James H. White

James H. White

Total Credits at Criticker: 1 (Actor), 99 (Director)

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    A Morning Bath
    A Morning Bath (1896) - Short Film
    "Mammy is washing her little pickaninny. She thrusts him, kicking and struggling, into a tub full of foaming suds." - from the Edison Catalog (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Eiffel Tower from Trocadero Palace
    An early film, which is pretty much summed up by its title.
    Your probable score
    Palace of Electricity
    A short from the early days of cinema.
    Your probable score
    Champs de Mars
    Champs de Mars (1900) - Short Film
    Shows all the prominent buildings on this thoroughfare, ending with a close view of the base of the Eiffel Tower, with the Trocadero Palace in the background. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Panorama of Eiffel Tower
    Showing the entire height of this wonderful structure from the base of the dome and return, with the great Paris Exposition in the background, looking down Champs de Mars. A most realistic picture. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Scene from the Elevator Ascending Eiffel Tower
    A marvelously clear picture taken from the top of the elevator of the Eiffel Tower during going up and coming down of the car... (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Seminary Girls
    Seminary Girls (1897) - Short Film
    A number of young ladies, in their night robes, are having a frolic, and are interrupted by a teacher. One girl makes herself *very* conspicuous by crawling under a bed. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Panorama of Paris Exposition, from the Seine
    This panoramic scene is taken from a Seine steamboat and gives a rapid view of the banks of the river... (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The First Sleigh-Ride
    In Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, normal routines are resuming after a snowstorm. Along a city street, pedestrians watch as a vehicle passes by. But then they see something unexpected, as two sleigh drivers have decided to have a little fun on the snowy street. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Return of Lifeboat
    Shows a life boat coming through the breakers. The surf is high and the stout boat is tossed about like a cork. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Astor Tramp
    The Astor Tramp (1899) - Short Film
    A side splitting subject, showing the mistaken tramp's arrival at the Wm. Waldorf Astor mansion and being discovered comfortably asleep in bed, by the lady of the house. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Cripple Creek Bar-Room Scene
    This was another very brief Edison film that I discovered on the Internet Archive site. Supposedly the first movie western, Cripple Creek Bar-Room Scene has no horses, no guns, and no fistfights.(imdb)
    Your probable score
    Advance of Kansas Volunteers at Caloocan
    Recreation of military maneuvers in the Philippines in the Spanish-American War. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Capture of Boer Battery by British
    Nothing can exceed the stubborn resistance shown by the Gordon Highlanders, as we see them steadily advancing in the face of a murderous fire of the Boers, who are making their guns speak with rapid volleys. One by one the gunners fall beside their guns, and as the smoke clears for an instant the Highlanders are seen gaining nearer and nearer the disputed ground. Finally a grand charge is made, the siege is carried, and amid cheers they plant the colors on the spot they have so dearly earned.
    Your probable score
    Naval Apprentices at Sail Drill on Historic Ship \
    This picture opens with the young cadets climbing the rigging and going through the sail drill on board the famous historic ship "Constellation." Loosing sail to buntline, making sail, shortening sail and furling; also loose sail to bowline. This picture is absolutely perfect photographically; also very thrilling, and makes a most interesting subject. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    New Black Diamond Express
    A crew of railroad workmen are busy along the tracks of the Lehigh Valley Railroad. When the Black Diamond Express appears in the distance, they begin to pull back from the rails to clear the way. As the train approaches their work site, some of them begin to wave at it. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Panorama of Place de l\
    James White, the Edison Company's main filmmaker at the time, realized a burst of creativity during his visit to the 1900 Paris Exposition. It's uncertain who his cameraman was for this journey, but historian Charles Musser suggests that it might've been Alfred C. Abadie. In their Paris Exposition films, they introduced tilting (see 'Panorama of Eiffel Tower') and, although panning and panoramas had already been around for a while, they introduced some novel functions for them.
    Your probable score
    Black Diamond Express
    "Train is first seen rounding a curve nearly a mile away. Approaches at the rate of 70 miles an hour, blowing a warning whistle to a gang of track repairers." (imdb)
    Your probable score
    A Morning Alarm
    A Morning Alarm (1896) - Short Film
    This shows the Fire Department leaving headquarters for an early morning fire. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Buffalo Police on Parade
    A street scene showing parade of the entire Buffalo Police Department, 16 men abreast, with military band. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Cuban Ambush
    Cuban Ambush (1898) - Short Film
    From the upper windows of a ruined mill Cubans are firing at a scouting party of Spaniards, who return the volley. Fine smoke effects. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    A Wringing Good Joke
    Grandpa sits nodding in his armchair in the kitchen, where a sout, jolly washerwoman is washing clothes... (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Hotel del Monte
    Hotel del Monte (1897) - Short Film
    Shows a party of tourists at this famous resort; located in Monterey, Cal., on the Southern Pacific Railroad. The magnificence of its surroundings is clearly shown. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Watermelon Contest
    Four men each hold a large slice of watermelon, and have a race to see who can finish eating first. All four move quickly, but one man seems to be pulling ahead of the others. Soon the contestants begin to hinder one another's efforts. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Shooting Captured Insurgents
    A file of Spanish soldiers line up the Cubans against a blank wall and fire a volley. The flash of rifles and drifting smoke make a very striking picture. (Edison Catalog)
    Your probable score
    Sheep Run, Chicago Stockyards
    "Shows a large flock of sheep being driven from the cars to the slaughter house." (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Burning Stable
    "A burning wagon is dragged from the barn by the firemen, and four horses are rescued from the flames by the stablemen. Thick volumes of smoke pour from the doors and windows." - from the Edison Catalog (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Watermelon Contest
    Two men have a contest to see which one can be the first to eat a large slice of watermelon. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Mounted Police Charge
    "A battalion of New York's famous mounted police at inspection. They approach at break-neck gallop." - from the Edison Catalog (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Philadelphia Express, Jersey Central Railway
    Stationary camera on a railroad yard.
    Your probable score
    Lick Observatory, Mt. Hamilton, Cal.
    The title pretty much tells you all you'll need to know about this Edison picture that clocks in at just 26-seconds. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Water Fall in the Catskills
    "Beautiful water effects at Haines' Falls, a most picturesque and charming mountain cataract. The wild and rugged surroundings are very impressive. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Opening of the Pan-American Exposition Showing Vice President Roosevelt Leading the Procession
    This is a great historical event. Our cameras were stationed in the center of the Esplanade looking toward the Main Approach to the Pan-American Exposition... (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Fifth Avenue, New York
    "The famous parade ground of Metropolitan fashion. Exquisitely gowned women, club men, actresses, millionaires pass by on their afternoon stroll." - from the Edison Catalog (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Why Mrs. Jones Got a Divorce
    Mr. Jones seduces the cook, but is discovered by Mrs. Jones. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    President McKinley Reviewing the Troops at the Pan-American Exposition
    The President is seen on the reviewing stand at the Stadium, escorted by President Milburn, of the Pan-American Exposition... (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Troop Ships for the Philippines
    The S.S. Australia departs from San Francisco Bay, carrying American soldiers to the Philippines. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Herald Square
    Herald Square (1896) - Short Film
    Edison Co. - Shot in Herald Square; New York City, NY
    Your probable score
    Lower Falls, Grand Canyon, Yellowstone Park
    Probably part of the "Alaska and Yellowstone National Park Series" in the "Northern Pacific Railway Series" (Edison films catalog):
    Your probable score
    Surf at Monterey
    From Edison films catalog: The water breaks over the rocks, and is dashed into silvery spray, high into the air. Exceptionally fine water effects.
    Your probable score
    Wash Day in Mexico
    "In front of each bare headed woman is a flat rock, used as a wash board. Stream of water near by. Naked Mexican child is playing in the foreground."
    Your probable score
    U.S. Cruiser \
    This picture ... centers about some guard ropes moving about, perhaps in the wind, perhaps as the platform the movie is taken from rolls about, while in the background, a procession of ships goes by. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    U.S. Cruiser \
    "A panoramic view of the 'Raleigh,' as she lies at anchor off 27th Street, North River, April 17, 1899. Captain Coghlan stands among a group of officers near the bridge. The 'Raleigh' fired the first gun at Manila, and is the first boat of the Pacific Squadron visiting New York. All the details of the famous battleship are clearly shown as the launch from which the picture was taken moves rapidly around her." (Edison Catalog)
    Your probable score
    South Spring Street, Los Angeles, Cal.
    Street scene of LA in 1898.
    Your probable score
    Freight Train
    Freight Train (1898) - Short Film
    Another entry in Edison's "Southern Pacific Company Series", which pretty much had cameramen hanging around the train line just shooting anything they could. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Red Cross Ambulance on Battlefield
    Near the center of this scene we see the regimental surgeon directing the movements of the Ambulance Corps... (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Battle of Mafeking
    Reenactment of a South African battle. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    This is the lady whose graceful interpretations of the poetry of motion has made this dance so popular of recent years. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Edison Drawn by \
    Artist draws Thomas Edison. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Black Diamond Express, No. 1
    A train speeds toward the camera as several onlookers wave at it. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Bad Boy and the Gardener
    A lady watering the garden with a hose, a mischievous boy stops the flow of water until she looks for the cause, when he permits the water to flow, resulting in the lady taking an unexpected bath. The father then appears and chastises the youthful culprit. One of the best films ever made. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Falls of Minnehaha
    "The 'Laughing Waters' of Longfellow's 'Hiawatha.' A beautiful view of this picturesque and celebrated waterfall." (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Launching, No. 2
    This twenty-five second film is from Edison's "Southern Pacific Company" series. What we see is a Japanese ship as it is floating into a harbor in Southern California. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Turkish Dance, Ella Lola
    In this movie, dancer Ella Lola performs a Turkish variation of a "danse Du Ventre", the oriental belly dance. In her dance she shakes, twists and turns around in a very energetic dance. The elements of Turkish folklore can be felt despite the lack of sound as the differences from this and other belly dances are very notorious when her traditional Turkish dress swings in a marvelous way as she dances. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Going Through the Tunnel
    "On the way to San[ta] Monica, Cal., the train approaches, runs through and emerges from a tunnel. Train passes in opposite direction. Camera is at front end of train, giving a very novel view." (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Tenderloin at Night
    I do believe I have stumbled upon the very first exploitation picture ever made; and no it wasn't by David Friedman or Kroger Babb or K. Gordon Murray or anyone like that. Thomas Edison, the pioneer of moving pictures themselves, also gave us the first exploitation movie! Running a scant 2 mins 2 secs the movie offers us a look inside what is supposed to be a brothel in the Tenderloin district of San Francisco. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Boers Bringing in British Prisoners
    Here we have a mixed company of Gordon Highlanders, Irish Fusilliers and English Lancers, as a group of prisoners taken to the rear by a troop of Boer Cavalry. The expression on their faces show who is the victor, and who is the vanquished. You can read in the dust and smoke-begrimed countenance of the prisoners, the story of their stubborn resistance to superior numbers before the surrender: while the Boers give expression to their feelings, by cheering and waving their hats in triumph. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Breaking of the Crowd at Military Review at Longchamps
    This picture shows thousands of people leaving their seats in the grand stand and going across the parade grounds toward Paris. A very sharp and clear picture. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Torpedo Boat \
    A Thomas Edison film showing a torpedo being shot. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Scene in the Swiss Village at Paris Exposition
    The picture opens with a crowd of Swiss boys and girls dressed in native costumes, marching down the street in this very unique and picturesque village. Each happy and smiling face is clearly shown as they pass the camera. The scene ends by the boys and girls congregating in the square and dancing to the strains of an accordion played by one of the happy villagers. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Dewey Arch: Troops Passing Under Arch
    Short clip of passing troops at the Dewey Arch. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Diving Horse
    The only picture extant showing this wonderful performance of a horse diving from a staging 40 feet in height into the water. Scenes secured at the Shoot the Chutes pond at Coney Island, and depicts a truly wonderful feat. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Panoramic View Near Mt. Golden on the Canadian Pacific R. R.
    Here we present to the audience a subject taken near Mt. Golden, on which will thoroughly please all who are lovers of scenery. One minute you are running straight to the mountain of rock, and then when you expect to be dashed into it, suddenly turn and skirt the very side of this mountain over trestles, bridges, and finally stop where in front of you can be seen Mt. Hector at a distance of about twelve miles. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Serpentine Dance, Annabelle
    Another film of Annabelle Moore. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Panorama of the Moving Boardwalk
    his picture was taken from the stationary platform, showing the rapidly moving board walk on the outer edge (imdb)
    Your probable score
    The Morning Alarm
    The Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Fire Department responds to an alarm on a December morning. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Colonel Funston Swimming the Baglag River
    Colonel Funston goes swimming in the Baglag River.
    Your probable score
    Street Scene, San Diego
    "A double-decked trolley car, crowded with passengers, approaches and passes the camera. Carriages, pedestrians and bicyclists add to the action of the scene." (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Chinese Procession
    A short from Edison Manufacturing Company also called Chinese Procession No. 12.
    Your probable score
    Eagle Dance, Pueblo Indians
    A documentary short from Edison Manufacturing Company.
    Your probable score
    Shoot the Chutes Series
    The first scene is taken from the pond of the chutes, and shows a number of boats laden with gay Coney Island pleasure-seekers coming down into the water in rapid succession. The next scene is taken from the top of the incline, showing the boats being loaded, starting away, running down the chutes and dashing into the water. The next and most wonderful picture was secured by placing the camera in the boat, making a panoramic view of the chutes while running down and dashing into the water. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Chicken Thieves
    Chicken Thieves (1897) - Short Film
    The hen house occupies the entire left foreground of the picture, running back to the nearby road. The main foreground is filled with tall grass swept by the wind, the naturalness of which effect is remarkable. A thief appears 'round the corner, carrying a tattered sack. He suspiciously approaches the window, from which two fowl are handed to him by a black confederat, who himself suddenly appears at the window, falling out head first but clinging tenaciously to a fluttering white bird.
    Your probable score
    Boxing for Points
    Men on field. Boxing. Both wear numbers on back. Large round-hose swings. Several men apparently refereeing. One with striped pants. Possible at west point. Mountain visible in background of large field.
    Your probable score
    Battery K Siege Guns
    A parade of soldiers.
    Your probable score
    Boat Wagon and Beach Cart
    Two carts, one with a boat on it, are being pushed out of a garage.
    Your probable score
    Feeding the Doves
    A woman and a young girl each carry containers of bird feed, and they toss occasional handfuls to the chickens and doves in the farmyard. Most of the chickens stay nearby, but the doves occasionally fly off and then return to eat more.
    Your probable score
    Mr. Edison at Work in His Chemical Laboratory
    Edison working in his lab, mixing chemicals.
    Your probable score
    The Sea Lions\
    The famous Seal Rocks at Golden Gate Park are here shown. Sea lions in their wild state are lying on the rocks and swimming and diving in the water.
    Your probable score
    Launch of Surf Boat
    The crew of seven dressed in cork jackets, push the boat through the surf; they clamber in and row out to the wreck. 50 ft.
    Your probable score
    S.S. \
    Shows steamer plunging head-on through the heavy seas. Huge waves break over the bow and wash the deck, almost carrying away the look-out.
    Your probable score
    Husking Bee
    Husking Bee (1897) - Short Film
    Shows a party of young people in front of a barn door, searching for the red ear, which is discovered, and the penalty exacted from one of the group who resists payment of the forfeit, thereby creating confusion and merriment. The group is animated, and is made up of real farmer boys and girls. During the progress of husking, the farmer arrives wheeling his little daughter to the sport on a barrow.
    Your probable score
    Mexican Rurales Charge
    Magnificent action is displayed by this troop of Mexican cavalry. They approach at full speed, with drawn sabres, wheel rapidly, and charge in the opposite direction.
    Your probable score
    Dewey Parade, 10th Pennsylvania Volunteers
    In [Admiral] Dewey land parade.
    Your probable score
    Poker at Dawson City
    A decided shady game. Shows a novel way of filling a bobtail flush. Game breaks up in a general scrimmage. The barkeeper cools off the fighters by the judicious use of a siphon of vichy.
    Your probable score
    Farmer Kissing the Lean Girl
    Here's a comedy... by the Merriam-Webster definition of such things. An elderly man dressed in dirty-looking work clothes leans in shyly to kiss the skinny girl, dressed in an awful-looking ensemble.
    Your probable score
    Sea Beach Scene
    Sea Beach Scene (1896) - Short Film
    Some men are playing a game on the beach, while some ladies with their backs to the cameras watch. A donkey cart ambles by.
    Your probable score
    Scene on Surf Ave., Coney Island
    A short look at Surf Ave., Coney Island.
    Your probable score
    Lassoing a Steer
    Eight mounted cowboys pursue an escaped steer, riding at furious speed. Fine exhibition of lasso throwing. Mexican International.
    Your probable score
    California Limited, A.T. & S.F.R.R.
    Taken on 'Lucky' Baldwin's ranch, Santa Anita, Cal. Shows an engine and five cars approaching from a distance.
    Your probable score
    Victorious Squadron Firing Salute
    On Saturday morning, August 20, 1898, six grim battleships of Admiral Sampson's Squadron sailed into New York Harbor and up the Hudson to receive a welcome from the people and to fire a salute of victory in sight of the tomb of the great soldier-hero of another war [Ulysses Grant].
    Your probable score
    Fighting the Fire
    Shows steam fire engine in action. Men scale ladders and play streams of water on a burning building. Very realistic.
    Your probable score
    Suburban Handicap, 1897
    The Suburban is run at Sheepshead Bay track, Coney Island. Several views of the great race are given. The parade to the post, the start, the finish showing Ben Brush winning, Simms up, with the others strung out, tearing down the stretch in the dust, under whip and spur. Then the weighing out, jockeys saluting, dismounting, and un-saddling.
    Your probable score
    Las Viga Canal, Mexico City
    Shows canal running through the suburban village of Santa Anita. Men and women pole their flat-bottom boats along, loaded down with garden produce.
    Your probable score
    Sunday Morning in Mexico
    The fashionable set is parading in the park, after church. The concourse is composed of all nationalities, including several groups of pretty senoritas.
    Your probable score
    Train Hour in Durango, Mexico
    Interesting types of Mexicans watch the arrivals by the train. Sombreros, serapes and mantillas give the scene a very distinctive foreign appearance.
    Your probable score
    A Storm at Sea
    A Storm at Sea (1900) - Short Film
    While our photographers were crossing the Atlantic Ocean a most wonderful and sensational picture was secured, showing a storm at sea. The picture was secured by lashing the camera to the after bridge of the Kaiserine Maria Theresa, of the North German Lloyd Line, during one of its roughest voyages. The most wonderful storm picture ever photographed. Taken at great risk. (Edison Films)
    Your probable score
    American Falls from Above, American Side
    The camera shows a view of the American Falls and Goat Island. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    Sunset Limited, Southern Pacific Ry.
    Taken at Fingal, Cal., where the world-renowned 'Sunset Limited' trains pass each other. (imdb)
    Your probable score
    S.S. \
    Magnificent view of hurricane at sea. Vessel rises at one moment, riding the wave mountains, and then dips into the trough of the sea. A photographically perfect picture.
    Your probable score