Krzysztof Pieczynski

Krzysztof Pieczynski

Date of Birth: 27 Mar 1957

Country: Poland

Total Credits at Criticker: 14 (Actor)

Biography and picture submitted by Dunstan-xxx

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (14)

    The Pianist
    Wladyslaw Szpilman, a brilliant Polish pianist, a Jew, escapes deportation. Forced to live in the heart of the Warsaw ghetto, he shares the suffering, the humiliation and the struggles. He manages to escape and hides in the ruins of the capital. A German officer comes to his aid and helps him to survive. (Focus Features)
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    Fat Man and Little Boy
    This film reenacts the Manhattan Project, the secret wartime project in New Mexico where the first atomic bombs were designed and built. (imdb)
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    Chain Reaction
    Two researchers in a green alternative energy project are put on the run when they are framed for murder and treason. (imdb)
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    NASA and its Soviet-Russian counterpart prepare another mission to the permanent space station. Highly experienced J.J. 'Jim' Hendricks, headstrong at simulator tests, has all qualifications for his bid to became the captain, but after refusing to justify his crash piloting a private airplane is refused command till he carries out his threat to resign altogether... (imdb)
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    Edges of the Lord
    A 12-year-old Jewish boy hides with a family of Catholic peasant farmers to escape the Nazis. (imdb)
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    Out of Reach
    Out of Reach (2004) - Direct-to-Video
    Vietnam veteran Billy Ray Lancing, a former CSA agent who now works on a wildlife refuge in Northern Alaska, has been exchanging letters in a pen-pal relationship with Irina Morawska, a 13-year-old orphaned girl in Poland that he's helping out financially. When the letters suddenly stop coming, Billy heads to Poland to figure out why. (imdb)
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    Main hero Alex has killing already enough. He served in Foreign Legion, drug boss killed on order, until at last when there is already forty on neck, missed for Poland - country from which ran away before years. Colleague with him to motherland chooses after profession Andre together. Both "killerzy" fall in conflict from sopocką mafia. Situation complicates, when Alex begins granting feeling boss' girl.
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    House of Frankenstein
    Detective Coyle is trying to solve several bizarre murders and is having no luck finding a suspect. But when his girlfriend turns into a werewolf and gets kidnapped by a vampire, things start to fall into place. (imdb)
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    Jutro bedzie niebo
    The debut film by Jarosław Marszewski telling the story about friendship between a smuggler and twelve years old girl who escaped from the house.
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    A half-demented girl gets a job in a retirement home scrubbing floors and cleaning toilets. (imdb)
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    Wielki bieg
    Set in 1952, the story follows events around the "Peace Run", a propaganda 3-day marathon for peace. The winner is to be presented with a new motorcycle by the country's president. Chief organizer is a ruthless manipulator who will stop at nothing to make sure that the right man wins. There are two runners, Budny and Stolar, who are participating in the race for different reasons. (Polish Cinema Database)
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    Belfer (2016) - TV Series
    A Polish teacher moves to a provincial town and gets involved in investigating the brutal murder of a high school girl. He learns more and more about the mysteries of this murder, revealing corruption and fraud among local elites. (imdb)
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    Na dobre i na złe
    For many years viewers accompanied by doctors and nurses with the Forest up in their daily work, but also in the private life, personal moments of joy and sorrow. (TVP)
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    Jezioro Bodenskie
    A Pole who spent time in an internment camp during the war on the Swiss-German border, visits the site many years later and recalls these days. He meets with other Poles confined in the same camp, including several women, in whose he had romantic interests. (Polish Cinema Database)
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