Pierre Clémenti

Pierre Clémenti

Country: France

Total Credits at Criticker: 43 (Actor), 7 (Director), 4 (Writer)

Biography last updated by xinet, and picture by Hagebutten

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (43) | Director (7) | Writer (4)

    The Conformist
    This story opens in 1938 in Rome, where Marcello has just taken a job working for Mussollini and is courting a beautiful young woman who will make him even more of a conformist. Marcello is going to Paris on his honeymoon and his bosses have an assignment for him there: to look up an old professor who fled Italy when the fascists came into power.
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    Belle de jour
    Severine is a beautiful young woman married to a doctor. She loves her husband dearly, but cannot bring herself to be physically intimate with him... (imdb)
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    The Leopard
    The Prince of Salina, a noble aristocrat of impeccable integrity, tries to preserve his family and class amid the tumultuous social upheavals of 1860's Sicily.
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    Sweet Movie
    The intercut story of two women: a nearly-mute beauty queen who descends into withdrawal and madness... (imdb)
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    The Milky Way
    Two tramps going on a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela in Spain, meet different christian heresies. They meet too the Marquis of Sade. (imdb)
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    Hideous Kinky
    Hideous Kinky is the story of two sisters (seven and five years old) traveling with their hippie mother from London to Morocco in the late 60's... (imdb)
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    Two dramatic stories. In an undeterminated past, a young cannibal (who killed his own father) is condemned to be torn to pieces by some wild beasts. In the second story, Julius, the young son of a post-war German industrialist, is on the way to lie down with his farm's pigs, because he doesn't like human relationships. (imdb)
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    Partner centres on the paranoid and persecuted Giaccobe who meets the manifestation of his imagined doppelganger and attempts to create a revolution through, um, a poorly-defined militant form of street-theatre... (twitchfilm.net)
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    Cabezas cortadas
    In a castle, somewhere in the Thirld World, Diaz is delirious, dreaming of the power he had in Eldorado, while oppressing the indians, workers and peasants. He is well aware of the menace his old victims represent, while a miracle-making shepherd fascinates and frightens him. Diaz finds a countrywoman, symbol of purity, and prepares a ceremony in his castle resembling his own funeral. The shepherd kills him and releases the woman. (imdb)
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    Es ist nicht leicht ein Gott zu sein
    Science-fiction, where a scientist from earth is sent to another, more primitive planet. Will his advanced knowledge help him in these barbarous conditions?
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    The titular quartet consists of novelist Isabelle Adjani, her Polish husband Anthony Higgins, wealthy philanderer Alan Bates and Bates' artist wife Maggie Smith. Though she's been indulgent of Higgins' past indiscretions, Smith isn't keen on her husband carrying on an affair with Adjani under their own roof. Meanwhile, Higgins sits in prison, jailed for his various petty thefts. Once Higgins is released, he learns about the Bates-Adjani-Smith contretemps. (allmovie.com)
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    In the bourgeois circles of Europe after the Great War, can anything save the modern man? Harry Haller, a solitary intellectual, has all his life feared his dual nature of being human and being a beast. He's decided to die on his 50th birthday, which is soon. He's rescued from his solipsism by the mysterious Hermine, who takes him dancing, introduces him to jazz and to the beautiful and whimsical Maria, and guides him into the hallucinations of the Magic Theater, which seem to take him into Hell (imdb)
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    Le Pont du Nord
    Two women with more than a screw loose, Marie (LaFee no less!, played by Bulle Ogier) and Baptiste (played by her daughter Pascale), roam about demolition sites in a gray and wintry Paris. Maybe they are bricks in some sinister scheme, maybe they are playing a board game, maybe it's a fairy tale, maybe it's just complete nonsense and Rivette is having us on. (KG)
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    The Designated Victim
    A wealthy, decadent count convinces a disillusioned playboy that they shall murder one another's relatives, to get away with the perfect crime. The count murders the playboy's unpleasant wife. Now the playboy finds he cannot keep his end of the bargain, while the police finger him for the murder. (imdb)
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    Le Lit de la vierge
    Philippe Garrel's symbolic retelling of the Christ myth set in modern times scores most as a phantasma rather than an explication of the rites of the myth. (imdb)
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    The Inner Scar
    The films opens with Philippe Garrel walking a rocky path. His clothing and general appearance indicate a poet, a romantic. He encounters Nico sitting on a rock. In silence he takes her onto his path and into his journey. She asks "where are you taking me", receives no answer, but continues to walk with him. (imdb)
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    Les apprentis sorciers
    "Les Apprentis Sorciers" is a thriller in which the characters are Latin-American exiles living in Paris. It is also a comedy about artists who play at revolution rather than actually participate in one. (imdb)
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    I cannibali
    This story of youthful rebellion is taken from the ancient Greek classic "Antigone." The setting is modern times and Britt Eklund plays Antigone in a fictitious land where reality is suspended. Haimon (Tomas Milian) goes against the wishes of his father and the prime minister by wanting to become an animal. Tiresias (Pierre Clementi) plays a Christ-like figure.
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    Home Movie, autour du \
    Frédéric Pardo's home movie from the set of Philippe Garrel's Le lit de la vierge.
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    Wisconsin farm girl Elizabeth Carlson leaves family and her English teacher lover behind and escapes to New York. There she soon makes a career for herself as a fashion model. During a vernissage she's approached by a mysterious man whose motives are unclear... ((imdb))
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    New Old
    "New Old" is a poetic journey through Clémenti's career - visible as an actor, invisible as a filmmaker - and chaotic stray images (some of which would later come to be part of Blue Rascal) shot from the very beginning, exist as multiple superimpositions that form Clémenti's fragmented and intensely personal ruminations on media, art, politics, relationships (Warhol Superstar, Viva features prominently), memory and rock-n-roll.
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    Zoo zéro
    A singer (Jourdan) who is controlled by her agent and the pressures of her ambiguously related co-workers attempts to make sense of her existence while exploring a zoo managed by a mysterious man (Kinski).
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    Paris s\
    Paris s'en va (1981) - Short Film
    Before Le Pont du Nord Rivette films Paris s'en va, a short film of approximately 25 minutes. He works with the same actors and the same technical team on both films. Henry Chapier who produced the short: "At the beginning of the '80s nobody was interested in Rivette's highly imaginative project Le Pont du Nord. Therefore Rivette came up with a kind of 'transposition' of the themes of Le Pont du Nord in the shape of Paris s'en va..." (KG)
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    the story of a young man losing his virginity
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    La pacifista
    This film was made during a time when Jancso was not allowed to make films in his native Hungary. In the middle of the crowd, while covering an Italian political protest by leftists, The Journalist (Monica Vitti), a pacifist, finds herself surrounded by a quite different group of people who jostle her, remove her recording equipment from her and set her car on fire. She complains to the police about this. (All Movie)
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    Les idoles
    The film centers around the rise and fall of three pop stars who sing and dance their way through Les Idoles. (cinebeats.blogsome.com)
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    Bizarre Art Movie which purports to be a 'statement about life'. The longer 120 minutes 35mm. version includes bloody Countess Elizabeth Bathory (here called Marthory), the Frankenstein monster, a really strange Satan, surrealistic King Kong, Attila the Hun, Montezuma, the fearful minothaur and other hellish characters.
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    Ninì Tirabusciò la donna che inventò la mossa
    Comedy set at the time of King Umberto I of Monza (Italy) about Maria Sarti, aka Ninì Tirabusciò, actress/singer who caused a scandal with her raunchy dancing. (imdb)
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    Piccole labbra
    A writer returns home from World War I. He has developed a very bad case of post traumatic stress disorder. His genitalia was also blown away during the war. He contemplates suicide, but becomes interested in the 12 year old niece of the innkeeper at the place where he is recuperating. He doesn't seem to mind that he is spending so much time with her. He becomes deeply infatuated with her... (imdb)
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    La chute de la maison Usher
    After a long journey, Alain arrives at the Usher mansion to visit his old friend, Roderick Usher. Upon arriving, however, he discovers that Roderick and his sister, Madeline, have been afflicted with a mysterious malady: Roderick's senses have become painfully acute, while Madeline has become nearly catatonic. As the days wear on, the effects of the curse reach their terrifying climax. (IMDB (adapted))
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    Antenna (1970) - Short Film
    The story is about Aquarius, a lonely eccentric artist who sails with a homemade raft on the river Scheldt. Along the way he arrives at a Catholic convent where nuns hold conservative sway. Inside the monastery there is strict dictatorship, sex education does not exist and the liberty of the individual must give way under the yoke of faith. (CG)
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    A young woman has to take some dirty money to an abandoned warehouse and wait for a couple of gangsters to join here. Alone in this isolated place, she's suddenly accompanied by a man who's come to open the doors to other places... (Anonymous)
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    The Hips of J.W.
    Two actors performing in Strindberg's "Inferno" as God and Lucifer, find themselves competing in real life as well. One of them, Henrique, has spiritual obsession with John Wayne and his way of walking. He and de Dieu, his fellow actor who plays Lucifer and also directs the Strindberg play, engage in a philosophical and spiritual tug-of-war, especially when they meet an author named God, who has plans for another drama to feature both actors. (Jim Beaver)
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    Wheel of Ashes
    An extraordinary black and white film shot in Paris in 1968, Wheel of Ashes is a film that haunts you long after you have left the cinema. Goldman is really a forgotten genius. (Henri Sera, Theiapolis Cinema)
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    In a bar, a mysterious young woman replaces the usual pianist. The audience is blown away by her talent to the point that some believe to recognize the famous concertmaker Magdalena Schneider disappeared after being the object of terrible accusations. (Wiki)
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    The Song of Roland
    In the 11th-century epic Roland des Roncesvalles is a legendary knight from the age of chivalry in France. He is depicted as a key figure in halting the advance of the Arabs into France. (imdb)
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    À l\
    Necrocity, a city of nightly terrors and a place where even the authorities seem to reinforce this state of mayhem, as a way to impose cruel laws and the use of police brutality with efficiency. While most of the underground citizens are only concerned about pleasures, drinking, using drugs, partying hard and all, a huge load of heroin has gone missing, and that's another indicative that a terrible crime wave is on the rise.
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    1 homme de trop
    A French resistance group liberates some German prisoners. Turns out one of them is a spy.. (imdb)
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    The story follows young orphan Lamiel as she rises from poverty into high society under the guidance of a doctor, who lives vicariously through her. (imdb)
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    A cult art-cinema actor's trance-like psychedelic poem in 16mm. (imdb)
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    Le fils d\
    Pierre, a young man of Brussels, has lost his job. Unbeknowst to Barbara, the woman he lives with, he has become a pickpocket to survive. He works in partnership with a young Tunisian immigrant he meets every Sunday in an abandoned bus where they share the loot of the week. One day, Pierre finds his accomplice dead in their hiding place. Pierre suddenly realizes that he does not know much about his dead friend.. (Guy Bellinger)
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    La deuxième femme
    A series of intimate diaries, starting from daily encounters. We experience Bulle Ogier and Viva, Nico and Tina Aumont, Philippe Garrel and Udo Kier, a performance by Béjart, a piece by Marc'O, concerts by Bob Marley and Patti Smith. It's like a maelstrom of psychedelic images that are passed through a particle accelerator. (imdb)
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    La Brune et moi
    A rich businessman falls for a young girl and vows to fulfill her dream of becoming a punk rock star.
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