Isabel Mestres

Isabel Mestres

Date of Birth: 10 Dec 1947

Country: Spain

Total Credits at Criticker: 8 (Actor)

Biography and picture submitted by xinet

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (8)

    Elisa, vida mía
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    China 9 Liberty 37
    Condemned gunman Clayton is given a last minute reprieve on condition he murders rancher Matthew for a railway company. Visiting Matthew's ranch, Clayton is unable to bring himself to kill Matthew and leaves, but Matthew's wife, Catherine, believing she has killed Matthew during an argument joins Clayton. Matthew, still alive, and mad as hell joins Clayton's equally angered employers to hunt down the pair. (imdb)
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    Salomé (1978) - Short Film
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    El anacoreta
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    Salut y força al canut
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