Hyapatia Lee

Hyapatia Lee

Date of Birth: 11 Nov 1960

Country: USA

Total Credits at Criticker: 2 (Actor)

Biography and picture submitted by Dunstan-xxx

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (2)

    Hellroller (1992) - Direct-to-Video
    A horror film about a maniacal serial killer in a wheelchair. (imdb)
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    Killing Obsession
    Before he was locked up in Parkview State Psychiatric Unit, Albert Clifton stabbed his mother's housekeeper to death and whisked away her 11-year old daughter, Annie Smith, to the Elysee Hotel, where he performed a mock wedding ceremony. Released decades later, Albert decides to renew that bond, combing the telephone book for all the Annie Smiths he can find. (TV Guide)
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