Renée Carl

Renée Carl

Total Credits at Criticker: 28 (Actor)

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (28)

    Les Vampires
    The film follows the exploits of a nefarious band of master criminals led by the seductive femme fatale Irma Vep.
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    Fantômas - À l\
    Fantômas makes it as the emperor of Crime. First is the robbery at the Royal Palace Hotel. Then he abducts Lord Beltham. As Fantômas' fame increases actor Valgrand creates the rôle of public enemy No.1 on stage (imdb)
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    Juve contre Fantômas
    A woman's corpse is found in Dr. Chaleck's house. Juve immediately suspects Fantomas, so Juve and his friend Fandor try to find the dangerous Fantomas in Paris streets.
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    Le mort qui tue
    After a body disappears from inside the prison, a series of crimes take place, all seemingly by the dead man. With Juve presumed dead, Fandor must investigate alone. Will Fantomas finally be brought to justice? (imdb)
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    Fantomas Against Fantomas
    As inspector Juve seems to be unable to put Fantômas behind bars the Press comes up with the idea Juve must be Fantômas himself. (imdb)
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    La nativité
    La nativité (1910) - Short Film
    A short telling of the Nativity Story
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    Le Nain
    Le Nain (1912) - Short Film
    An anonymous playwright corresponds with the woman who has performed his play while hiding that he is a dwarf.
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    The Legend of the Spinner
    Renée Carl stars in this mythological story as the mortal Arachne, who falls foul of Athena when a Muse judges her weaving to be superior to the goddess, banishing her to Hades and the realm of Poseidon. (MUBI)
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    A Very Fine Lady
    Renée Carl stars in this lively slapstick silent short as a beautiful lady who causes distractions and accidents among the male population as she walks though the streets of Paris. (MUBI)
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    Bout-de-Zan vole un éléphant
    Bout de Zan is a very precocious young man! When the circus comes to town, he does what any kid might do in this situation--he steals the circus' elephant!!! Later, he sits on the curb with the elephant and begs coins off people--with a sign saying 'blind since birth'. I am not sure if this is supposed to mean the kid or the animal! (imdb)
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    "L'Agonie De Byzance" (1913) is a historical film that depicts the fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks, an event that marked the end of the Byzantine Empire. (imdb)
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    Le coeur et l\
    The innkeeper's daughter is in love, but her mother has already decided that she is going to be married to another man. Raymond, the young woman's fiancé, is devastated. After a few expository scenes, this extremely simple plot becomes fragmented into two mirror-like flashbacks, shown in split-screen: she dreams of her past happiness with her beloved, embracing her during a boat excursion on a pond, he has a nightmare where she is seen embracing the other man. (imdb)
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    La Hantise
    La Hantise (1912) - Short Film
    A mother (Renee Carl) goes to see a palm reader who informs her that a loved one is about to die. The woman doesn't know if it's her son or her husband (Rene Navarre) but history buffs will know who it is as it's April 10, 1912 and the husband is about to board Titanic. (imdb)
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    La tare
    La tare (1911) - Short Film
    LA TARE (literally, "The Flaw") is a 43-minute film about Anna, a woman who is rescued from a Parisian dance hall to work in a charitable hospital. Over the years, she rises to become the head of the institution, but when an old habitué of the dance hall recognizes her picture, he attempts to blackmail her. When she refuses, he publishes a letter in the paper and the good local people who make up the hospital's board demand her resignation. (imdb)
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    Le trust, ou les batailles de l\
    A young inventor is kidnapped to force him to tell the secret of his invention, but he foils his captors thanks to a pen with invisible ink. (imdb)
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    La Possession de l\
    Melodrama about a rich father who gains custody of his child while the mother goes off in tears. Of course, the child is miserable even though he has everything in the world but after a weekend trip at his poor mother's house, the child realizes that money isn't everything and he has to convince the father that his money is evil. (imdb)
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    Le récit du colonel
    This short film consists of a crazy old colonel being asked to entertain party guests about his exploits of daring. However, being a totally insane old coot, he runs amok acting out his war-time heroics--smashing and throwing everything in the room! (imdb)
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    Le fils de Locuste
    The son of Emperor Nero's poisoner drinks the fatal potion prepared by his mother. (imdb)
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    La maison des lions
    Drama in which a dismissed servant takes revenge by setting the lions of his ex- mistress free. Madam Berre, the widow of an African traveler, has a lion and two lionesses in her conservatory. Fred, a servant who abused her beasts, is sent away by her. Under the pretense of haven forgotten his hat, he comes back while Mrs. Berre receives guests that evening. Fred lets the lions out of their cages.
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    A haunted-hotel film, reviving a joke from a 1900 comic strip showing a sleeper being ejected from an electric bed.
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    Les couronnes - I - La couronne de ronces
    Framed in a wreath of roses we see a lithe Creek dancer, who sways and postures before an epicurean party of ancients, followed by a laurel wreath and encircling a scene showing school children of 1830 receiving their marks of diligence at a distribution of rewards: then the wreath of bay tendered by the Human Senators to Caesar on the culmination of his career; now a beggar receives a loaf called a "crown" from a charitable passerby. (imdb)
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    André Chénier
    André Chénier (1911) - Short Film
    The life of French poet André Chénier, precursor of the Romantic movement, who was guillotined during the Rveolution aged only 31. (imdb)
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    L'intruse (1913) - Short Film
    A child is kidnapped and forced to sell flowers on the street.
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    Le secret du corsaire rouge
    The Secret of the Red Corsair is a French silent film directed by Louis Feuillade and released in 1910 taking place on a boat where the scheming captain is someone to watch out for.
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    Bébé tire à la cible
    Jimmie is crazy to own a rifle and pesters his uncle to give him one for his birthday. Uncle indulges his little nephew and buys him a regular rifle of his heart's desire, and Jimmie proceeds to try his aim at shooting. His first practice proves quite erratic and both the large parlor mirror and chandelier suffer demolition. Father then takes an intervening hand, and after due reprimand, decides that Jimmie must only shoot outdoors.
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    Le gardian de Camargue
    Joë Hamman loves Renée Carl. but she loves another, who has rejected her. She threatens to kill herself and Hamman rides to save her.
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    Les vipères
    Les vipères (1911) - Short Film
    Part of a comedy of manners series, Scenes From Real Life, that Feuillade did in which people are shown as they actually are and not as they ought to have been.In this one malicious talkers and nasty gossipers are targeted.
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    La conquête d\
    1912 short French film written and directed by Léonce Perret.
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