Mimi Sawaki

Mimi Sawaki

Country: Japan

Total Credits at Criticker: 4 (Actor)

Biography submitted by edkrak

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (4)

    Kanda-gawa inran senso
    Two sexually energized young women who live in a high-rise apartment building happen one day to spy from their window a mother and son making love in the apartment across from theirs. They decide to stage a rescue attempt to free him and in the process one of the young women ends up falling in love with the son despite having a boyfriend and enjoying sex with her female companion. Of course, the mother they are warring against has her own plans when she feels her privacy invaded. (imdb)
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    Tenshi no harawata: Akai inga
    Nami is a staff member at an exclusive department store. Her libido is chiefly satisfied alone, until a co-worker talks her into subbing on a porno modeling job. Her appearance in the magazine Red Porno has no end of complications for her. (imdb)
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    Tenshi no harawata: Nami
    This is the third film in the Angel Guts series. It tells the story of Nami, a young female journalist. As she investigates the brutal stories of rape victims, she finds herself becoming more and more obsessed with the horror of their attacks. This obsession ultimately takes her down her own irreversible path of violence.
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    Embraced by the Dark
    Mieko and Ayako work for the same company and share the same apartment. They have been close friends since childhood. Mieko has no lover, but Ayako has an affair with Honma, a man with a wife and child...
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