Nils Poppe

Nils Poppe

Date of Birth: 31 May 1908

Country: Sweden

Total Credits at Criticker: 26 (Actor), 3 (Director), 12 (Writer)

Biography last updated by Dunstan-xxx, and picture by Svengali

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (26) | Director (3) | Writer (12)

    The Seventh Seal
    A man seeks answers about life, death, and the existence of God as he plays chess against the Grim Reaper during the Black Plague. (imdb)
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    The Devil\
    The devil has a stye in his eye, caused by the purity of a vicar's daughter. To get rid of it, he sends... (imdb)
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    Pappa Bom
    One-day auctioneer Fabian Bom finds a little child in a cradle that is about to be called out. He leaves for the orphanage, but there they don't want to take the boy. Bom thinks about adoption but that requires some qualifications. The boy needs a mother and that means that Fabian Bom have to get married.
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    Melodin från Gamla Stan
    Swedish movie from 1939. In summer Stockholm live the unemployed musician Nisse trying to sell the songs to music publishers. One day the treasurer of a prominent publisher is arrested, on suspicion of theft of 10,000 crowns from a cash box. Nisse has, however, seen something suspicious.
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    Adolf i eld och lågor
    Swedish comedy from 1939. Adolf Berglund is a reporter at the newspaper Morgonbladet and is sent on one action-packed mission after the other. But it's not always that he uses honest working methods to produce his scoops.
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    Karusellen går...
    Swedish comedy from 1940. Carnival director Knut Lindberg has ended up in the hands of the usurer Director Aronsson and his shady practices trying to take over Lindberg's funfair. But the two new colleagues, Kalle and Nisse, does everything to stop him.
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    Kronans käcka gossar
    New explosives will be demonstrated for the military authorities, but some shady characters looking to steal it to sell it to a foreign power.
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    Two movie actors are conscripted; at the regiments spies are trying to get hold of secret documents.
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    Soldat Bom
    The station-master Fabian Bom is a very meticulous person, and he makes sure that the train leaves exactly - on the second. To him, nothing could be more important than duty, efficiency and punctuality, in fact, his sense of duty is clearly perverted. His beloved Plum-Plum, the major's daughter, is infatuated with army officers. To regain her attention, he joins the army. (imdb)
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    Ljuset från Lund
    A horse wanders from a town to the countryside. Here lives Sten Stensson Steen, a bachelor at law and philosophy. He is writing a social psychological report on the youth problem. In the neighborhood is experimental school Fridhem situated. The neighbors live in fear of school boys pranks and behavior. The principal of Fridhem resigns. The school risks being shut down. Steen signs up as candidates for the vacant principal service. The boys welcome him with clever pranks.
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    Pawnshop assistant Patrick and maid Viveka meet by chance and become fond of each other, but none of them want to reveal his real profession for the other. Soon, this puts the intricacies started with misunderstanding, burglary and a forged painting.
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    Livat på luckan
    Johansson has managed to stay away from the military service for several years. But now his time has come.
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    The mayor of Bomsta, the efficient but insensitive Fabian Bom, has remade his town into a social-engineer's dream. The only inefficient thing left is the old farm Rosengård. The farm has recently been inherited by Camilla, a childhood friend of Fabian Bom. Bomsta is visited by a circus where Fabian Bom's long lost twin brother, Dumbom, is the clown. Unlike his brother, Dumbom only cares about life and beauty.
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    Stackars lilla Sven
    Poppe plays Sven, an orphan who is being taken care of by the kind Mr. Carlsson. However, when Carlsson remarries a baroness, life becomes hard for Sven. The baroness and her two sons do all they can to make it so. The daughter (Anna-Lisa Ericsson) of their even richer neighbour is mistaken for the new house-maid and she helps Sven get ready for the ball that her father is having, while she and Sven secretly fall in love with each other.
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    Pengar - en tragikomisk saga
    Orvar is a vagabond, walking the country roads and living on sunshine and generosity. One day he decides to find work somewhere to get some money. He becomes a helping hand for seven lumberjack brothers. The big and strong brothers really enjoy themselves, joking with the small and meek Orvar. Orvar does not know that he has inherited a large fortune but the seven brothers do and they begin to treat him with the greatest courtesy.
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    Sten Stensson kommer tillbaka
    Sten Stensson has been challenged by a professor of law in a TV game show. Stensson, always fighting against immorality, comes to Stockholm a few days before the the broadcast to teach the young generation how to behave. A gang of crooks mistakes him for a famous dynamiter they have been waiting for.
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    Lejon på stan
    Charlie is an old circus artist who quit after an accident. When a circus comes to town, their lion is let loose.
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    Bara en kypare
    Fabian Bom is a waiter at a hotel in a small town. But he dreams of doing something else - to dance and sing on a stage. He is madly in love with Matilda Roos, singer and diva. Fabian is too insensitive to notice that Annie, who works in the kitchen, is in love with him. Encouraged by Matilda, Fabian leaves the hotel and goes to Stockholm to become famous. But, as he soon learns, it is more difficult than he first thought.
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    Flottans överman
    Fabian Bom has been sent by the Export Association to promote the Swedish export to Spain. He travels with the navy's cruiser to Barcelona, but his jealous fiancée Gullan has followed him in secrecy to keep an eye on him. In Barcelona the usually strict and virtuous Bom is surrounded by the local women and has a ball. He meets the young and zestful Linnea from Sweden.
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    Dansa, min docka...
    In the small town Skrabbarp lives the school teacher Sebastian Pettersson, an amateur detective and one of the most diligent correspondents of the Stockholm police.
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    More of the same thing when Fabian Bom returns to the military, this time it is the air force who has to deal with his antics and meticulousness. He falls in love with a sami girl, Lisa, but has trouble finding her.
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    Snurren direkt
    A sleep researcher has produced a serum with very fast effect.
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    Bureacratic customs officer searching for a missing girl.
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    Sten Stensson kommer till stan
    Sten Stensson from Eslöv has just got his law-degree from the University of Stockholm. (tmdb)
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    A musical comedy about Kalle Svensson, a sergeant in the navy, and his loved one Nanette Raquette who works as a gymnastics teacher.
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    Adolf i toppform
    A compilation of some of Adolf Jahr's films.
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