Joe Stevens

Joe Stevens

Total Credits at Criticker: 5 (Actor)

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (5)

    Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation
    A group of teenagers get into a car crash in the Texas woods on prom night, and then wander into an old farmhouse that is home to Leatherface and his insane family of cannibalistic psychopaths. (imdb)
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    The Stars Fell on Henrietta
    The setting is early America during the oil boom. An elderly, down on his luck 'oil man', Mr. Cox finds himself in the town of Henrietta. Using unconventional methods, he convinces himself and local Don Day that there is oil on Day's land. The financially strapped Day puts everything into finding oil...but at what cost? (imdb)
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    A Mexican soap opera star leaves her career behind to pursue her first love - javelin throwing. She comes to the USA and takes up with a coach who's never coached before. (
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    Fresh out of foster care at age 18, a young drifter turns to petty crime to survive, and discovers an impossible love in an unlikely friend.
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    Little Woods
    A modern Western that tells the story of two sisters, Ollie and Deb, who are driven to work outside the law to better their lives. For years, Ollie has illicitly helped the struggling residents of her North Dakota oil boomtown access Canadian health care and medication. When the authorities catch on, she plans to abandon her crusade, only to be dragged in even deeper after a desperate plea for help from her sister. (imdb)
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