Norman Wooland

Norman Wooland

Total Credits at Criticker: 14 (Actor)

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    Based on the true story of Madeleine Smith, a young Glasgow woman from a wealthy family, she stood trial in 1857 for the murder of her lover, Emile L'Angelier. Her trial was much publicized in the newspapers of the day and was labeled "the trial of the century." (imdb)
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    The Projected Man
    A scientist experimenting with matter transmission from place to place by means of a laser beam suddenly decides to use himself as a test specimen. But the process goes awry, and one side of his body becomes hideously deformed and instantly lethal to anyone it touches. (imdb)
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    Romeo and Juliet
    In Shakespeare's classic play, the Montagues and Capulets, two families of Renaissance Italy, have hated each other for years, but the son of one family and the daughter of the other fall desperately in love and secretly marry. (imdb)
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    The Bandit of Zhobe
    When an Indian family is destroyed by the British, their leader seeks revenge. Truth of the matter is, however, that a rival Indian tribe was wearing the British red coats and the British haven't a clue what's going on. The question is whether the treacherous act will be discovered in time to avert war. Essentially a cowboy/Native American saga only taking place between the British and the Indians. (
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    Life for Ruth
    When John Harris's daughter is badly injured in an boating accident, the hospital tells him that she will need an urgent blood transfusion. Due to his religious beliefs Harris refuses permission, and the child dies. When the inquest clears Harris of all blame, the doctor in charge of the case tries to get the police to press manslaughter charges against Harris. (imdb)
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    The Way to the Sea
    A 1936 documentary film about the London to Portsmouth railway. A lesser known contemporary of Night Mail, also featuring the music of Benjamin Britten and poetry of W.H. Auden.
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    Saul and David
    In this dramatic retelling of the Old Testament story, when the fearsome Philistine Goliath gets out of control, mighty King Saul (Norman Wooland) advertises for someone to slay the giant. Enter young David (Gianni Garko), who surprises everyone when he fells Goliath and becomes one of Saul's greatest warriors. But David's destiny is not yet fulfilled: When Saul loses his faith in God, David is crowned King of Israel ... and Saul vows revenge. (Netflix)
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    All Over the Town
    Norman Wooland, who in 1948 made an excellent impression as Horatio in Olivier's Hamlet, is awarded top billing in the 1949 British comedy All Over the Town. A gentle satire of provincial politics, the film stars Wooland as ex-soldier Nat Hearn, who returns to his newspaper job after the war. Upset that the paper compromises its journalistic integrity to satisfy local businessmen, Nat takes over the publication and radically alters its editorial policy. (
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    The Angel with the Trumpet
    Eileen Herlie, a German girl of Jewish heritage, is in love with Norman Wooland, but at her family's insistence marries Basil Sydney. Wooland's reaction is swift and decisive: he commits suicide. Years later, Hitler comes to power. Once more, Herlie's fate is in the hands of others. This time, however, she makes up her own mind as to what her future holds in store. An unpleasant, relentlessly unhappy tale, brilliantly acted by a top-drawer cast. (imdb)
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    In post-war London, upper-middle class barrister John Lomax and his wife Barbie decide after several years of constant bickering to divorce. They underestimate the effect of their announcement on their three children, who assume that family friend Bill Ogden is to blame. Uncle Bill may indeed be waiting in the wings, but it's all hardly his fault. (imdb)
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    The Master Plan
    An American army officer is stationed in West Germany and assigned with keeping classified information out of the hands of the Communists. Unfortunately, Red spies know that he suffers from sudden black-outs and use this to make it appear that he is a traitor. (
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    Masters of Venus
    A spaceship from Earth lands on the planet Venus, and encounters a race of beings that the crew begins to suspect are descended from the lost city of Atlantis. (imdb)
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    An Honourable Murder
    Shakespeare's Julius Caesar is played in modern dress with Caesar as the chairman of a board of directors considering a merger with another company. The conspirators are his fellow directors and the people of Rome are the company's shareholders.
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    The Rough and the Smooth
    Based on a novel by Robin Maugham, the story concerns a young archaeologist engaged to marry the daughter of a wealthy publisher. At the last moment, the archaeologist leaves his bride-to-be for a nymphomaniac with a masochistic streak. (NY Times)
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