Jean Durand

Jean Durand

Total Credits at Criticker: 2 (Actor), 33 (Director)

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (2) | Director (33)

    Onésime horloger
    The only way Onésime could think of to get his inheritance quicker was to set the clocks forward. Surprise: the whole world starts speeding up wildly. (imdb)
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    Le Railway de la mort
    When gold is discovered the first man there gets to stake his claim. Joe and another man race each other, which involves a thrilling episode on a train. (imdb)
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    Transformations élastiques
    A woman enters a room with a man. She creates a duplicate of him and changes his personality by throwing his clothes from one man to the next.
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    Coeur-Ardent (1912) - Short Film
    An Indian maiden wishes to marry her lover, but her father refuses because he does not have the requisite bride price. This is an Indian love story shot on location in the Camargues. (imdb)
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    Calino veut être cow-boy
    In "Calino Wants to Be a Cowboy", Clément Mégé plays the boob, Calino. He wants to live the cowboy life and travels to America to see the West. There he meets some real cowboys who seem to think he's hilarious--as he's totally out of his element and a bit of an idiot as well.
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    Le baptême de Calino
    While the film is about the baptism of a child, this isn't 100% apparent by the action. Out of the blue, midway through the film, the 'baby' walks off, steals a bicycle and goes on a made dash--followed by the members of the baptism party. (imdb)
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    Le Rembrandt de la rue Lepic
    Aka - The Way to Fake a Rembrandt. French comedy short.
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    Eugénie, redresse-toi
    Poor Eugénie! She's humpbacked and everyone wants to straighten her out, but when success finally comes, she's too tall not to cause disasters. To solve the problem, the help of a sword swallower is urgently needed. (imdb)
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    Zigoto et l\
    The film begins with the Count giving an actress a necklace. However, after her performance, the valuable necklace is missing and so the actress goes to hire some detectives to find it. I loved the strange detective agency in the film. The place had a sliding door, chains on the wall and detectives seem to magically appear out of the floor. It was very kooky but fun. (imdb)
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    Zigoto plombier d\
    A French comedy short with Zigoto.
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    Calino dompteur par amour
    One day, Calino has the bold and imprudent idea to follow a woman down the street. The woman leads him all the way to the traveling lion cage run by her husband. To avoid her husband's jealous anger, the woman introduces Calino as an apprentice lion tamer. Unassured, Calino has to enter the cage, but his fear is so intense that he forgets to shut the door behind him. (imdb)
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    Calino courtier en paratonnerres
    Calino goes politely around to three or four people from the bourgeois class, trying to sell them a lightning rod: but due to a factory defect, the apparatus attracts lightning instead of driving it away. (imdb)
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    Zigoto promène ses amis
    The short by Jean Durand begins with his frequent character, Zigoto (Lucien Bataille) reading a boring book. So, instead he goes on an outing in his new car with his friends. The captioning says it's a new '101 horsepower car'--this, during an age when the horsepower of cars actually was between 4-30 horsepower! So, in other words, it's supposed to be a super-fast car. (imdb)
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    Onésime a un duel à l\
    Onésime is challenged to a pistol duel.
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    Onésime et le nourrisson de la nourrice indigne
    The hapless Onésime stumbles on a baby, and just can't seem to get rid of it, no matter how hard (and violently) he tries. (imdb)
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    Pendaison à Jefferson City
    Three friends on their way to deliver a payroll stop for a few drinks. Two of them decide to stay for a while, but the third sets out to deliver the payroll by himself. When he never shows up, one of the friends who stayed behind is arrested for his murder and sentenced to hang.
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    Calino et ses pensionnaires
    Calino decides to take a boarder. The gentleman turns out to be a huntsman. All goes well until pay day when the roomer refuses to get out of bed to pay his bill. He says that his pocketbook is in one of his trunks in the garret. Up goes the anxious Calino and his officious mother and sister only to find, upon ransacking each trunk, a furious African lion emerge.
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    Non! Tu ne sortiras pas sans moi!
    She wants to go shopping alone and he doesn't want that to happen. So they fight.
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    Cent dollars mort ou vif
    Joe loses everything he owns in a game of dice. Becoming mad he causes a fight and becomes a hunted man by the owner of the ranch where he worked. Wanting revenge, Joe returns to the ranch and releases the cattle belonging to his former boss. Prosecuted for the offense, Joe kills several men and a reward of one hundred dollars is then offered to bring him back dead or alive.
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    Le feu à la prairie
    Indians and cowboys clash in a burning war.
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    Zigoto en pleine lune de miel
    In the grip of passionate foreplay, Zigoto and his lover are oblivious to an escalating series of interruptions and catastrophes going on around them.
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    Onésime et l\
    In his pursuit of a young female student, Onésime finds himself at a university hospital receiving the unwelcome attentions of overenthusiastic dentists and surgeons.
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    Le révolver matrimonial
    A cowboy needs to kidnap a priest to marry him and his lady.
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    Onésime employé des postes
    Users of the postal service aren't very happy that Onésime spends his work time writing love letters to a lovely lady. Understandably, the woman's husband doesn't take it very well either. To escape his wrath, Onésime can think of nothing better than slipping into the mail duct. And it's pneumatic.
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    La disparition d\
    When Onésime gets declared dead by drowning, the supposed-widow consults a private detective specialized in missing persons.
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    Dans les airs
    Julius wants to marry Nelly, but her uncle forbids that. An attempt to court her failed, but the second attempt with the help of an aircraft might work.
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    Zigoto et la locomotive
    Zigoto acrobatically drives a locomotive gone haywire, which runs through the city causing frenzied bedlam. One of Durand's burlesque masterpieces.
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    Zigoto et la blanchisseuse
    For some time now, Sosthène, clerk at the Grand Laundromat of Papillon-sous-Bois, has been in love with Alphonsine, the girl who brings the laundry. One evening, he decides to win the heart of his beloved, who until now has been cruel and deaf to his fiery declarations, and if necessary, he'll kidnap her.
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    Onésime champion de boxe
    Ernest Bourbon -- that's Onesime -- has decided to learn to box, for some reason, and also fight an American fighter who's touring France.
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    Onésime dresseur d\
    The film begins with our hero moving from the East Coast (USA) to the West. There he meets some cowboy types and he gets a job taking care of the burros. Soon, Onésime meets a lady and they hit it off--and a jealous cowboy will have none of it.
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    Zigoto et l\
    Lucien Bataille finds himself hired as a secretary to an elderly man. His principal duty is to make sure that the man's niece, Berthe Dagmar, doesn't see the young man she's interested in. No problem! Bataille finds himself assigned a spirited horse when called on to accompany the young lady in her equestrian exercises.
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    Zigoto gardien de grand magasin
    Lucien Bataille is hired as security for the department store, and proceeds to wreck much of it to keep anyone from from stealing anything.
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    Zigoto et le château mystérieux
    Berthe Dagmar is kidnapped and Lucien Bataille is almost immediately on the case: examining the road with a magnifying glass, putting a straw hat on a horse, climbing a high gate, and duckwalking across a parapet. Nothing will stop him in his quest to.... well, whatever it is he's doing.
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