Raf Baldassarre

Raf Baldassarre

Country: Italy

Total Credits at Criticker: 28 (Actor)

Biography and picture submitted by xinet

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (28)

    The Great Silence
    Bounty killers led by Loco prey on outlaws hiding out in the snowbound Utah mountains. After Pauline's husband becomes Loco's latest victim, she hires a gunman for revenge; Silence, mute since his throat was cut as a child. (imdb)
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    I Tre del Colorado
    George Martin stars as a beefy frontiersman who joins up with a rabble of hunter/prospector types operating along the US/Canadian border and running afoul of the Royal Mounties.Things come to a head when they kidnap the only blond haired woman within a thousand miles as a bartering tool, who it turns out is all too happy to be removed from the clutches of the local land baron that paid good money to have a trophy wife sent up north to him. (imdb User Comments)
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    Pistol for a Hundred Coffins
    Returning from the civil war Jim Slade discovers his parents dead at their farm. It is said that the gang under the lead of Corbett has committed the crime. Jim now goes for revenge but things turn out to be more complicated than he originally thought. To get some money he accepts the job as a sheriff. (imdb)
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    Killer in red cape and hood is killing off tourists on a tour bus by gouging out thier eyeballs. (imdb)
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    Erik the Conqueror
    In the 9th Century, two Viking children, separated since their early childhood with one raised by the British and the other by Vikings, meet after nearly 20 years as rivals as war breaks out between Britian and the Vikings for control of England. (imdb)
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    The Killer with a Thousand Eyes
    Giallo film from the director of "The Killer Wore Gloves"
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    A blind, but deadly, gunman, is hired to escort fifty mail order brides to their miner husbands. His business partners double cross him, selling the women to bandit Domingo. Blindman heads into Mexico in pursuit. (imdb)
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    A Stranger in Town
    The Stranger (Anthony) arrives in town to witness a brutal massacre of Mexican soldiers by a gang of bandits led by Aguila (Frank Wolff). Before the execution, Aguila assures the soldiers that he is "a fair man" - a regularly uttered pronouncement throughout the film. The death of so many men demonstrates otherwise. The Stranger agrees to work with the bandits, who are now clad in the soldiers uniforms, to help steal gold from the US army.
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    Between God, the Devil and a Winchester
    A man gains access to a treasure map and persuades a guide (Juan Chasquisdo) to accompany him in his search to recover it. Both are pursued by bandits. (imdb)
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    Dead Are Countless
    Anthony Steffen stars as a rogue army lieutenant tracking Johnny, the crazed son of a soldier killed as a traitor, when he was a child. Johnny has a split personality and murders soldiers and leaves their lapels on his fathers grave. When he's not killing soldiers he's a complete gentleman. Johnny was raised by the now sheriff of Bell City, who is confronted with loyalty to his stepson or his duty. There's plenty of familiar faces here and a nice score to help the movie along. (spaghetti-western.net)
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    Get Mean
    In this utterly bizarre spaghetti western, the "Stranger" must cope with a wide assortment of strange villains. Through the course of the story he fights with Vikings who suddenly appear in a western ghost town; a strange Elizabethan family costumed in period clothing who live in a desert castle; and medieval knights whom he battles using machine guns, TNT, and his gun. A bizarre silver ball hangs over the melees, watching the strange goings on. (allmovie.com)
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    I giganti della Tessaglia (Gli argonauti)
    In order to placate the angry gods, who have allowed Thessaly to be overrun with barbarian invaders and beset with natural disasters, King Jason takes his Argonauts on a search for the fabled Golden Fleece. Meanwhile, back at home, his scheming regent is plotting to get his hands on the kingdom--and the queen. (imdb)
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    All Out
    An Italian-Spanish co-production about a bounty hunter (John Ireland) hired to find outlaw Mark Damon (who, of course, is really a good guy at heart). There's hidden treasure, a cast full of genre veterans (including Armando Calvo, Monica Randall, and Eduardo Fajardo), but very little else to please fans of either Westerns or director Umberto Lenzi, who made his name with gruesome cannibal movies like Mangiati Vivi and Cannibal Ferox later in his career. Spartaco Conversi co-stars with Raf Balda (spaghetti-western.net)
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    Man Who Cried for Revenge
    Davy Flannigan (Steffen) lost all his memory of what happened during the war because he was double crossed and shot in the head. When he returns to his hometown Dixie, he's wanted for war crimes. Judge Kellog (Berger) poses as his friend and tries to help him uncover the conspiracy, but Kellog is a liar, and Davy sets out for bandit Hackett's hideout. Hackett, so Kellog told him, took his wife Lisa (Galli) and is behind the whole thing. His path covered with bodies, Davy finds out the truth... (spaghetti-western.net)
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    Four Gunmen of the Holy Trinity
    Arms trafficking with the Indians on the one hand and acquiring documents concerning the ownership of a goldmine on the other are the principal interests of Quin and Gomez, the highly suspicious guests at Papa Martinez' inn. The unexpected arrival of the sheriff Thomas, and the journalist, George, upsets the plans of the two unsavoury allies and they have to try every kind of trick to win out against such adversaries.
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    Dig Your Grave Friend... Sabata\
    A Confederate soldier returns to find his father killed for his land, so he teams with a Mexican bandit to extract some vengeance. (spaghetti-western.net)
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    La moglie in bianco... l\
    In order to get his hands on his father's inheritance and pay all his debts, Don Peppino must see his son Gianluca married and produce an heir within a year. Problem is everybody suspects the boy of playing for the other team. (imdb)
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    La dottoressa preferisce i marinai
    Paola Senatore plays a doctor in a hotel where a man repeatedly fails to commit suicide, a pair of window washers witness a murder by a hit man, a suspicious wife checks up on her husband who happens to be having an affair with Paola Senatore and other assorted hi-jinks. Written by Ørnås (imdb)
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    Day of Judgment
    Ty Hardin stars as a Yankee soldier who seeks revenge on the six killers who murdered his wife & child and burned his home. He tracks down and kills each man one by one until he finds the leader of the gang. (imdb)
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    La regina dei tartari
    Medieval spectacle describing life among the barbaric Tartars. (bfi)
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    Cugini carnali
    Sex comedy: The inhabitants of a little Italian town are disturbed by the arrival of Sonya the uninhibited niece of the bigoted classics professor. She proceeds to seduce the sexually repressed son, leaving the villa before her relatives can question her. (bfi)
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    Piccole labbra
    A writer returns home from World War I. He has developed a very bad case of post traumatic stress disorder. His genitalia was also blown away during the war. He contemplates suicide, but becomes interested in the 12 year old niece of the innkeeper at the place where he is recuperating. He doesn't seem to mind that he is spending so much time with her. He becomes deeply infatuated with her... (imdb)
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    Web of the Spider
    The journalist Alan Foster makes a bet than he can spend one night at the haunted Blackwood Castle. As he learns, the rumours of ghosts at the castle are indeed true. (imdb)
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    Zambo, King of the Jungle
    Often heard, sometimes seen, but never forgotten, the legend of ZAMBO is about to become real! In another life he was framed for a murder he didn't commit and left to rot in a filthy African prison, only to deftly escape into the wilderness. Friend to both man and animal, Zambo selflessly protects the African people from the oppressive forces of the outside world.
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    Hour of Death
    Bob Carey, just released from prison, sets out in search of his fiancée and soon learns she has married a rich farmer. (imdb)
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    Seven Hours of Gunfire
    Wild Bill Hickok, Buffalo Bill and Calamity Jane team up to stop the gunrunners and help bring peace between the Sioux and the homesteaders. (imdb)
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    Implacable Three
    Cèsar Guzman lives on a ranch with his pregnant wife Analupe. One night, when she is alone, seven men try to rob the ranch. She recognizes the chief and he strangles her. When Cèsar gets back home, with the help of Silveira and Abriles, he seeks revenge for the death of his wife. (imdb)
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    Hands of a Gunman
    A gunman returns to his earlier life when the Carter / Castle brothers shoot his friends and he is threatened with being separated from his son. (spaghetti-western.net)
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