Philip Ahn

Philip Ahn

Date of Birth: 29 Mar 1905

Country: USA

Total Credits at Criticker: 82 (Actor)

Biography and picture submitted by Dunstan-xxx

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (82)

    The Thief of Bagdad
    A thief falls in love with the Caliph of Bagdad's daughter. The Caliph will give her hand to the suitor... (imdb)
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    The World\
    In this Disney comedy, a down on his luck coach travels to Africa where he spots the world's greatest athlete - a white Tarzan-type. The coach brings him back to the U.S. of A. to compete. (imdb)
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    Jonathan Livingston Seagull
    Jonathan is sick and tired of the boring life in his sea-gull clan. He rather experiments with new, always more daring flying techniques. (imdb)
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    Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing
    Newsman Mark Elliott is an American war correspondent in Hong Kong, separated from his wife. During the closing days of the Chinese Civil War, he meets and pursues a beautiful Eurasian doctor, the widow of a Nationalist general. But when they begin to fall in love, their friends and her Chinese family pressure them to stop the cross-cultural relationship. (imdb)
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    Kung Fu: The Movie
    In his travels, Caine meets up with an old man who has several surprises for him. The first being the destruction of the Shaolin order, the second being that the man is the father of the Emperor's nephew whom he killed in China, and the third is that he seeks his revenge using the son Caine never knew he had sired as the instrument of his death. It will take all of Caine's skill and wisdom to find a solution to this deadly predicament. (imdb)
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    A sultry night club singer, a man who has also traveled to many exotic ports and a salesman meet aboard ship on the 45-mile trip from Hong Kong to Macao. The singer is quickly hired by an American expatriate who runs the biggest casino in Macao and has a thriving business in converting hot jewels into cash. Her new boss thinks one of her traveling companions is a cop. One is -- but not the one the boss suspects. (imdb)
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    Never So Few
    Captain Tom Reynolds and his band of skilled O.S.S. operatives are in WWII Burma to train the Kachin natives in modern warfare. But jungle combat, particularly against a Japanese army as familiar with the terrain as the Kachin, is more grueling than Reynolds had reckoned. Some respite is found in the arms of beautiful Carla, but after Chinese rebels cross the border to loot and murder American soldiers, Reynolds abandons all notions of "military protocol" and seeks requital. (imdb)
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    Thoroughly Modern Millie
    Millie Dillmount, a fearless young lady fresh from Salina, Kansas, determined to experience Life, sets out to see the world in the rip-roaring Twenties. With high spirits and wearing one of those new high hemlines, she arrives in New York to test the "modern" ideas she had been reading about back in Kansas: "I've taken the girl out of Kansas. Now I have to take Kansas out of the girl!" (imdb)
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    Battle Hymn
    Dean Hess, who entered the ministry to atone for bombing a German orphanage, decides he's a failure at preaching. Rejoined to train pilots early in the Korean War, he finds Korean orphans raiding the airbase garbage. With a pretty Korean teacher, he sets up an orphanage for them and others. But he finds that to protect his charges, he has to kill. (imdb)
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    Chin-Ching gets lost in Shanghai and is befriended by American playboy Tommy Randall. She falls asleep in his car which winds up on a ship headed for America. Susan Parker, also on the ship, marries Randall to give Chin-Ching a family. (imdb)
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    The Good Earth
    The story of a farmer in China: a story of humility and bravery. His father gives Wang Lung a freed slave as wife. By diligence and frugality the two manage to enlarge their property. But then a famine forces them to leave their land and live in the town. However it turns out to be a blessing in disguise for them... (imdb)
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    The General Died at Dawn
    In revolution-torn China, American mercenary O'Hara is entrusted with a perilous mission, to get arms for the helpless authorities in a province ravaged by warlord General Yang. On the train to Shanghai, he meets Judy Perrie, whose father is in league with Yang. Will Judy regret agreeing to lure O'Hara to his doom, and if so, can she make it up to him? The balance of power seesaws to a perilous conclusion. (imdb)
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    Planet Outlaws
    Buck Rogers (1939) re-edited from serial to feature format and re-released for theatrical distribution in 1953; an American soldier suspended in time wakes up to find himself in the futuristic world of the year 2500. Once settled he realizes that an evil villain, along with his gang of outlaws, has been trying his best to gain total control the the universe and everything in it... (imdb)
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    In San Francisco, the successful self-made businessman Walter Williams has just bought three factories in Denver with the approval of the board of directors. His beloved wife Irene tells him that she is not feeling well to travel with him, and asks Walter to give a lift to her cousin Jim Torrance. On the highway, Jim, who is actually Irene's lover, tries to kill Walter hitting his head and throwing him in a cliff, and has a fatal accident while escaping driving Walters's car... (imdb)
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    China Venture
    An American patrol was sent during World War II to the south of China which was occupied by Japanese troops with the order to rescue a prisoner of the Chinese guerilla. (imdb)
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    Thank You, Mr. Moto
    Detective Mr. Moto becomes involved in the hunt for seven ancient treasure maps.
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    Dragon Seed
    Set in World War II, a self-educated young woman (Hepburn) inspires her husband to join an uprising against the Japanese when their remote Chinese village is invaded.
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    Daughter of Shanghai
    The daughter of a slain Chinese merchant in San Francisco, Lan Ying Lin (Anna May Wong) investigates his murder and stumbles upon an violent, illegal alien trafficking scheme.
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    Halls of Montezuma
    The marines attack a strongly held enemy island in the Pacific. We follow them from the beach to a Japanese rocket site through enemy infested jungle as their ex-school teacher leader is transformed into a battle veteran and his squad becomes a tight fighting unit. (imdb)
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    The Left Hand of God
    A man in priestly robes, seemingly the long-awaited Father O'Shea, arrives at a little-frequented Catholic mission in 1947 China. Though the man seems curiously uncomfortable with his priestly duties, his tough tactics prove very successful in the Seven Villages, as around them China disintegrates in civil war and revolution. But he has a secret, and his friendship with mission nurse Anne (an attractive war widow) seems to be taking on an unpriestly tone. (imdb)
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    They Got Me Covered
    Bumbling reporter Robert Kittredge has been fired after bungling his latest assignment. His career isn't all he's botched up: his girlfriend Chris is tired of waiting for him to marry her. When he gets a hot tip on some Nazi spies operating in Washington, D.C., he convinces Chris to help him break the story so he can get his job back. (imdb)
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    Paradise, Hawaiian Style
    A pilot runs a charter service while romancing local women. (Leonard Maltin's Movie & Video Guide)
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    The Keys of the Kingdom
    A young priest, Father Chisholm (Gregory Peck) is sent to China to establish a Catholic parish among the non-Christian Chinese... (imdb)
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    The Purple Heart
    This is the story of the crew of a downed bomber, captured after a run over Tokyo, early in the war. Relates the hardships the men endure while in captivity, and their final humiliation: being tried and convicted as war criminals. (imdb)
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    His Majesty O\
    A Yankee sea captain has adventures in paradise trying to become an entrepreneur in Micronesia. (imdb)
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    Confessions of an Opium Eater
    Thomas de Quincy is an early 19th-century adventurer involved with helping runaway slave girls and victims of a tong war in San Francisco. Garbed in black from head to toe, de Quincy narrates his adventures.
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    Adventures of Smilin\
    Just before World War II, the Chinese and American governments mount a joint operation to prevent the Germans and Japanese from taking over the strategic island of Mandon. (imdb)
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    Charlie Chan in Honolulu
    While Charlie is distracted with the birth of his first grandchild, son Jimmy impersonates his father in order to investigate a murder aboard a freighter in the harbor. (imdb)
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    The Great Impostor
    Based on a true story, a bright young man who hasn't the patience for the normal way of advancement finds that people rarely question you if your papers are in order. He becomes a marine, a monk, a surgeon on board a Canadian Warship, and a prison warden. (imdb)
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    Diamond Head
    Rich Hawaiian pineapple grower and US Senatorial candidate Richard Howland tries to control everything and everyone around him. (imdb)
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    China Sky
    The conflicts of war-torn China are reflected in miniature within an American mission hospital. (imdb)
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    Charlie Chan in the Chinese Ring
    Princess Mei Ling pays a visit to the Chan residence, where upon being admitted by man-of-all-work Birmingham Brown she refuses to give her name, but hands Birmingham her ring to show to Charlie. While Chan is being summoned, a mysterious figure shoots a dart at the beautiful Princess who manages, before she dies of poison, to scrawl the name "Captain K" on a handy piece of paper... (imdb)
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    China Girl
    While traveling in Burma, an adventurous cameraman falls for a beautiful Chinese girl and they embark on a journey dodging spies. (
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    Ship Ahoy
    A dancer sailing to Puerto Rico hides government messages in her tap routines. (
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    The Creeper
    A man is turned into a "catlike" killer by means of a serum invented by a crazed scientist. (imdb)
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    Think Fast, Mr. Moto
    On a freighter going from San Francisco to Shanghai Mr. Moto solves mysteries caused by a gang of smugglers. First of the series. (imdb)
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    The Big Hangover
    A law school graduate is hired by a top law firm but hides from them a secret about a problem he has--he is so allergic to alcohol that one whiff of it and he passes out like a light. (imdb)
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    During the Japanese invasion of China, a cynical, macho profiteer meets a compassionate, beautiful schoolteacher. (imdb)
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    Behind the Rising Sun
    In Japan, foreigners and their Japanese friends are caught up in the rising tide of militarism. (imdb)
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    I Was an American Spy
    Begins in documentary style when U. S. Army General Mark Clark authenticates Claire Phillips' adventures and achievements, as an American citizen who rendered invaluable services to her country in Manila during the Japanese occupation, and at the end, when she is presented a medal by a Presidential representative (imdb)
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    Boston Blackie\
    Blackie is seen leaving a Chinese laundry where the proprietor has been murdered, and must track down the real killer in Chinatown. (imdb)
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    The Tuttles of Tahiti
    After a long absense from the island, Chester Tuttle returns to Tahiti to find that little has changed. His large family, particularly his scheming Uncle Jonas, would rather dance and romance than earn a living. When Jonas loses the family plantation in a cockfight, Chester saves the day by towing in a large ship abandoned at sea and claiming the salvage. (imdb)
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    The Amazing Mrs. Holliday
    A missionary tries to outwit the U.S. government and smuggle Chinese orphans into the country. (imdb)
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    The Girl Named Tamiko
    In Girl Named Tamiko, Harvey is once more the embittered heel, this time playing a Eurasian photographer who pretends to be in love with numerous American ladies. His only true interest is obtaining American citizenship, something most of his erstwhile amours find out all too late. Harvey's latest prospect is Martha Hyer; his true love, however, is innocent Japanese girl France Nuyen, the Tamiko of the title. (
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    Hong Kong Confidential
    Secret agent Casey Reed is assigned to locate a missing Arab prince kidnapped by Communists who hope to force the prince's father, king of the small Arab nation of Thamen, to cancel the signing of an agreement allowing a US missile base in his country. Reed, fronting as a nightclub singer with his unsuspecting girlfriend Fay, gets a lead which ultimately leads to his capture by the Communists. He learns that he and the Arab prince are both to be killed in order to blame the kidnapping on the US. (imdb)
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    After World War II Larry learns that his flying buddy Mike will only live a short time despite the efforts of the doctors. He takes on a profitable flying job for profiteers Maris to finance a good time for his buddy. As the plane takes off he shoves Maris' secretary Susan on board. When Mike falls for her, Larry tells her to play along for Mike's sake. She, of course, falls for Larry. (imdb)
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    A Scream in the Night
    A colonial police detective in an Eastern seaport seeks a stolen gem, and infiltrates the underworld by posing as a look-alike wharfside bar owner. (imdb)
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    The Shadow
    The Shadow battles a villain known as The Black Tiger, who has the power to make himself invisible and is trying to take over the world with his death ray. (imdb)
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    The Way to the Gold
    Joe Mundy is being released from prison and an old convict, whom he has befriended, tells him the location of a stolen cache of gold. Leaving the prison, Joe is followed to Glendale, Arizona by Little Brother Williams. There Joe meets Henrietta Clifford, a waitress, who befriends him after he is badly beaten by Williams. Marshal Hannibal questions Joe, who is unable to identify his assailant. At the boarding house where Henrietta is staying, Joe meets Mrs. (imdb)
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    Battle Zone
    Danny, a Marine Corps veteran of World War II, re-enlists when the Korean War breaks out. He joins a Marine motion picture unit specializing in combat footage. There he re-encounters Mitch, a former pal, and discovers that Mitch is now engaged to the girl Danny left behind in Rome during the previous war. A rivalry develops between Danny and Mitch that spills over onto the battlefield. A secret mission behind North Korean lines brings their rivalry to the boiling point. (imdb)
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    Disputed Passage
    A doctor's medical studies are threatened by his infatuation with a Chinese girl. The girl returns to China, but complications ensue when she runs into him in Nanking during a Japanese bombing raid. (imdb)
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    Japanese War Bride
    Korean War veteran returns home to rural Salinas, California with his new Japanese wife, whom he met at a war hospital. The couple are forced to deal with the sometimes subtle, sometimes overt racism of his family and the townspeople, especially after the birth of their son. (imdb)
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    King of Chinatown
    Violence and death stalk the Chinese of a big American city, but one man, Dr. Chang Ling, and his daughter, Dr. Mary Ling, defy the racketeers who are responsible, and, against terrific odds, bring peace to their oppressed neighbors. (imdb)
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    China Passage
    Two American's, Tommy Baldwin and Joe Dugan, are assigned to guard a fabulous diamond in Shanghai, and the diamond is promptly taken from them. They know it is being taken to a ship sailing from Shanghai to the United States, and board it with the intent of recovering the gem. Their efforts lead mostly to discovering several dead bodies but also on board is a blonde, Jane Dunn, who is an undercover agent for the U. S. Customs Agency. Maybe she can be of some help. (imdb)
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    The Cobra Strikes
    Hard-boiled reporter Mike Kent investigates the murder of a prominent scientist and stumbles upon a sinister plot to steal a fortune in jewels. (imdb)
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    A man meets the daughter of his lover and they begin to fall in love. (imdb)
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    Hawaii Calls
    After being nabbed while trying to stow away on board an ocean liner en route to Hawaii, young Bobby Breen sings for his travel fare and, along with sidekick Pua, turns detective to recover stolen naval documents from crooks. (imdb)
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    Jump Into Hell
    Jump into Hell is one of the first films to deal with the ongoing conflict in Vietnam or, as it was still known in 1955, French IndoChina. The 56-day battle of Dien Ben Phu is herein reenacted, with several French volunteers emerging as the heroes. Arriving in IndoChina by parachute, Captain Guy Bertrand (Jacques Sernas, here billed as "Jack") and his comrades make a courageous stand against the Communist forces. Before their inevitable doom, the men conjure up visions of the mademoiselles they (
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    Tex Rides with the Boy Scouts
    Tex is after the gang that robbed a train of a gold shipment. He suspects Dorman is the culprit and is hiding their gold at his mine. When Stubby sees Dorman's henchman Stark cash in some gold nuggets, Tex tricks Dorman into moving the gold. He hopes to round them up with the help of the posse and the local Boy Scout Troop. (imdb)
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    The Killer Who Wouldn\
    After his wife was killed in a mysterious bomb explosion, a cop leaves the department and starts a charter boat service. When an undercover agent who is a close friend is killed, he is asked to look into it, and discovers a web of espionage and murder. (imdb)
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    Kung Fu
    Kung Fu (1972) - TV Series
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    The Shanghai Story
    Many years in the Orient have made a bitter man of Dr. Dan Maynard, an American surgeon, and too little emotional stability has tarnished the Tangier-born Rita King. They meet when a night-raid by Shanghai's police chief brings all westerners together in the Waldorf House Hotel, where they are interned under the guardianship of the coldly cruel Major Ling Wu. Only Rita is free to come and go due to her friendship with Shanghai's new police chief, Colonal Zorek.
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    Women in the Night
    As World War II nears its end, beautiful women forced to serve as sex slaves in a German officer's club, do what they can to destroy the plans of a cosmic death ray.
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    Target Hong Kong
    Richard Denning plays here an American adventurer, a lousy gambler, who is recruited by US and nationalist agents to help them to fight against communist subversive activities. Prevent the red to get weapons and ammunitions.
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    A Yank on the Burma Road
    A hero New York cabbie accepts a job to lead a convoy of trucks up the Burma Road from Rangoon to Chungking. Along the way he crosses paths with a beautiful yet mysterious American woman and he ends up fighting the Japanese. (imdb)
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    State Department: File 649
    U.S. Foreign Service officer matches wits with a Chinese warlord to try to save American citizens threatened with execution.
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    Submarine Raider
    On December 6, 1941, Captain Yamanada of the Japanese aircraft carrier "Hiranamu", orders full steam ahead for Pearl Harbor. His ship encounters and sinks an American yacht and the single survivor, Sue Curry, is rescued by an American submarine, the "Sea Serpent", commanded by Commander Chris Warren. He hears her story and attempts to radio a warning to Pearl Harbor.
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    December 7th
    The short, released version of this film is purely documentary footage shot in the aftermath of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
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    The Story of Dr. Wassell
    As the Japanese sweep through the East Indies during World War II, Dr. Wassell is determined to escape from Java with some crewmen of the cruiser Marblehead. Based on a true story of how Dr. Wassell saved a dozen or so wounded sailors who were left behind when able bodied men were evacuated to Australia. (imdb)
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    Portrait of a Hitman
    A professional hitman is hired to kill a brain surgeon. However, it turns out that not only are he and the surgeon old friends, but they are both in love with the same woman. (imdb)
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    In China in the 1930s a singer (Faye) and journalist (Baxter) meet on a train attacked by bandits. (imdb)
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    China Corsair
    In 'The Green Dragon' gambling club, operated by Hu Chang (Ernest Borgnine), a merchant marine, McMillen (Jon Hall), bets the last of his money. He is cheated out of his winnings. He gets a job on the Sally Ann as the engineer. On board is Paul Lowell (Ron Randell) who killed Tamara's (Lisa Ferraday) uncle for some valuable jade. Tamara and her thugs catch up to the Sally Ann and recovers her uncle's jade and kills Lowell, her fiancé. Meanwhile Hu Chang is after the jade too. (imdb)
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    The Gal Who Took the West
    In order to gain passage to the West, a woman poses as an opera singer, and causes a feud between two brothers. (imdb)
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    A woman who believes her missing husband is in prison in Hawaii on a murder charge travels there to see if it actually is him. However, he escapes before she sees him, when he hears that his current girlfriend has been murdered. The wife searches the slum area of Honolulu known as Hell's Half Acre for him, he searches for his girlfriend's killer, and his gangland associates are looking for the two of them. (imdb)
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    Red Barry
    A famous detective sets out to discover who stole $2 million in bonds.
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    Something to Sing About
    A New York bandleader journeys to Hollywood when he is offered a contract with a studio, but he is determined to do things his way and not theirs. (imdb)
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    The Time Tunnel
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    One Step Beyond
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    North of Shanghai
    American reporters Helen Warnet and Jed Howard meet on a boat to Shangai unaware that Japan had just invade China and enemy spies are everywhere.
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    The Big Valley
    The Big Valley (1965) - TV Series
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    Passage from Hong Kong
    Set in Hong Kong on the eve of the Japanese invasion and a version of "The Second Floor Mystery (1930)", Jeff Hunter (Douglas Kennedy), a writer of pulp thrillers, tries to woo a reluctant Maria Calhoun (Lucille Fairbanks) by inventing a murder story in which he claims he was implicated.
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    Red Snow
    Lieutenant Johnson, a U. S. Air Force pilot, on the tip of Alaska, a few miles from the Bering Straits from Siberia, helps foil a Soviet plot to test a new secret weapon by loyal Alaskan Eskimos. He is aided by Sergeant Koovuk, an Alaska native Eskimo also in the U.S. military service. Along the way there is an ice-floe evacuation, an air-ice rescue and a fight with a polar bear.
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