Georges Géret

Georges Géret

Total Credits at Criticker: 24 (Actor)

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (24)

    Diary of a Chambermaid
    Celestine, the chambermaid has new job on the country. The Monteils, were she works are a group of strange people... (imdb)
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    Following the murder of a prominent leftist, an investigator tries to uncover the truth while government officials attempt to cover up their roles. (imdb)
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    The Poppy Is Also a Flower
    In an attempt to stem the heroin trade from Iran, a group of narcotics agents working for the UN inject a radioactive compound into a seized shipment of opium, in the hopes that it will lead them to the main heroin distributor in Europe. Along the way, they encounter a mysterious woman doing her own investigating of the smuggling operation. Together, they follow the trail as it leads them through the back alleys and luxury resorts of Europe. (imdb)
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    A Quiet Place in the Country
    The main character-a painter brilliantly played by Franco Nero is trying to run away from his strange visions.He visits an old mansion to find peace, quiet and inspiration, but it seems that this place is haunted by the ghost of a young girl. (imdb)
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    A Reason to Live, a Reason to Die
    A dishonored army officer saves the lives of some hardened criminals on condition that they help him regain his honor. Will they live up to his expectations? (IMDd)
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    Pour 100 briques t\
    After getting screwed over by life (again), two losers decide that enough is enough. Using stolen ski masks and stolen toy guns, they take hostages in their local bank, holding them for ransom. Things go well until the hostages learn what's going on, and demand a piece of the action for themselves. (imdb)
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    Weekend at Dunkirk
    Set during World War II, and stuck on the beaches near Dunkirk, Julien Maillat tries to join England by boat with the English Army, but cannot succeed. He, then, tries to organize the life for him and his soldiers friends between German raids and shells. (imdb)
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    They Came to Rob Las Vegas
    Big heist is small potatoes as armed robbers plot to intercept Vegas gambling money. (
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    Cop or Hood
    When the local police inspector was found dead in a prostitute's house, police division commissioner Stan Borowitz is sent to investigate the situation. Posing as the prostitute's long-lost brother "Antonio Cerruti," he discovers a mare's nest of police corruption. In fact, in this comedy thriller the whole town is corrupt. If they were closely examined, Stan's methods for pursuing this investigation might embarrass the police... (
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    La fiancée du pirate
    An oppressed and exploited young woman (Marie) begins charging for her sexual favors and completely disrupts the smug patriarchal capitalist society of the village of Tellier. (imdb)
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    La Gueule de l\
    The president of a political party enlists a comedian to take his place as he hides from an escaped criminal.
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    Le guignolo
    Belmondo plays a conman who gets tangled in a complex series of hassles that involve some well-placed kicks to straighten out. Everyone is after a microfilm he has, and when he is not hanging from a helicopter to escape his enemies he is bedding down one woman or another. Life, after awhile, seems fairly predictable as he goes from being airborne to bedridden or vice-versa. (
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    Le Tonnerre de Dieu
    Brassac (Jean Gabin) is a drunken veterinarian who can't resist bringing home stray animals and humans. Lilli Palmer plays his long-suffering wife Marie. When he brings home the prostitute Simone (Michele Mercier), Brassac is not sure he is acting out of concern or lust. He beats up the pimp who comes looking for Simone, and Brassac is happy when she later falls in love with his neighbor, and they make Brassac a "grandfather." (Allmovie)
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    La Métamorphose des cloportes
    Three little criminals get a tip for a great coup with lots of money in it. Unfortunately they lack the starting funds to buy the required welding torch. So they persuade their successful colleague Alphonse to join their team. But the well thought-out coup fails, and Alphonse is the only one of them who ends up in jail for several years. When he's released, he's out for revenge. (imdb)
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    Le Caïd
    Bloody and fast hold-up near the oil refineries of the Etang de Berre. Pursued by a rival band, Toni flees with a bag containing thirty million francs.
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    La Traque
    On a visit in the Norman countryside at the week-end, a young English woman, Helen Wells, who is looking for a country place to rent, is offered assistance by a Frenchman, Philippe Mansart, who is joining a hunting party later. Among the party, which includes supposedly respectable and influential locals, are the two Danville brothers, who come across Helen and assault her in a disused barn, before she manages to shoot one of them and escape...
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    Le Protecteur
    When he gets out of prison, Sam (Georges Géret) seeks to track down his little girl, now a grown woman (Juliet Berto). After a series of violent encounters, he discovers that she has been sold into prostitution -- and likes it. She marries one of her procurers, and that would seem to be that. However, when she is killed, the father has the opportunity to exact his revenge on at least some of the people responsible for the deplorable condition he found his daughter in. (Allmovie)
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    1961. Thomas Vlassenroot deserted the French Foreign Legion while fighting in Algeria. His lieutenant, Fraser, initiated the desertion for the two of them, Fraser believing he could do more for the French working for an underground organization. However, Thomas readily admits that he no longer has any political motivations or affiliations, and thus is hiding out from the authorities in Algiers. Fraser offers him a proposition: help him kidnap Lyonais lawyer, Dominique Servet, who is in Algiers t (imdb)
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    Et vive la liberté !
    Their feats of arms in Africa worth to Phil, Jean and Gérard being sent on a special mission in Algeria. Captured by Fellaghas, they manage to escape and are congratuled. Three years later after their demobilization, they are hired by the mayor of a small town of Auvergne to defend a land claims deal with the Legion. And our three ex-hero of the Legion turned against their former authorities ... (Wikipedia)
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    Since the suicide of his wife, Jacques Loursat has gone downhill. Estranged from his daughter, his lawyer's pratice in ruins, he consoles himself with drink. One night he is woken by a gunshot and catches sight of a young man fleeing the house. Isabelle, his daughter, claims to know nothing about it, even when he finds the body of a young man. (imdb)
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    Le Faux-cul
    While the president of a West African Republic arrives in France to sell uranium to the state, spies all over the world are on the spot in order to defeat the transaction.
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    Roger la honte
    In the period following the Franco-Prussian War of 1870, Roger Laroque became the owner of a small factory. But business was bad and Laroque found himself forced to borrow a huge sum of money. He finally managed to acquit his debt but the day after, Larouette, his creditor, was found murdered. Laroque, although innocent, was charged with the crime. Now Roger is back, determined to clear his name... (imdb)
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    La punition
    Britt, deluxe call-girl, is punished by the brothel owner because she was not accomodating enough to a customer. From now on, she must obey to all customers sadistic wishes, or else. (imdb)
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    The Planet of Spermula is about to be destroyed, so the Spermulites travel to Earth. Their intentions are to take over the male species by taking on the form of the stronger females, and rallying females to their side. But can they withstand the strong human sexual urges?
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