Juan Bosch

Juan Bosch

Total Credits at Criticker: 8 (Director), 8 (Writer)

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    The story in this horror movie involves a young woman's unknowing participation in a satanic ceremony which causes her to be possessed by the spirit of her dead father. She promptly begins exhibiting the standard symptoms - curses, vomiting, and even twisting the heads of a few people 180 degrees. Naschy plays the village priest summoned to perform the rites of exorcism, and must fend off the possessed's lewd advances before casting the evil spirit out of her body. (imdb)
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    La Muerte llama a las 10
    A giallo film. Hills plays a young woman whose boyfriend disappears (we apparently see him killed in the opening scene). She has to rent out a room in her flat to a creepy tenant. She then gets a call from her missing boyfriend luring her to an abandoned airport hanger where she is nearly shot. She returns to find the creepy tenant has apparently committed suicide. But then she finds out he was an impostor when the real tenant shows up. And what's up with her boyfriend? Is he alive or dead? (imdb)
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    The Killer with a Thousand Eyes
    Giallo film from the director of "The Killer Wore Gloves"
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    Los buitres cavarán tu fosa
    The spread of banditry in the West after the war of secession leads the transport company to Wells Fargo to hire a number of gunman to defend themselves from frequent attacks of outlaws. One of the gunman, Jack Sullivan, accepts the task of hunting the man who ruthlessly killed his wife.
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    Dig Your Grave Friend... Sabata\
    A Confederate soldier returns to find his father killed for his land, so he teams with a Mexican bandit to extract some vengeance. (spaghetti-western.net)
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    Dallas tries to regain his father's farm which he lost in a card game with Kelly. But Kelly is now dead and his daughter, Glenda, doesn't know how to play poker. There are rumours of a hidden treasure. So, Dallas defends what is rightly his, against everybody, with fist fights and ambush scenes. (spaghetti-western.net)
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    God in Heaven... Arizona on Earth
    A bounty hunter named Arizona helps a group of beleaguered farmers in their fight against a large landowner named Austin Styles and his gang of outlaws. (spaghetti-western.net)
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    My Horse, My Gun, Your Widow
    Craig Hill plays Dr. Janos Saxon, a bank robber, who himself gets robbed by Grasco and his gang of thieves. Sazon hunts down Grasco with a vengeance.
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