Kurt Kren

Kurt Kren

Total Credits at Criticker: 1 (Actor), 29 (Director)

Picture submitted by maborosi

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (1) | Director (29)

    15/67: TV
    15/67: TV (1967) - Short Film
    Consists of five silent sequences filmed inside a dockside cafe. (bfi)
    Your probable score
    31/75: Asyl
    31/75: Asyl (1975) - Short Film
    A meadow, a lake, the silhouette of a hill, trees. 21 days of the same view in Saarland. 21 days with five different cut-outs in a mask before the camera, which finally reveals a complete panorama. The landscape changes with the advancing seasons and becomes slowly delirious in its technical alienation. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    2/60: 48 Köpfe aus dem Szondi-Test
    Kren's 48 heads refer to a psychological procedure known as the Szondi Test. Running four minutes and shot at various speeds, Kren's film fragments faces in extreme close-up: eyes, chins, hairlines, foreheads, with an occasional block of images using full-face. The film ends on mouths, viewed so closely as to be nearly abstracted. In 48 Köpfe body parts lose their original identification and become the subject of formal concerns. (Regina Cornwell, The Other Side: European Avant-Garde Cinema 1960-1980)
    Your probable score
    3/60: Bäume im Herbst
    Experimental film in which the camera acts as a subjective observer. (BFI)
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    5/62: Fenstergucker, Abfall, etc.
    Kren juxtaposes blocks of images in montage sections cut to different rhythms and speeds. The "window lookers" - old people who rest elbows on pillows at windows - view the activities on the streets below: this action begins and ends the film and is repeated within the work many times. (Regina Cornwell, The Other Side: European Avant-Garde Cinema 1960-1980)
    Your probable score
    7/64: Leda mit dem Schwan
    Kren's next film was 7/64: LEDA AND THE SWAN, also based on a Muehl materialaktion. The almost convulsive use of juxtaposition reappears here, but the captured gesture assumes a more erotic sensitivity, though the 'action' itself was primarily a gradual destruction of the erotic. (Stephen Dwoskin, Film Is)
    Your probable score
    9/64: O Tannenbaum
    In O Christmas Tree Kren offers a more visually descriptive development of a Muehl action. The images have been chosen to follow a more dramatic sequence, probably because the action itself contained a wide range of images and materials.
    Your probable score
    6/64: Mama und Papa (Materialaktion Otto Mühl)
    With the making of his sixth film, 6/64: MAMA AND PAPA, Kren introduced subject-matter that was considered at that time to be highly revolutionary or even explosive. He began filming 'actions' and 'happenings' staged by Otto Muehl and Gunter Brus, and by the Vienna Institute for Direct Art. (MUBI)
    Your probable score
    44/85: Foot\
    Kurt Kren was asked to shoot and deliver a film, for a festival, given four day's notice, which he did. This is the result. (filmvideo.at)
    Your probable score
    8/64: Ana - Aktion Brus
    This three-minute film was far more akin to the American-style "happening" in that the content was not particularly extreme. It was built up from items such as broken bicycle parts, a nude model, pieces of furniture, and these elements were then obscured or transformed by having a layer of paint thrown on them. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    1/57: Versuch mit synthetischem Ton (Test)
    Mostly dark, rejecting images which are repeated. A stone wall, the chamber of a revolver which is, at first not recognizable, a close-up of a cactus. The duration of the takes emphasises the photographic character of the pictures, simultaneously with a crackling, brutal sound. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    10/65: Selbstverstümmelung
    Kren's 10/65: Self-Mutilation emphasizes the surrealistic drama of symbolic self-destruction that Kren drew out of Brus's action, pacing out each gesture so that one gets a tense, iconoclastic revelation of a man covered in white plaster lying surrounded by razor blades and a range of instruments looking as if they have been taken from an operating theater. The blades, scissors and scalpels are gradually inserted into him in a ritualistic self-operation. (Mubi)
    Your probable score
    10b/65: Silber - Aktion Brus
    Kren didn't want to show this film at first because it's underexposed. A copy of the reversal footage proved to be better than the original, and Kren finally did show it. The title refers to the fact that Brus used silver paper for the action. (Mubi)
    Your probable score
    16/67: 20. September
    The London Film-Makers' Cooperative calls this film the "Eating, Drinking, Pissing and Sh*tting film". (imdb)
    Your probable score
    32/76: An W+B
    32/76: An W+B (1976) - Short Film
    I took a photograph of the view out of the window and had a very large negative made from it, which I fastened to the lens hood attachement in front of the camera. I tried to bring the negative into alignment with the real landscape which I could see through the camera. Then I filmed for months, changing the focus from near to far and then back again. (Kurt Kren) (Mubi)
    Your probable score
    37/78: Tree Again
    At the center are takes which do not change - a tree in a field in Vermont, U.S.A. Since the film was shot over a period of fifty days, the single frame shots create a storm of pictures. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    49/95: Tausendjahrekino
    'I have seen these eyes before.' In thousandyearsofcinema Kurt Kren turns his perspective around with a quiet and unsettling irony. The images appear. One eye tightly shut and the other pressed against the viewfinder. This is the standard position which Kren captures in single frames. Uncountable photographers, with their acutely-angled cameras directed at St.Stephan's Cathedral whizz by (imdb)
    Your probable score
    No Film
    No Film (1983) - Short Film
    A surprisingly apt title.
    Your probable score
    17/68: Grün - rot
    Meditation on green and red bottles. (KG)
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    4/61: Mauern-Positiv-Negativ und Weg
    In 4/61 Mauern-Positiv-Negativ und Weg (4/61 Walls-Positive-Negative and Path) Kurt Kren uses slides - photographic planes - which show different surfaces and finishes of a wall, which have been erroded by time. (sixpackfilm.com)
    Your probable score
    20/68: Schatzi
    20/68: Schatzi (1968) - Short Film
    In 1968 Kren made SCHATZI, which explores the irony of a formal image device, the interplay of positive and negative superimposition, involving the viewer in the material interaction only to reveal finally that the picture is of an army officer surveying a field of corpses. (lightcone.org)
    Your probable score
    38/79: Sentimental Punk
    Kren: It was in San Francisco at a punk festival. I was already high and the air was so thick in the rooms that you could cut it with a knife. I had a photograph camera with me; I stood in a corner of the entrance hall and took 36 pictures on slide film. (MUBI)
    Your probable score
    34/77: Tschibo
    34/77: Tschibo (1977) - Short Film
    Short film by Kurt Kren.
    Your probable score
    26/71: Zeichenfilm - Balzac und das Auge Gottes
    In crude, hand-drawn animation, Balzac und das Auge Gottes evokes the scatological, sadomasochistic actions and performances of Otto Muehl and Günter Brus. (Regina Cornwell)
    Your probable score
    46/90: Falter 2
    46/90: Falter 2 (1990) - Short Film
    A film that was created as an advertisement for the Viennese city paper Falter. It comprises five quickly cut recordings made in Vienna's subway.
    Your probable score
    11/65: Bild Helga Philipp
    Painting Helga Philipp.
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    28/73: Zeitaufnahme(n)
    The Exposure (s)
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    36/78: Rischart
    36/78: Rischart (1978) - Short Film
    A man overlayed several times.
    Your probable score
    29/73 Ready-Made
    A humorous reading of some letters by Groucho Marx.
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