Mustafa Uzunyilmaz

Mustafa Uzunyilmaz

Country: Turkey

Total Credits at Criticker: 13 (Actor)

Biography last updated by ehk2, and picture by cambel

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (13)

    Her Sey Çok Güzel Olacak
    The story of two brothers living in Istanbul, with very different characters, world views, and ambitions. (imdb comments)
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    Bekir is mad for Uğur. Uğur is enamored with Zagor and Zagor's passionate for committing crimes. Zagor is released from jail. A sultry summer night, one mishap followed another and a murder is committed in the neighborhood. Same night, Uğur vanishes.
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    The story of nine-year-old Ali and his younger sister Ayşe, both staying at their grandfather's because their father's new wife does not want them.
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    Dot is the story of a man tormented by a crime he once committed, who now seeks to redeem himself. The action, which advances along an axis of crime and punishment, organically incorporates one of Turkey's traditional art forms, calligraphy, into the story. One of the most striking ways in which calligraphy marks both language and content is the film's structure as a single, fluid shot. (
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    It's 1930s. The Republic Day Ball is in progress in Zonguldak, a coal mining town in Turkey. Among the invited guests are the newcomers to this small and boring town...
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    Incir Reçeli
    Metin is a scriptwriter but producers always disapprove his scripts. One day, his another project was rejected again and he is disappointed. He goes to the bar, and meets a girl whose name is Duygu. She is very drunk after night, and Metin brings her to his house. At morning, there is a note only from her...
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    Bu Son Olsun
    Four homeless guys find themselves in an unstable world in prison, with a power struggle going on. The long time warden Hizir is displeased with the newly appointed military controller Kenan as his boss. And the rest of the stuff in the facility is trying to get new chairs of power for themselves in the new order. (imdb)
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    'Innocence belongs to those who wait.' Meryem, a young woman of 18, has been married for 18 months. But after six days of marriage, her husband left for Istanbul and hasn't reappeared since. As the days turn into weeks and months, Meryem longs for Mustafa and a settled married life, but she doesn't give up hope. (imdb)
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    Zaman Makinesi 1973
    Spoiled son of a businessman is expelled from his fathers testament, left only with antique car that his father used in his youth. The car turned out to be the time machine.. (imdb)
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    After failing to find a publisher for his new book, a political author receives a note instructing him to "find the scriptwriter."
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    Çapkın (2005) - TV Series
    a turkish romance & comedy series.
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    Artık Sevmeyeceğim
    ''Artık Sevmeyeceğim (1968)'' remake
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    Filler ve Çimen
    Revolves around six different stories that eventually merge into a common theme. There's Hawa, who hopes running the Eurasia Marathon will win her the money she needs to help her crippled brother; a local Mafioso who kills a hotel owner; the hotel owner's son; and various corrupt politicians, state officials, and cocaine smugglers... (All Movie Guide)
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