Ferdynand Matysik

Total Credits at Criticker: 5 (Actor)
Picture submitted by Princezz
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The movie is about "finite nonlinears," robots that closely resemble human beings but are even more perfect than humans. They are intended to eventually replace human beings in space flights. Somewhat apprehensive about their usefulness, the United Nations sets up a space flight to determine their reactions to the human beings who also make up the crew. Pirx is selected as a commander of the flight, although the identity of the robots is not revealed to him. (imdb)
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The story is about a family in a small town in Poland. The mother is an uptight, bossy, and the local director of the town, so she is very concerned about her public image. When she discovers her daughter is pregnant, she freaks out. The mother convinces her meek husband to go to the city to find their daughter a husband; in a way, this is showing us how money can buy anything in this time period in Poland, even a husband for your daughter.
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Kate Kolska lives with her parents in the countryside. Her parents plan to give her to marry a wealthy neighbor. However, she wants to study. She goes to Warsaw. There is no place to live. Meets grandmother intolerable boy, Peter, and became his nanny. Everyone loved it except the boy's mother jealous of her husband. Problems begin only when the academic year will start...
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After wedding, Kate and Paul Zawadowie organize in the countryside. Father promises to rewrite Kasia land where he live to enjoy his grandchildren. However, it does not plan to increase the family, because she wants to go back to college. Soon Zawadów visit Wolańscy. Associate Professor wants to help return the university for Kasia. In return she needs to take care of the grandmother of Peter and boy...
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Short stories showing the conflicts faced by the youth organization of the brigades "Służba Polsce". (filmpolski.pl)
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