night. When he does so he finds his wife waiting for him with a rolling pin. (imdb)
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    The Better \
    The adventures of Old Bill and his friends Bert and Alf in the trenches of the first World War. (imdb)
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    Charley Wyckham and Jack Chesney pressure fellow student Fancourt Babberly to pose as Charley's Brazilian Aunt Donna Lucia. Their purpose is to have a chaperone for their amorous visits with Amy and Kitty, niece and ward of crusty Stephen Spettigue. Complications begin when Fancourt, in drag, becomes the love object of old Spettigue and Sir Francis Chesney. (imdb)
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    The Funniest Man in the World
    This documentary examines the early career of Charlie Chaplin, from childhood through his introduction to the movies at the Keystone, Essanay and Mutual studios. (imdb)
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    Gussle, the Golfer
    The ever-disreputable Reggie Gussle, mistreating his caddy and generally making an ass of himself on the golf course, receives a well-deserved golf ball to the noggin, temporarily rendering him disoriented. The offending golfer, Ambrose, and his wife feel terrible about the erring ball; but if they knew what Gussle was capable of, they'd have left him lying on the green.... (imdb)
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    A Submarine Pirate
    A witless waiter working in a hotel restaurant often causes problems for the other staff members of the restaurant, his manager, and the customers. One day, an inventor and his associate dine in the restaurant and is served by the waiter. Gaining access via a submarine moored offshore with its ready crew, the inventor and his associate plan to rob a passenger steamer of a large shipment of gold on board. (imdb)
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    The disgraceful Reggie Gussle spends a day at the park with his hated wife while trying to steal a lovely girl from her boyfriend. (imdb)
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    Gussle Tied to Trouble
    Another of the fast and furious slapstick comedies produced for Keystone that is long on speed and mugging and short on jokes. Gussle and his wife decide to go mountain climbing and shoot at each other in a not very interesting effort. Syd does not even manage his usual graceful surprise movements in this, but spends, like most of the cast, a lot of time falling down. (imdb)
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    This film concerns the adventures of Gussle, played by Sydney Chaplin, in Big Bear Lake area of California. The picture opens with our hero riding a mule through a creek bed, when he is set upon by some robbers. Gussle outsmarts them by attempting to hand over his goods by stretching across the stream, but dropping the goods into the water thereby making the robber also fall in. (imdb)
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    Gussle (Syd Chaplin) comes home with a cute little dog but doesn't want the wife to see it--leading up to a rather funny bit you'll have to see for yourself. The marriage, at first, seems ideal and Gussle and his wife seem devoted. However, it soon seems that this is an act for Syd and it's obvious he's quite the philanderer. Eventually, the wife catches on and sets out to catch him--leading to a rather cute and unexpected ending. (imdb)
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    The Chaplin Revue
    Three Chaplin silent comedies "A Dog's Life", "Shoulder Arms", and "The Pilgrim" are strung together to form a single feature length film. Chaplin provides new music, narration, and a small amount of new connecting material. "Shoulder Arms" is now described as taking place in a time before "the atom bomb". (imdb)
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    A Lover\
    Mr. Gussle takes Mrs. Gussle to the department store to do some shopping. While Mrs. Gussle goes about her shopping errands, Mr. Gussle can't help but cause havoc for the store employees and other customers. (imdb)
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    Caught in a Park
    Featuring Charlie Chaplin's half-brother as The Husband, Phyllis Allen as The Wife, Slim Summerville as The Boy Friend, Cecile Arnold as The Girl Friend, and Mack Swain as The Bartender.
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    The Man on the Box
    A wealthy young man disguises himself as a gardener to be near the woman he secretly loves. He discovers that the butler is an enemy spy who plans to steal military secrets, and has to find a way to stop him.
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