Raul Cortez

Raul Cortez

Country: Brazil

Total Credits at Criticker: 27 (Actor)

Biography last updated by pnh, and picture by driscarpin

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (27)

    The Other Side of the Street
    Suspicious minds and autumnal romance cross paths in this Brazilian film from director Marcos Bernstein. (Strand Releasing)
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    To the Left of the Father
    Brazilian baroque. The young son that ran from his dominant family, descends into decadence and then returns to the nest. With melodramatic themes of tyrannical fathers, incest, fierce family conflicts and an overheated and intense visual style to match. (imdb)
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    O Caso dos Irmãos Naves
    The innocent brothers are wrongly accused of a crime by a corrupt and violent police officers and are forced to face the injustices of the brazilian penal system. (imdb)
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    Adaptation of Machado de Assis's classic novel "Dom Casmurro". Bentinho and Capitu are friends since childhood and end up marrying. But Bentinho destroys his life when he starts suspecting Capitu has an affair with his best friend and that his son is not really his. (imdb)
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    Roberto Carlos a 300 Quilômetros Por Hora
    A mechanic who wants to become a race car pilot has his great opportunity when he has to take the place of another pilot who had suffered an accident. (imdb)
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    While writing his new book a writer changes his life when he kills a hotshot and joins a guerilla force. (imdb)
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    Vera is a girl who lived in a correctional facility for young people, until she meets a benevolent, educated man, who helps her, and gets a job in an office. She sees herself and dresses as a man, in a typical sexual crisis-type behaviour, and falls in love with a woman, even passing for a guy to her girlfriend's family. (imdb)
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    Tempo de Violência
    Bank clerk witnesses people beating and kidnapping a man in the street. Then the bandits will try to shut him up.
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    Brasil Ano 2000
    It is the year after World War 3 and the film follows the odyssey of a girl and her mother as they explore a devastated Brazil. (imdb)
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    O Homem Que Comprou o Mundo
    José Guerra, a humble citizen of the country's Reserve 17, naively cashes a check of one hundred thousand strikmas which he received from a mysterious Hindi. It's the equivalent of ten trillion dollars. The authorities require that money be deposited in the state and order the confinement of Jose Guerra in the interest of national security
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    An American photographer in Rio de Janeiro becomes involved in the world of "knife culture" when he sets out to find the killer of one of his models. (imdb)
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    Garoto Cósmico
    Cósmico, Luna, and Maninho are children in a futuristic world, where all lives are completely programmed. One night, while trying to get some more bonus points for school, the three of them get lost in space and find themselves trapped in a small circus. After having much fun and many new experiences, their world sends a special representative to rescue them. Now, they will need to try something new and choose their own future.
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    Tensão no Rio
    During the President of Valdivia's official visit to Brazil, Minister of Energy dies in a terrorist action, and the President suffers a heart attack. A diplomat tries to minimize the scandal, since the press starts writing about the First Lady and the President's mistress. (imdb)
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    Beto Rockfeller
    Adaptation of the successful Brazilian TV series "Beto Rockefeller". Beto is a cunning poor man who pretends to be rich, using his congeniality and lack of morals to mix among rich people. (imdb)
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    Jardim de Alah
    With rich and poor united by the same trickery, the film tells a story of conflicts and contrasts at the confluence of the Rio's neighborhood of Leblon and Ipanema. There, face to face, live opposing social categories, with the thread of the memory of a beggar and the curiosity of a student.
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    Os Trapalhões no Auto da Compadecida
    In the small town of Taperoá, João Grilo and Chicó cause confusions, addressing a humble clerk and a baker. People from there live under the excesses of the bishop, the priest and the major. Until, in an attack on the city, all die at the hands of the bandit Severino and must face a trial in the sky, which puts everyone before God and the Virgin Mary.
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    Cinema de Lágrimas
    A Brazilian director goes to Mexico city to study the great Mexican melodramas of old. He meets a student he had previously met in Brazil and he becomes his assistant. But the student begins to miss the projections, behaving mysteriously. The director suspects something strange must be happening. But he will only find that out back in Brazil... (imdb)
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    Cristo de Lama
    Biopic of the great Brazilian sculptor Aleijadinho
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    O Pão Que o Diabo Amassou
    A ruthless loan shark doesn't realize the evil that he has done to his own family: his son is waist-deep in resentment, and his daughter- married to an unsuccessful lawyer - ends up prostituting herself. (imdb)
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    A Arte de Amar Bem
    Film in three episodes based on short stories and plays of Silveira Sampaio
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    Vereda de Salvação
    Dealing with religious fanaticism, long shows the conflict over land ownership of a country town, where farmers follow a mystical leader who would take them to the path of paradise. But fanaticism increases and the peasants no longer able to understand reality.
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    Aguenta Coração
    The relationship among three friendly couples turns upside down when two of the men get a job on TV. Their girlfriends leave them, looking for more action in their lives.
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    A Infidelidade ao Alcance de Todos
    Erotic comedy in two segments: in the first, a candidate running for mayor of a small town pays a visit to the most coveted woman in town,just to show off his manhood. In the other, three couples have fun in a different sort of New Year's eve party, but not according to their plans. (imdb)
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    Os Trombadinhas
    In São Paulo, an entrepreneur wants to rehabilitate the street children, called "trombadinhas", through a social project. After being discouraged by the police themselves, seek the help of the coach of the youth team of Santos Futebol Clube.
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    Terra Nostra
    Terra Nostra (1999) - TV Series
    The love story of two Italian young immigrants who first meet on their way to Brazil at the end of the 18th century, but are separated after their ship docks.
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    Life and work of Luiz Sérgio Person. The film reconstitute the filmmaker's history by the point of view of his daughter, Marina Person.
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    Amor de Perversão
    Ronaldo is a married man, but he is anguished with life, despite the comfort and high standard in which he lives. He falls in love with Lívia, a woman of humble origins and, even against his parents, decides to live with her.
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