Juliet Berto

Juliet Berto

Country: France

Total Credits at Criticker: 32 (Actor), 3 (Director), 4 (Writer)

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (32) | Director (3) | Writer (4)

    Week End
    A supposedly idyllic weekend trip to the countryside turns into a never-ending nightmare of traffic jams, revolution, cannibalism and murder as French bourgeois society starts to collapse under the weight of its own consumer preoccupations.
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    Celine and Julie Go Boating
    A mysteriously linked pair of young women find their daily lives pre-empted by a strange boudoir melodrama... (imdb)
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    2 or 3 Things I Know About Her
    In this film, 'Her' refers to both Paris, the character of Juliette Janson and the actress playing her... (imdb)
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    Mr. Klein
    Paris, 1942. Robert Klein cannot find any fault with the state of affairs in German-occupied France. He has a well-furnished flat, a mistress, and business is booming. Jews facing discrimination because of laws edicted by the French government are desperate to sell valuable works of art - and it is easy for him to get them at bargain prices... (imdb)
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    La Chinoise
    A small group of French students are studying Mao, trying to find out their position in the world and how to change the world to a Maoistic community using terrorism. (imdb)
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    Out 1: Spectre
    A shorter (4 hour) version of Out 1, a 12 1/2 hour fusion of lengthy improvised sequences with a modern adaptation of a mystery story by the French writer Balzac, creating a work of constantly shifting meaning. (guardian.co.uk)
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    Twilight (A Quarantine)
    This is part one of what was to be Jacques Rivette's four-part project "Scenes de la Vie Parallelle". The idea was to create four different films with a running sub-plot involving a mythical war between goddesses of the Sun and the Moon, fighting for possession of a mysterious jewel... (imdb comments)
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    La Vie de famille
    This is an affecting story about a father's attempts to mend the breaches in the relationship between himself and his 10-year-old daughter... (imdb)
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    Begins with a crazy girl in Rome, but then every shot has nothing in common with the one before.
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    Le Cimetière des voitures
    This one is kind strange like the others, it's like a modern gathering around a rock'n'roll Christ in a graveyard full of old cars.
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    Out 1, noli me tangere
    Out 1 is about two different theater troupes trying to put on plays by Aeschylus. As the film continues these characters and a few others begin to cross paths and interact.
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    Le gai savoir
    How do we learn? What do we know? Night after night, not long before dawn, two young adults, Patricia and Emile, meet on a sound stage to discuss learning, discourse, and the path to revolution. (imdb)
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    Vladimir et Rosa
    In this free interpretation of the Chicago Eight trial, Judge Hoffman becomes Judge Himmler, the Chicago Eight become microcosms of French revolutionary society, and Godard and Gorin play Lenin and Karl Rosa, respectively, discussing politics and how to show them through the cinema.
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    The owner of a bookshop in Paris suffers a personal crisis. In order to solve it he decides to convert his library into a sex-shop but the only effect is that he turns himself into a sexual obsessive man.
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    Le milieu du monde
    Paul is married, a successful engineer, and a conservative candidate in an upcoming local election. He falls in love with Adriana, a café waitress from Italy. Paul's party is very critical of foreign labour and wants to keep Switzerland to the Swiss. Where Paul falls deeper and deeper into the relationship and is ready to leave his wife, Adriana feels the social pressure growing and has to make her own decision (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Bard's muse, the English fashion model Caroline de Bendern, plays a confused member of an agit-prop cell led by Alain Jouffroy, cast as a professor proselytizing revolution to a near empty classroom. Juliet Berto, who also appears in La Chinoise, is another member of the cadre but offers no sisterly love to de Bendern, who grows increasingly uncertain and fragile in light of all the militancy. (cinemathequeontario.ca)
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    An illustration of the more or less weird people in the nightlife of the revel region of a French town. (imdb)
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    Une si simple histoire
    A documentary filmmaker goes to work on a project about Tunisians who have worked abroad; many have married French women. The man decides to forego the film in order to address the concerns of the people trying to cope in their new surroundings.
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    Les Caïds
    Thia and Murelli, who live from shows of automobile stunts, are also involved in small burglaries. Thia falls by chance on a scene of jealousy, witnessing Jock kill both his wife and her lover. He decides to help Jock get out of trouble. Jock soon falls in love with Célia, the daughter of Murelli, and the young couple assists Thia and Murelli on a last big job.
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    Le Protecteur
    When he gets out of prison, Sam (Georges Géret) seeks to track down his little girl, now a grown woman (Juliet Berto). After a series of violent encounters, he discovers that she has been sold into prostitution -- and likes it. She marries one of her procurers, and that would seem to be that. However, when she is killed, the father has the opportunity to exact his revenge on at least some of the people responsible for the deplorable condition he found his daughter in. (Allmovie)
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    Sois belle et tais-toi
    Famous actresses talk about their role in the movie industry, and the demand to "be beautiful and shut up". (imdb)
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    Bank executive Rainier allows his firm to deliver adventurous investor Chevalier d'Aven a huge loan, with what he thinks is his employer Mirement's total backing. Chevalier's business proves indeed to be disastrous, which forces the bank to cover up its high deficits. News of the scandal breaks out, and the bank now sees Rainier as the one being responsible for it - he is laid off. Wife Celine and union representative Arlette suggest he should sue his former boss. (imdb)
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    Défense de savoir
    Whe police find Simone seated near her husband's corpse it's predictable that she's charged with the murder. Jean-Pierre Laubray is appointed counsel for defence. He begins inquiry into the case and he finds out that the murdered man had killed a barman in a robbery the night before. He finds out as well he was a leg-man of Cristiani for his election campaign. He tries to contact Juliette, Cristiani's daughter, and he discovers that also Bruno, her brother, died the same night in an accident... (imdb)
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    Schick After Shave
    Schick trumps Palestine.
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    Mur Murs
    Venturing from Venice Beach to Watts, Agnès Varda looks at the murals of LA as backdrop to and mirror of the city's many cultures. She casts a curious eye on graffiti and photorealism, roller disco & gang violence, evangelical Christians, Hare Krishnas, artists, angels and ordinary Angelenos. (Mubi)
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    Wheel of Ashes
    An extraordinary black and white film shot in Paris in 1968, Wheel of Ashes is a film that haunts you long after you have left the cinema. Goldman is really a forgotten genius. (Henri Sera, Theiapolis Cinema)
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    On the Lam
    A young couple of burglars, waiting for trial, marry in jail. Annick writes down her observations of the women's ward. When she hears that her lover must serve a twice as long prison sentence, she plans their escape. (imdb)
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    In her 50s, Roberte is still an attractive woman who has kept her figure. She is married to Octave, a substantially older man. His twisted fantasies require that Roberte seek out other men while he follows behind and keeps track of her activities with them. (Mubi)
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    Le retour d\
    An ode to liberated speech and to the power of words, "those one speaks to others, those one speaks in silence", Alain Tanner's third film is inspired by a poet and a poetic text which deeply affected him as a young director. (imdb)
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    The film concerns a group of disparate types who support themselves by running guns to the Arabs. On the surface, it would seem that these characters are bad guys. In fact, the guns are to be used by a resistance group who hope to continue shipping oil to the West, despite the despotic curbs imposed upon fuel shipments by their leaders. (TMDB)
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    Cap Canaille
    Paula Barretto is caught in this underworld because her father was involved in the drug business, her brother is in the real estate scam, and her lover is an armed thief. Although she tries to get out of her corrupt and dangerous environment, it is not an easy task when even the police officers cannot be trusted, and the underworld has informants everywhere.
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    In a port city, a youth plays a computer game that determines the fate of a woman (whose interracial romance is threatened by white punks) and other residents.
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