Stephen Boyd

Stephen Boyd

Date of Birth: 04 Jul 1931

Country: UK

Total Credits at Criticker: 44 (Actor)

Biography last updated by howler19, and picture by Gauntlet

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (44)

    When a Jewish prince is betrayed and sent into slavery by a Roman friend, he regains his freedom and comes back for revenge. (imdb)
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    Fantastic Voyage
    A surgical team is miniaturized and inserted into a dying man. (imdb)
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    The Fall of the Roman Empire
    Action-packed look at the beginnings of the fall of the Roman Empire. Here is the glory, the greed and grandeur that was Rome. Here is the story of personal lust for power, and the shattering effects of that power's loss. Here is the tale of the plight of a people living on the brink of a political abyss.
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    The Bravados
    Jim Douglas has been relentlessly pursuing the four outlaws who murdered his wife, but finds them in jail about to be hanged. While he waits to witness their execution, they escape; and the townspeople enlist Douglas' aid to recapture them. (imdb)
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    Black Brigade
    A redneck officer is put in charge of a squad of black troops charged with taking an important bridge from the Nazis. (imdb)
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    The Oscar
    Frankie Fane has clawed his way to the top of the Hollywood heap. Now, as he's preparing to win his Oscar, his friend Hymie Kelly reminisces over their life together, and Frankie's ruthless struggle to the top and the people he's stepped on (i.e., everyone else in the movie) to make it there. (imdb)
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    The Devil Has 7 Faces
    Baker plays a dual role as translator Julie Harrison and her twin sister Mary. The serpentine plot begins as Julie tells her lawyer Dave Barton (Stephen Boyd from Ben-Hur) that Mary's life is being threatened in London while Julie herself is being stalked by a mysterious stranger in Amsterdam. Dave's racecar-driving friend Tony Shane (George Hilton) saves her from both an attempted kidnapping and an attempted murder before putting her up with an old blind woman to hide... (All Movie Guide)
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    A fairly standard Louis Lamour western. Shalako, the hunter and tracker has to save a party of European hunters who are in danger from an Indian uprising. (imdb)
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    The Bible
    Extravagant production of the first part of the book of Genesis. Covers Adam and Eve, Noah and the Flood and Abraham and Isaac. (IMDb)
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    Genghis Khan
    Temujin raises a Mongol army and revenges himself on his old enemy Jamuga. (variety)
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    The Best of Everything
    An expose of the lives and loves of Madison Avenue working girls and their higher ups. (imdb)
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    Island in the Sun
    Set on a fictitious island in the Carribean during colonial British rule. It focuses on the life of a young charismatic and handsome black male with political aspirations. He finds himself confused on returning home when his romantic liaison with a white female tends to conflict with his political views. The plot is further strengthened by a look at the lives of a white ex-pat family also living on the island. The family has to deal with problems of infidelity, racism and murder. (imdb)
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    The Man Who Never Was
    True story of a British attempt to trick the enemy into weakening Sicily's defenses before the 1943 attack, using a dead man with faked papers. (imdb)
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    The Poppy Is Also a Flower
    In an attempt to stem the heroin trade from Iran, a group of narcotics agents working for the UN inject a radioactive compound into a seized shipment of opium, in the hopes that it will lead them to the main heroin distributor in Europe. Along the way, they encounter a mysterious woman doing her own investigating of the smuggling operation. Together, they follow the trail as it leads them through the back alleys and luxury resorts of Europe. (imdb)
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    Hannie Caulder
    Hannie enlists the aid of bounty hunter Tom Price to teach her how to be a gunfighter so she can hunt down the 3 men who killed her husband and raped her. (imdb)
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    Abandon Ship!
    Ship's officer finds himself in command of a lifeboat full of survivors of a sunken luxury liner. (imdb)
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    The Third Secret
    A prominent London Psychologist seems to have taken his own life, causing stunned disbelief amongst his colleagues and patients. His teenage daughter refuses to believe it was suicide as this would go against all of the principles her father stood for, therefore she is convinced it was murder. She enlists the help of a former patient to try to get to the truth. The truth, however, turns out to be both surprising and disturbing. (imdb)
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    The Left Hand of the Law
    Captain Ferrio, a dedicated police officer, is ready to go to the very limits of the law in his struggle against the growing world of crime.
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    Interpol investigates the freelance killings of drug and porn peddlers. (imdb)
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    The Night Heaven Fell
    Bardot plays a young, sensuous French girl named Ursula, who arrives in a Spanish mountain community to visit her aunt and uncle. It isn't long before uncle is killed by handsome stranger Lamberto. Against her better judgement, Ursula falls in love with Lamberto, and helps him to elude the authorities-thereby beating her Aunt (who also loves Lamberto) to the punch.
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    Cleopatra: The Film That Changed Hollywood
    Hosted by Robert Culp, this two-hour program combines film clips, behind the scenes footage, and recent interviews to create a look at the troubled 1958-1963 production. The interviews include a few surviving (at the time) actors such as Hume Cronyn and Martin Landau, plus 1995 bits from Roddy McDowall. (imdb)
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    Lilacs in the Spring
    A young actress must decide which of two lovers will be her husband. She daydreams about each one to help her decide.
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    A Debt-ridden circus is saved by an well-meaning but inept publicity man Pop Wonder. (imdb)
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    The Squeeze
    Keach plays a Scotland Yard cop on the skids, suffering from depression and alcoholism. He is summoned by Foreman (Edward Fox), a British security expert whose wife Jill (Carol White) and daughter are being held hostages by kidnappers until Foreman pays the crooks a million-dollar-plus ransom. Jim has to marshal his forces and regain his clarity to save Foreman's family. The pressure is even more intense for Jim, since Foreman's wife, Jill also happens to be his former spouse. (
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    When the end came for World War II, many Jews were spread around the free world and desired to return to Palestine. Lisa Held (Dolores Hart) has been promised to be returned to her native land. Inspector Peter Jongman (Stephen Boyd) of the Dutch secret police compassionately makes the arrangements for her to be smuggled into her home land. (imdb)
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    Those Dirty Dogs
    Captain Chadwell, Lieutenant Junger and Sergeant Smith are sent by Washington to help their colleagues of Fort Apache to recover stolen arms. A bounty hunter accompanies them. (imdb)
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    Evil in the Deep
    A cursed treasure map brings terror to those who try to unearth the buried treasure deep off the Jamacain reef. (BFI)
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    An Alligator Named Daisy
    Peter Weston is engaged to Vanessa Colebrook, the daughter of a wealthy businessman. On a journey home on a steamer he meets an old sea hand who shares with him how his wife won't let him keep his pet Daisy anymore. Weston offers him a kind ear and the sailor takes him for a kind man. When Weston wakes up later in the journey he finds that the sailor has left Daisy in his care. The problem is that Daisy is a middle sized alligator. (imdb)
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    A Hill in Korea
    A no-nonsense account of a group of UN soldiers during the Korean "police action" of the early 1950s. This "skeleton" patrol maintains its tenuous hold over a strategic hill, while determining the best method of sneaking into a communist-held village. While Korean veterans tended to dismiss the film as Hollywood-style hokum, Hell in Korea has stood the test of time far better than many other more elaborate "realistic" wartime dramas. (
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    The Man Called Noon
    Noon is a gunfighter who has become amnesiac. Helped by Rimes, an outlaw who has befriended him, he tries to figure out who he is actually. It gradually appears that his wife and kid have been murdered. As time goes by, Noon also recalls a fortune hidden somewhere. Niland, a scheming judge, and Peg Cullane, a greedy will do everything to prevent Noon and Rimes from achieving their end while Fan Davidge, a woman living in a ghost town, will support them. (imdb)
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    Woman Obsessed
    The hardships faced by a widow and her eight-year-old son on a rugged Canadian ranch provide the basis of this gripping outdoor adventure. She lost her husband to a forest fire. To help her run the ranch, she hires a handy man. A handsome, but taciturn fellow who has known much tragedy, he works hard for her. The woman's son though resents him, and when he learns that his mother is planning to marry him to quell ugly rumors in town, the youth is most unhappy. (
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    Assignment K
    Philip Scott, head of a successful toy company, is also secretly the head of a British spy unit. When his cover is blown, enemy agents kidnap his girlfriend to force him to reveal the identities of his operatives. (imdb)
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    The Big Game
    Two soldiers of fortune are hired by an inventor to protect him and his invention, a radar-like machine that is capable of controlling armies and forcing them to fight. (imdb)
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    The Big Gamble
    This adventure melodrama concerns Vic Brennan (Stephen Boyd), who persuades his family to put up money for him to leave Dublin for the remote African town of Jebanda in order to start up a truck-hauling business. The family agrees to give Vic the money under the stipulation that his cousin Samuel (David Wayne), a bank clerk, go with him to protect their investment. Vic and Samuel arrive in the Ivory Coast along with Vic's bride Marie (Juliette Greco). (
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    Montana Trap
    Potato Fritz (Hardy Kruger) and his friends have moved from Germany to the American Wild West, settling eventually in the Rockies. They are besieged by what appear to them to be hostile Native Americans. Before too long, it becomes clear that the hostiles are in fact a gang of gold thieves. This movie is notable among German-made Westerns for its use of authentic period costumes and firearms. (
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    A Kentucky slave fights for his freedom from cruel overseer whose mistress eventually joins Davis and the other slaves in their revolt. (imdb)
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    Seven Thunders
    British POWs hide from the Germans in occupied France. (
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    Lady Dracula
    A beautiful blonde bitten by Count Dracula 100 years previously is unearthed in Vienna, and soon she goes on a killing spree. (imdb)
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    Imperial Venus
    Gina Lollobrigida stars in this lavish historical epic dramatizing the life of Paulette Bonaparte, tempestuous sister of French emperor Napoleon, and the diminutive tyrant's jealous attempts to control her fiery behavior. Twice forced by Napoleon to marry men she does not love and suffering his disapproval of her many lovers, she nevertheless stands by her brother's side through his darkest days of exile. (Netflix)
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    African Story
    Seventies Euro thriller also titled THE MANIPULATOR. Boyd plays a powerful television producer who stages a fake kidnappinf to scare of his daughter's suitor. (
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    The Caper of the Golden Bulls
    Peter Churchman stopped robbing banks a long time ago and is now living as a wealthy and respected citizen in Pamplona, Spain. But then his former companion Angela appears and blackmails him to help her robbing the Spanish National Bank of Pamplona. He gives in and develops a brilliant plan... Will this be then end of his comfortable life? (imdb)
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    The Great Swindle
    A seductive woman gets involved in relationships with several people. All of the characters play games of deceit with one and other and things get more and more dangerous. (imdb)
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    A madman torments his victims in his personal torture chamber. (imdb)
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    The Lives of Jenny Dolan
    A female newspaper reporter is assigned to investigate a political assassination.
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