Rocco Papaleo

Rocco Papaleo

Total Credits at Criticker: 28 (Actor), 1 (Director), 2 (Writer)

Picture submitted by IlPara

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (28) | Director (1) | Writer (2)

    Basilicata Coast to Coast
    An italian music group and a journalist cross the region of Basilicata by foot to attend a music festival.
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    Il barbiere di Rio
    Roman barber Matteo decides to escape from his responsibilities and the depressing reality of Italy and accepts his sister's invitation to Brazil.
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    Nessuno mi può giudicare
    Alice lives in a nice house with her husband and their 9 year old son. Her life seems a golden dream but will son turn into a nightmare. Her husband dies and the lawyer tells her that she is now full of debts. She has to earn a lot of money quickly to avoid going to jail. The only way she can raise that much money is by becoming an escort. After an internet search she gets a professional to help her: Eva, a beautiful 30 year old who appears superficial and cynical. (01 distribution)
    Your probable score
    Martina and Angelo are hopelessly in love, but their love is unstable. The love that is enough to make them fall in love is not enough to hold their story together.
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    Suddenly Paradise
    Lorenzo is the most single man on Earth. He has one-cup coffee machines, he sleeps alone and when he wakes up in the morning and goes to the bathroom he is happy to find only one bath towel and one. For sure, he has a very selfish attitude! But in Ischia he will meet Amaranta, a pretty, fascinating and mysterious girl with a secret that the man should really not happen to know...
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    La bomba
    Three young Italian actors while attending Actor's Studio set up as a joke an extortion acting like real mafiosi. After the successful first extortion they decide to continue on that way. But the NY mafia realize what is happening and... (imdb)
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    Ti amo in tutte le lingue del mondo
    "Giliberto is a 40-year-old gym teacher in a Tuscan high school. One of his students, 17-year-old Paolina, has a crush on him and hounds him relentlessly, threatening to accuse him of sexual harassment if he doesn't go out with her. Meanwhile. Giliberto has met the woman of his dreams, the stunning vet, Margherita. Complications ensue." by karmabuona (imdb)
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    È nata una star?
    A mother and father's lives begin to unravel when they discover that their son has starred in a pornographic film.
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    Ferie d\
    The controversies between two Italian families during their summer holidays in Ventotene, a tiny island in the Tirrenian sea. Too many political and cultural differences divide the two groups. (imdb)
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    Viva l\
    Michele Spagnolo is a well known old italian politician. Douring his life he has often used his political power for personal purposes, also to ensure a notable job to his three childrens. After a stroke, he lose his hinibitions and he begins to say what he really think about things and peoples. This situation will disrupt the life of his family...
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    Il nome del figlio
    Paolo and his pregnant wife Simona are guests of Paolo's sister and her husband for dinner. Talking about their youth memories, they'll choose the name of the baby
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    Che Vuoi Che Sia
    A struggling engineer can't seem to get his big idea for a website financed. His crowdfunding page is almost dead, while he sees the silliest ideas getting all the money. Out of frustration and after a night of drinking, he publishes a video where he jokingly challenges the internet, the land of the perverts, promising to do a sex tape with his girlfriend if his funding goal is reached. Surprisingly, that's when the money starts flowing in, putting the couple's morality to test.
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    Confusi e Felici
    After being diagnosed with a serious illness, a psychoanalyst falls into a depression and decides to terminate the treatment of all his patients. A few of them however refuse to let him go and join forces to try and help him help themselves.
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    The Place
    A man promises to meet people's desires in exchange for problematic moral tasks
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    A man wakes up with an annoying sound in the ears and founding a note on the fridge from his girlfriend announcing the death of his friend Luigi. The only problem is that he does not remember of any friend with that name. This is the start of a surrealistic day that would brings profound and unexpected changes to the protagonist.
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    Moschettieri del Re: La Penultima Missione
    Four once famous old, out of shape musketeers, come out of retirement to help their Queen and save France once again.
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    La buca
    Veteran ambulance chaser Oscar gets 'bitten' by a dog and decides to make some cash by suing its owner. However, this turns out to be Armando, a penniless man just released from jail after 30 years for a crime he didn't commit, shunned by everyone except his dog. (imdb)
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    Live-action adaptation of the classic story of a wooden puppet named Pinocchio who comes to life.
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    Finalmente soli
    Four friends living in Rome: Alberto, a lawyer who is desperately trying to have a baby with her wife using "targeted sexual encounters"; Christian, a young and handsome footballer in a major team; Sandro, a gas technician with a passion for ladies; Andrea, a dentist. (imdb)
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    La scuola più bella del mondo
    A student exchange between an excellent school from the north of Italy to an African school goes wrong. It results in an exchange with the worst school in Italy, from Naples. (imdb)
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    Voglio stare sotto al letto
    Leonardo, a young theatrical author and director, contacts an old comedian, Giò Giordani and asks him to star in his next play. The comedian accepts the offer and sends Leonardo to a producer friend, Calise, to help produce the project. The producer, an extravagant fellow, is enthusiastic about the play and he and Leonardo set off for a hotel on the Adriatic coast where the old comedian is staying. (
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    Del perduto amore
    In the 1950s a young teacher, close to the ideals of the left, tries to help the most vulnerable people through teaching. (imdb)
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    Il premio
    Giovanni Passamonte won the Nobel Prize but he hates to take flights, so, with 2 of his sons and his trusty assistant, he decides to go to Stockholm by car. (imdb)
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    Tutti per 1 - 1 per tutti
    The sequel of "Moschettieri del Re - La penultima missione", this time set in the late 19th century. (imdb)
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    Il grande spirito
    In a neighbourhood on the outskirts of Taranto, during a robbery, one of the three accomplices, Tonino aka Barboncino, a shabby-looking fifty-year old, takes advantage of the other two men's distraction, grabs the whole loot, and runs off. Tonino , runs from rooftop to rooftop until he reaches the uppermost terrace, beyond which there is a precipice that forces him to take refuge in an old washhouse. (imdb)
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    Finalmente la felicità
    A music professor who lives in Lucca is contacted by a television broadcast, where he discovers that his mother, years ago, had adopted a Brazilian girl, who has now become a beautiful model. (imdb)
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    I laureati
    Four thirtyish university students share the same flat in Florence. Leonardo fantasizes about Letizia, a very beautiful girl; Rocco works as a night watchman, Bruno tries to get his degree to please his father in law and Pino dreams of becoming a stand up comedian. (imdb)
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    No Activity: Niente da Segnalare
    Two gangsters wait for an important delivery, two police officers keep watch, ready to set off the bust, and two dispatch operators prepare to send back up. But the delivery doesn’t come, and everyone has to endure an exhausting wait and find a way to kill time. Meanwhile, No Activity! (
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