Georges Monca

Georges Monca

Total Credits at Criticker: 2 (Actor), 37 (Director), 1 (Writer)

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (2) | Director (37) | Writer (1)

    Le baromètre de la fidélité
    This Max Linder short opens with him and his girl blissfully rowing in a canoe before skipping ahead two years later.
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    Les timidités de Rigadin
    Shy Rigadin decides to visit some friends of the family, but they are called away and when out the servants play high society, dressing up and partying. Which is when Rigadin enters.....
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    La doctoresse
    La doctoresse (1911) - Short Film
    Comedy. Lady doctor who neglects her husband gives up her career for love. Main title and credits. The husband tries to give his wife, the lady doctor, a kiss. She ignores him and shoos him from the room saying she is too busy - (pan right through wall acting as a split screen to reveal a waiting room full of patients). The husband is sent to help the housekeeper with the accounts; the housekeeper uses the opportunity to flirt with the husband. The husband makes his escape. (
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    Le champagne de Rigadin
    'Le Champagne de Rigadin' tells the story of two neighbouring couples who love to play petanque. One day, one of the men pulls a prank on his neighbours by leaving an explosive filled with water in their garden. His son tries to play the same kind of tricks, resulting in a less cheerful ending.
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    Rigadin a l\
    In this comedy, the sympathy is not the poor, but the noble donor who can not watch the distress: He distributed all his money - and even given away some clothes that he wears on his body.
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    Le roman d\
    Romance of a Boot and a Dancing Slipper.
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    Rigadin et la doctoresse
    Charles Prince is married to Mistinguett, but she's too busy being a doctor to tend to her wifely duties, so he seeks entertainment elsewhere in this short from Pathe Freres.
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    Rigadin aux Balkans
    Charles Prince, his gift of a posy spurned in favor of a rival's expensive ring, goes to enlist in the Balkan Wars. Sort of. That is, he goes to Pathe Freres and talks them into making a movie about him enlisting (and fighting) in the Balkans. That'll teach her!
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    Boireau a mangé de l\
    In this comedy we see a fellow giving orders to the cook to put plenty of garlic in his food, and she complies with his wishes by giving everything an extra dose of the unpleasant ingredient. The first victim of the fumes is a dog that is seated beside the table, and when the fellow blows his breath on the animal he falls over unconscious from the effects. Next he prostrates a street cleaner and a painter perched on a ladder, as well as a woman in charge of a newsstand.
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    Les apprentissages de Boireau
    Boireau's father keeps trying to apprentice him to a different trade. Each time, the youngster annoys the customers and destroys the goods and property.
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    Le nègre blanc
    Le nègre blanc (1910) - Short Film
    A black man is introduced at a high society party, where he proposes to a débutante. He's refused because of his colour. He goes to an inventor who has a potion that turns him white. Now she's interested in him, but after he slips her some of the elixir, she's black and he gets to refuse her.
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    Rigadin veut faire du cinéma
    Whiffles, the awkwardly funny comedian, after reading an ad, offers his services to Pathe Freres as a moving picture actor. The illness of a leading man gives Whiffles an opportunity to show his ability. His experiences as a lover are highly diverting, as, in a situation of this kind. Whiffles is unequaled. A few days later, however, the husband of Whiffles' leading lady sees the picture in a theater. Being of a mean and jealous disposition he challenges to a duel.
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    Le médecin de service
    Rigadin pretending to be a doctor.
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    L'ombrelle (1911) - Short Film
    Hidden behind a parasol, Rigadin was courting his eventual mistress when suddenly he saw his wife and his step-mother walking to him with a smile…
    Your probable score
    Rigadin et l\
    Charles Prince's wife has been acting strangely lately, refusing him admission into her boudoir. She has been trying various methods to refresh her skin, including putting a piece of veal atop her brow while she sleeps. Then, in a clear case of waste not, want not, she has the cook prepare the veal for Prince's meal. He thinks it tastes odd and it makes him behave in a strange manner.
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    Rigadin fait de la contrebande
    Charles Prince is visiting the city with his wife and mother-in-law. He buys some lace for his girlfriend, but the women soon discover it and he pretends it is for the spouse.
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    Rigadin n\
    Rigadin encounters nothing but trouble on Friday the 13th.
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    Rigadin pêche à la ligne
    Rigadin tires his luck at fishing.
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    Rigadin tzigane
    Rigadin tzigane (1911) - Short Film
    Charles Prince is a gypsy street violinist, whose appreciative audience disappears as soon as he stops playing and passes the hat. He returns home to Gabrielle Lange with empty pockets to a dinner of stale bread and fetid tap water. But an engagement at a celebration offers hope of better times to come.
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    Rigadin et son sosie
    Charles Prince is Rigadin, a wealthy young man who is in love. He calls upon the lady and her parents, and is charming, going into transports of rapture at her piano playing and leaves. What no one realizes is that he has a double -- also played by Prince -- who is a cobbler's assistant, delivering some shoes. At first the family thinks it is Rigadin playing a joke on them, but it soon gets out of hand.
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    Rigadin se décide à travailler
    Charles Prince loves the young lady, and she him, but her papa objects because Prince is a rich fellow who has never worked a day in his life. So Prince goes out and gets a series of working-stiff type jobs, sometimes paying the worker to take his place; wherever papa goes, there's Prince to torment him.
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    Le ménage de Rigadin
    Charles Prince and wife Amélie Diéterlé quarrel over everything, particularly where to put the vase of flowers, even when people insist on calling to interrupt their dinner.
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    Rigadin avale son ocarina
    Germaine Reuver's father doesn't like Charles Prince because he isn't musical. Mlle Reuver tries to teach him to play the ocarina, which he promptly swallows. It becomes lodged in his throat and he emits its dulcet tones, which cause s everyone to dance, to Prince's annoyance.
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    Rigadin cuisinier malgré lui
    Charles Prince is starving in his attic when he gets a telegram. It's a chance to perform at a dinner party. When he arrives, however, the servants mistake him for the replacement cook; the usual has just walked out in a huff. So the bewildered singer is set cooking, with some unfortunate results.
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    Rigadin défenseur de la vertu
    Having fallen in love with a beautiful neighbor girl, Rigadin (Charles Prince) tries to help her get rid of a persistent suitor.
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    Rigadin domestique
    Charles Prince is an inept butler, so he is fired. He goes and gets a job at a restaurant, where he discovers his former employer in a tryst with a young woman who's clearly prepared to be no better than she is, and snatches a love letter from the boss to the girl. He uses this to reinsert himself into his former home, where he drinks the master's wine, smokes the master's cigars, and insults the master's cook.
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    Rigadin est un fameux escrimeur
    Rigadin has to take part in a duel and so enlists the help of a fencing instructor.
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    Rigadin et la baguette magique
    Whiffles. the noted comedian, is married to a shrew, who proves more than his match in their many conflicts. A discolored eye is the last straw and Whiffles decides to tame his wife's aggressiveness. He buys the magic wand of Professor Jinks and marches bravely home. He arrives late for dinner and his wife aims a blow at him. He touches her with the magic wand, but, alas, with the wrong end, producing two wives instead of making one disappear.
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    Rigadin et la poudre d\
    Rigadin acquires a love powder from a gypsy but it is not consumed by his intended target.
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    Rigadin, garçon de banque
    Charles Prince shows up with some money from the banque. While the old man continues to play cards with his pals, Rigadin and the young wife go into a room; the husband soon follows and kicks him out. But when he dons a different hat, he isn’t recognized.
    Your probable score
    Rigadin mange à bon compte
    Charles Prince is a starving artist, quite literally. He has no food in the house and no money. So he and Germaine Reuver go to a restaurant, where they order a whole quiche. After enjoying themselves, Prince places a cockroach in the remains, and gets off without paying the bill. But the cook takes umbrage. After Prince sells a painting, he and Mlle Reuver return to the restaurant, intending to pay this time. But the cook will have his revenge.... he thinks.
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    Rigadin veut se faire photographier
    Confusion and mirth ensue when a photographer takes a sneaky picture of Rigadin with his wife, a woman who happens to look very similar to someone else’s wife.
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    Rigadin nègre malgré lui
    Rigadin and a friend ae motoring. The car breaks down, and Prince goes in search of some place to say. Meanwhile, his friend is attacked and tied up by a man in blackface. Later, he breaks into Prince's room and blacks him up, then removes his disguise, leaving Prince to bear the brunt of the law.
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    Rigadin peintre cubiste
    Whiffles, the popular comedian, in the role of an artist, fosters the theory that beauty lies in sharp angles rather than in delicate contours. His efforts to convince his prospective father-in-law that he has the right idea are highly amusing.
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    Rigadin père nourricier
    Rigadin and fiancee Andree Pascal are happily anticipating their nuptials when a baby is delivered to Prince. Mlle Pascal thinks the worst -- as comedy characters do, on the rare occasion they are called upon to think -- and walks out. This leave the broken-hearted Prince to deal with the infant.
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    Rigadin riche, Rigadin pauvre
    While Ernest has managed to make his father’s inheritance prosper, Jules, the younger brother, having entrusted his capital to the Pari Mutuel, finds himself in complete disarray. As greedy as Harpagon, the elder brother rejects all the solicitations of his younger brother and the latter, to get revenge, fakes suicide, so that this desperate act falls back on his brother’s head.
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    Rigadin et la rosière
    This hilarious scene recounts the misadventures of our friend Rigadin, who, due to fortuitous circumstances, has replaced his fiancée, Héloïse Roulan, in her role as rose-dresser. Unfortunately, at the moment of the coronation, the Mayor wants to kiss the lucky lady who must lift her veil and the whole village recognizes Rigadin. Shame and confusion for our unfortunate friend who escapes his critical situation by fleeing.
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