Glória Pires

Glória Pires

Country: Brazil

Total Credits at Criticker: 16 (Actor)

Biography last updated by pnh, and picture by danozu

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (16)

    Memórias do Cárcere
    The time-frame is the 1930s, during the dictatorial regime of Getulio Vargas. Because of his anti-Vargas sentiments, Ramos is shipped off to a hellhole of a prison island. Knowing full well that he's expected to die in jail rather than be "rehabilitated," Ramos nonetheless survives, if for no other reason than to expose the sadistic cruelties of Vargas' minions... (All Movie Guide)
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    Pequeno Dicionário Amoroso
    Luiza is an architect who just got out of a ruined relationship. Gabriel is a biologist and he has finished a long-term marriage with divorce. When they both meet, chances that they can do well together are not that big. But they will try to, even if their friends Barata (a convict bachelor totally skeptical when it comes to love) and Marta (a mathematic analyst who wishes that human relations were just as exact as numbers are). (imdb)
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    O Guarani
    The forbidden love affair between Peri, an Indian, and the beautiful Ceci, a Portuguese white girl, in the 17th century Brazil. (imdb)
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    O Quatrilho
    The story of two immigrant couples: Teresa and Angelo; Pierina and Massimo. While fighting for survival in the new world, the unexpected love of Massimo and Teresa appears. They react against family and cultural traditions and leave to a new destiny, leaving their partners. Quatrilho is the name of a card game in wich the player have to betray his partner in order to become the champion. (imdb)
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    Se Eu Fosse Você
    The publicist Claudio and the housewife and choral teacher Helena have been married for many years, but they do not understand and respect the feelings and view point of the partner. Claudio sees Helena as a shopper and "little teacher of a choral" and Helena sees Claudio as an insensitive and rough man... (imdb)
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    Se Eu Fosse Você 2
    Claudio and Helena are on the verge of breaking up, until the couple experiences another strange phenomenon that looks to help them understand one another more. (imdb)
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    Lula, o Filho do Brasil
    The true story of a working class boy who moves to the nation's financial capital at a young age and becomes one the most influential politician in Brazil's history. (imdb)
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    É Proibido Fumar
    A middle-aged guitar teacher tries to kick the habit of smoking while engaging with his next door neighbor.
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    Primo Basílio
    Luísa is a romantic, dreamy and delicate young woman married to Jorge, an engineer, a man of good habits and good economic conditions. They didn't know each other well, but got married and Luísa was a good wife, "she was clean and happy as a bird". Everything get changed when she meets a childhood love, her cousin Basílio. What seemed to be a great adventure will became a nightmare and Luísa will discover the price of her infidelity. (imdb)
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    A Partilha
    Four sisters get together for the funeral of their mom. During the division of the inherited apartment and old furniture, they argue and fight with each other, but at the same time they remember the good old past and discover many new things about them. Before it's over, new paths will be taken in their lives. (imdb)
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    Besame Mucho
    The story of two couples - Xico and Olga, Tuca and Dina - through 20 years of friendship, from adolescent dreams to maturity frustrations. They meet in a small town in the State of São Paulo, but one of the couples decides to try their luck in the big city. As background, the political events in the 60's and 70's, and how they affect their lives. (imdb)
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    Reaching for the Moon
    New York poet Elizabeth Bishop travels to Rio de Janeiro to visit Mary, a college friend. The shy Elizabeth is overwhelmed by Brazilian sensuality. She is the antithesis to Mary's dashing partner, architect Lota. Although frosty at first, the architect soon makes a play for Elizabeth and, when her scheduled departure is unexpectedly delayed, the poet finally succumbs to Lota's advances. Mary is jealous, but unconventional Lota is determined to have both women at all costs. (
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    Nise - Coração da Loucura
    After being released from prison, Dr. Nise da Silveira is back at work in a psychiatric hospital on the outskirts of Rio de Janeirom where she refuses to employ the new and violent electroshock in the treatment of schizophrenics. Ridiculed by doctors, she is forced to take on the abandoned Sector for Occupational Therapy, where she would start a revolution through paintings, animals and love. (imdb)
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    Índia, a Filha do Sol
    A white man finds a beautiful Indian in a diamond extraction site in the State of Goiás, Brazil, and falls in love.
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    Jorge, um Brasileiro
    After an argument with an ex-girlfriend, a trucker leaves for one more trip. He had been asked to risk his life to deliver a cargo under almost impossible weather and time conditions by his boss and friend, and begins to question their friendship.
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    A Suspeita
    "A Suspeita" is a thriller of police investigation, that tells the story of Lucia, a renowned police investigator. At age 50, has dedicated her entire life to her profession and is a respected name among her peers. Everything changes during an investigation, a writer that was writing the memoir of one of the drug trafficking lord, and had his phone tapped illegally.
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