Geraldine Fitzgerald

Geraldine Fitzgerald

Country: USA

Total Credits at Criticker: 46 (Actor)

Picture submitted by kangadoodoo

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (46)

    Harry and Tonto
    Harry is a retired teacher in his seventies living in an area of New York City where he & his deceased wife raised his children... (imdb)
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    The Pawnbroker
    This was one of the first films to deal with the effects of Nazi Germany's concentration camps on their survivors... (imdb)
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    Dark Victory
    Judith Traherne is at the height of young society when Dr. Frederick Steele diagnoses a brain tumor... (imdb)
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    Arthur is a happy drunk with no pretensions at any ambition. He is also the heir to a vast fortune which... (imdb)
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    Wuthering Heights
    The Earnshaws are Yorkshire farmers during the early 19th Century. One day, Mr. Earnshaw returns from a trip to the city... (imdb)
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    Arthur 2: On the Rocks
    Arthur loses all his money, and his wife wants a baby. (imdb)
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    Easy Money
    To inherit his mother-in-law's colossal fortune, a hard living, gambling addict must change his unhealthy ways before it gets the best of him. (imdb)
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    Poltergeist II: The Other Side
    The Freeling family have a new house, but their troubles with supernatural forces don't seem to be over. (imdb)
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    Watch on the Rhine
    Sara and Kurt Muller and their three children are returning to her mother's home in Washington DC after 18 years in Europe. A Romanian Count living there discovers Kurt's attache case full of money. He also finds out from friends at the German Embassy that Kurt is working with an anti-Nazi underground group in Germany... (imdb)
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    The Last American Hero
    Lamont Johnson's subtle direction graces this true-life success story about racecar driver Junior Jackson (Jeff Bridges), based on stock-car champion Junior Johnson. (All Movie Guide)
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    Bye Bye Monkey
    A man walking on the beach near New York City finds the corpse of King Kong. He also finds Kong's orphaned son, and takes it to a friend who lives in the city, and they decide to raise it. (imdb)
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    The Jilting of Granny Weatherall
    Granny Weatherall has worked hard all her life. Even though her family is well known for living for a long time, she does not know her time has come. Her delirious actions and mixed ideas conflict with one another. An interpretation from the short story by Ana Porter
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    Nobody Lives Forever
    Ex-GI Nick Blake gets involved in a scheme to fleece a rich young widow, but finds himself falling for her for real, much to the displeasure of his racketeer cohorts. (imdb)
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    The Strange Affair of Uncle Harry
    This rather Hitchcockian smalltown thriller is a typically impressive psychological study in various forms of obsession. Sanders is both superb and unusually touching as the shy, naive designer who falls for Raines; Fitzgerald [is] the sister he lives with, a scheming hypochondriac so possessive of her brother she'll do anything to wreck his budding romance. (...) the overall effect is still gripping, intelligent, and oddly critical of petit bourgeois aspirations. (
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    Blood Link
    Michael Moriarty is a psychiatrist who lost his parents and his twin brother in a fire... or did he? Women are being killed and the evidence leads to Moriarty. (Chas. Balun)
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    Three Strangers
    According to legend, a Chinese idol will grant a wish to three strangers who are all wishing for the same thing. A woman finds two men to make a wish with her, but will it help them with their personal troubles?
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    John Martin is part of an American spy team dropped into France during World War II to destroy the French railway system. After successfully blowing up a tunnel he runs back to save Ellen and is told "Never come back for me again." Later he must choose whether or not to obey her wishes. (imdb)
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    Dying Joan Ames meets criminal Dan Hardesty on a luxury liner as he is being transported back to America by policeman Steve Burke to face execution. Joan and Dan fall in love, their fates unbeknownst to one another. (imdb)
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    The Gay Sisters
    Fiona, Evelyn and Susanna are sisters. Their mother dies on the Lusitania, their father is killed in France, they must manage their Fifth Avenue mansion by themselves. Fiona marries Charles Barclay in order to get an inheritance and he begins a campaign to obtain the mansion to level it for real estate development. She vows that this will never happen. (imdb)
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    Night of Courage
    A young man is beaten to death. Now it's believed that he sought out sanctuary in the house of a man (Hughes), and that the man threw him out. And it's also believed that the boy being Hispanic was probably part of a gang and that the whole thing was gang related, so the police don't consider any need to investigate the incident. But a teacher (Kelly) doesn't believe this, and sets out to find out what happened that night by talking to the man, but he doesn't want to talk about it. (imdb)
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    The Mango Tree
    Jamie is a young man growing up in the small Australian town of Bundaberg during the early 1940's. Jamie loves his tranquil life (imdb)
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    Bette Davis: A Basically Benevolent Volcano
    A documentary about and an interview with Hollywood actress Bette Davis about her life and career from the late 1920s to the 1980s on stage and mostly before the camera.
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    Ten North Frederick
    At her father's funeral, Ann Chapin thinks back over the last five years of his life, years of apparent political and personal failure dominated by a selfish and dissatisfied wife and eased only by alcohol. But it starts to emerge that there was in fact one brief and unsuspected period of happiness and love. (imdb)
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    So Evil My Love
    Olivia Harwood, missionary's widow, meets charming Mark Bellis, artist and rogue, on the ship taking them both back to 1890s London. When Olivia opens a lodging house Mark becomes her lodger (imdb)
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    A chronicle of the political career of US President Woodrow Wilson. (imdb)
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    Bump in the Night
    Martha "Red" Tierney used to be a hot-shot reporter, but that was before alcohol took over her life. One morning Martha's son Jonathan leaves for school, stopping first to meet his father for breakfast. But Jonathan never meets his dad. Instead he is picked up by Lawrence a pedophile who has been watching him. Now Martha must overcome her alcoholism and her bitterness towards her ex-husband and use her old investigative skills to find her son before it's too late (imdb)
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    Shining Victory
    In this melodrama, a loyal research psychologist escapes from Budapest after the nature of his work is discovered. He resettles in Scotland and soon resumes his work. His benefactors provide him a female assistant, and at first the stubborn scientist is not pleased. Eventually the two fall in love. Not long after the research is finished, they marry and for a time the two are happy. But then a terrible fire erupts and the assistant/wife dies trying to protect the researcher's valuable notes. (
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    The Fiercest Heart
    Two British soldiers in 1830s South Africa flee military discipline and join a group of Boers heading north on "the Great Trek." In between fighting off Zulu attacks, one of these soldiers falls in love with the trek-leader's granddaughter who has been promised to another man. (imdb)
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    Diary of the Dead
    An unemployed man who lives with his wife and overbearing mother-in-law sees an opportunity to relieve himself of the old bat, which tangles him in a maze of deception.
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    Echoes of a Summer
    The eleven-year-old Deirdre suffers from an incureable heart trouble. For two years, her parents Eugene and Ruth have consulted heart specialists - but without any success. Now they have gone to Mahone Bay in Canada, to arrange for her last days as pleasant as possible. The nine-year-old neighbour boy Phillip is the only one who brings a little happiness into the home, because Deirdre knows exactly whats wrong with her. (imdb)
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    Turn of the Tide
    Rivalry between two fishing families. (imdb)
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    The Ace of Spades
    The wife of a candidate for Parliament is having an affair with the brother of her husband's rival. Her lover is running for election on a promise of building a railway that the community needs, but a wealthy landowner won't give permission for the railway to be built over his land. When the landowner is later found dead, suspicion falls on the adulterous candidate. (imdb)
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    A Child Is Born
    A maternity ward, staffed by sympathetic nurses, serves mothers-to-be from all walks of life. (imdb)
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    Dixie: Changing Habits
    Dixie is caught operating a whore house, and is sentenced to 90 days house arrest in a convent! Can Dixie bend to the ways of the convent nuns to avoid jail? (imdb)
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    Ladies Courageous
    The story of the Women's Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron, a unit of female pilots during WW II who flew bombers from the factories to their final destinations. (imdb)
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    The classic Arthurian tale of tragic love. In medieval times, Lord of Cornwall decides to marry an Irish princess Isolde. However, his most loyal knight Tristan becomes bewitched by her beauty and they fall hopelessly in love. (imdb)
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    The Mill on the Floss
    Romeo and Juliet in 1930s England. The owner of the mill and the local lord are in conflict over water rights. The lord wins threatening the mill owner with financial ruin. (imdb)
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    The Late Edwina Black
    When a sickly Victorian woman dies suddenly, a postmortem reveals that her body contains a fatal dose of arsenic. Suspicion falls on her husband and her companion Elizabeth, who are lovers. Inspector Martin of Scotland Yard tries to solve the mystery of her death.
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    Debt of Honour
    A Colonel's daughter steals from the regimental mess funds to pay off her gambling debts. One of the officers, who is love with her, takes the blame, and is sent to Africa. (Wikipedia)
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    Flight from Destiny
    After philosophy Professor Todhunter is told he has 6 months left to live, he is barred from teaching by his college so there won't be a scandal if he drops dead in class. Discussing a hypothetical man with 6 months to live with a group of friends, Todhunter asks each what he'd do in his last 6 months. One says he'd commit a "social murder", that is kill someone who's not a criminal but without whom society would be better off. The professor starts to obsess about this idea.
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    The Lad
    An ex-con searching for a hidden jewel is assumed, by various parties, to be investigating their indiscretions.
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    The Moon and Sixpence
    A staid, dull Englishman abruptly deserts his wife and children to become a painter in the South Seas.
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    Open All Night
    Anton (Frank Vosper) is an exiled Russian Grand-duke but works in a hotel as a night manager with tragic consequences. Also starring Lessee Perrin and Margaret Vines.
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    Alfred Hitchcock Presents
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    The Alfred Hitchcock Hour
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    Department Store
    The heir to a London department store must learn the business, but he must start off by working his way through the various menial jobs incognito first. However, a crooked manager has arranged, for a cracksman, just out of gaol, to join the staff. Each is mistaken for the other.
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