Martin Njubigbo
Total Credits at Criticker: 3 (Actor)
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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (3)
Battle of Musanga (1996) - Direct-to-Video
This is the true story of what happened in 1863 when the first white missionary priest arrived in Arochukwu, Nigeria and was kidnapped by the people of Musanga, who had a tradition of using a human head as a foot stool for the coronation of a new king.
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Battle of Musanga 2 (1996) - Direct-to-Video
Continuation of Battle of Musanga. Depicts an African society before the advent of the white man and what happened to that society when the first white man ventured into the hinterland - area East of the Niger Delta, in 1863. This area was the Musanga Kingdom. There was resistance and confrontation by the people against what was seen as the white man's exploitative designs.
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Died Wretched (1998) - Direct-to-Video
About a man, who died poor, but was buried in a 2.5 million naira casket by his wealthy nephew.
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