Ettore Scola

Ettore Scola

Date of Birth: 10 May 1931

Country: Italy

Total Credits at Criticker: 1 (Actor), 30 (Director), 60 (Writer)

Biography last updated by MacSwell, and picture by kangadoodoo

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (1) | Director (30) | Writer (60)

    Gianni, Nicola and Antonio become close friends in 1944 while fighting the Nazis. After the end of the war, full of illusions, they settle down. The movie is a the story of the life of these three idealists and how they deal with the inevitable disillusionments of life. (imdb)
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    Passion (1996) - TV Movie
    Giorgio, a young soldier, is in love with the married Clara and becomes her lover. But they are separated when Giorgio is posted far away where he meets the unhappy unhealthy Fosca who develops a passionate love for Giorgio and tries to make him love her. (imdb)
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    Il Viaggio di Capitan Fracassa
    Vincent Pérez plays Baron of Sigognac, a young royal, whose quest for material wealth brings him true love and revelations on the nature of this world. The plot themes are somewhat related to Stoppard's excellent Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead - both uses the traveling players to explore the nature of the human condition (IMDB comments)
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    Splendor is the name of an old movie theater managed by Jordan (Mastroianni), who inherited it from his father. The theater is in decay and only generates debts and trouble, but Jordan gets aid in his almost quixotian quest from projectionist Luigi (Troisi) and ushurette Chantale (Vlady)... (imdb)
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    Le Bal
    The 50 year story of a ballroom in France, from the 1920s. The people who go there is always the same, even the musicians. You can see all kind of people dancing all the fashion dances (depending on the age). (imdb)
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    La Nuit de Varennes
    In June of 1791, a group of passengers in a stagecoach find themselves caught up in the events of the French Revolution, when they find themselves in the city of Varennes when revolutionists arrest the fleeing King Louis. (imdb)
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    Brutti sporchi e cattivi
    Four generations of a family live crowded together in a cardboard shantytown shack in the squalor of inner-city Rome. They plan to murder each other with poisoned dinners, arson, etc. The household engages in various forms of sexual idiosyncrasies, land swindles, incest, drugs and adultery. (imdb)
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    A Special Day
    The film is set during the late 1930s: the occasion is the first meeting between Mussolini and Hitler. Left alone in her tenement home when her fascist husband runs off to attend the historic event, Sophia Loren strikes up a friendship with her homosexual neighbor Mastroianni. As the day segues into night, Loreon and Mastroianni develop a very special relationship that will radically alter both of their outlooks on life. (imdb)
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    Che ora è?
    A father and his son who lived seperated for some time meet each other one day and try to talk their problems over and understand their diametrical differences. (imdb)
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    Permette? Rocco Papaleo
    This quirky story of a simple soul from an Alaskan mining town adrift in Chicago starts in a charming humorous way as Rocco finds himself cut off from his travelling companions and undertaking a series of increasingly bizarre and complex events which threaten and finally destroy his childlike friendliness and eternal optimism. (IMDB)
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    La più bella serata della mia vita
    These three retired magistrates want to carry on with their work: judging people is their idée fixe.
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    Alta infedeltà
    Anthology film about marriage and betrayal in the modern world.
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    Adua and Her Friends
    The bordellos of Rome are closing down, and four working girls decide to plough their hard-earned cash into an out-of-town trattoria. They need the support of a shifty but powerful ex-client to get them started. The business takes off and they begin to believe they have a chance of a new kind of life, without having to sell their bodies. However, the shadow of their pasts is ever-present. (
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    Concorrenza sleale
    Rome 1938, Umberto (Diego Abatantuono) and Leone (Sergio Castellitto) have got a men's costume shop, on the same street. Umberto is Catholic, Leone is Jewish. Racial Laws are approved in Italy in 1938 after Hitler's visit to Rome. (
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    The Easy Life
    Roberto, a shy law student in Rome, meets Bruno, a forty-year-old exuberant, capricious man, who takes him for a drive through the Roman and Tuscany countries in the summer of 1962. They will spend two days together, meet both Roberto's and Bruno's family. (imdb)
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    Dramma della gelosia - tutti i particolari in cronaca
    A three-way love affair in the Rome of the early seventies. Construction worker Oreste and young fiancee Adelaide meet Nello, cook in a pizzeria. This love triangle often go to communist rallies, and enjoy the filthy beach of Ostia. Will the hostile environment leave a way to jealousy?
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    Il Mattatore
    A retired con artist tells the story of how he went from being an actor to becoming a thief and of how he had to give it all up for love.
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    Gente di Roma
    The camera follows citizens of Rome...
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    I Knew Her Well
    The naive countryside girl Adriana, who dreams of a career as a star in Rome, is not an escapist or introvert; on the contrary, she tries her best to socialize and befriend people but the results are most disappointing and frustrating. People just ignore her, use her, make fun of her, exploit her body and her good intentions. Nobody is taking her seriously.
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    La visita
    A spinster tired of loneliness advertises for a companion and finds an assistant from a bookshop, but they are really diametrically opposed in character. (
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    La cena
    An evening at an Italian restaurant. Hosted by tolerant and relaxed Flora, various parties of middle-class people come in -- large and small, young and old, regulars and tourists, married and single -- to dine, converse, argue, celebrate, make confessions; to overhear other people's discussions, to interrupt them, to sing, listen to music, and enjoy life.
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    Ghosts of Rome
    An old prince (Eduardo De Filippo) lives in his ancient palace in Rome together with the ghosts of his ancestors; he proudly rejects a huge offer for the palace by a real estate group seeking a place to build a department store; but the prince suddenly dies (and joins the ghosts!) and his nephew (Marcello Mastroianni), just back from the States, sells the palace for a much lesser price. (imdb)
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    La terrazza
    On a terrace in Rome, a group of Italian communist politicians and intellectuals have a party. (
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    Gli anni ruggenti
    In the thirties, during the Fascist Dictatorship, an insurance broker, Omero Battifiori, reaches a small country town from Rome seeking for new customers. The main authorities, expecting an incognito inspection from the Fascist Party of the capital, suspect him to be the inspector and a very important member of the Party. The misunderstanding leads to a number of equivocals... (imdb)
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    Lo scapolo
    Paolo Anselmi is a happily single man. He lives in a flat with a friend but is forced to leave when the friend gets married. He then goes to a boarding house where he flirts with a girl but ditches her when she proposes marriage. When he goes and visits his mother he finds out that she is also trying to find the right girl for him. Is he going to surrender this time? (imdb)
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    Passione d\
    A young soldier, sent away from his lover is lodges with a colonel. Among the other lodgers is a mad woman who falls in love with him.
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    Il profeta
    In this comedy, a guru's groupie plans to seduce him so she can number him among her many conquests. (
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    La marcia su Roma
    The history of Italian fascism from 1919 to 1922 and the March on Rome of Benito Mussolini's black shirts from the point of view of two newly recruited, naïve black shirts.
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    I mostri
    The myths of the sixties are satirized in 20 episodes. (imdb)
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    Il Gaucho
    A delegation of Italian movie makers go to Argentina to attend to a film festival.
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    Riusciranno i nostri eroi a ritrovare l\
    A rich businessman is fed up with work, family, society, and goes with a friend to Africa, in search of another friend who had vanished there in mysterious circumstances. (imdb)
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    Il conte Max
    A newspaper vendor who dreams to be part of the high society, meets a real aristocrat, Il Conte Max, who decides to help him.
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    Un americano a Roma
    Nando is a young italian in the 1950s who loves the american way of life so much that he's willing to do anything to go to the USA.
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    The Magnificent Cuckold
    The Magnificent Cuckold is about a hat tycoon who is ecstatically, if not hungrily, in love with his youthful wife. It is all blissful, that is, until our man, middle-aged and somewhat of a square among his blasé, upper-class friends to whom cuckoldry is a common practice, is seduced by one of them. At this point doubts and suspicions, like conscience, begin to plague him. (wikipedia)
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    La famiglia
    Traces events in the life of Carlo, from his christening in 1906, where his grandfather reminds his father that Carlo means "free man," to his 80th birthday party. The film principally explores his relationships with younger brother Guilio, with wife Beatrice, and with her sister Adriana, whom Carlo loved as a young man (imdb)
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    Cuori nella tormenta
    The duo Verdone-Arena is really winning the love that these two comic actors feel towards Sonia (Margherita Suma) is truly irresistible and leads Raffaele Cuoco (Lello Arena) ironically to show his love for her... by robertofuiano (imdb)
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    I complessi
    Three comedy episodes. UNA GIORNATA DECISIVA - A company executive tries to seduce an old flame unsuccessfully. IL COMPLESSO DELLA SCHIAVA NUBIANA - Ambitious politician tries to suppress his wife's past. GUGLIELMO IL DENTONE - Ambitions of an aspiring TV announcer. (bfi)
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    Il marito
    Nothing is going right in the life of a man with a dismal marriage and financial problems, so he changes jobs and tells every woman he meets that he is single. (worldcat)
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    Totò nella luna
    "An Italian man is discovered to have the same elements in his blood as a monkey. American scientists believe this will make him the perfect candidate to be sent into space. However there are complications with German spies and aliens from another planet"--Container. (worldcat)
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    Ridere! Ridere! Ridere!
    The film is a series of comical sketches about doctors, travelling salesmen and elegant dudes. (imdb)
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    Guardia, guardia scelta, brigadiere e maresciallo
    Comedy narrating the adventures of a group of Police officers. (bfi)
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    Il carabiniere a cavallo
    A soldier has his horse stolen on his wedding day and spends the first day of his honeymoon looking for it. (imdb)
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    Le pillole di Ercole
    Comedy of the havoc brought to the marriage of a provincial doctor when he takes aphrodisiac pills. (bfi)
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    La parmigiana
    Dora, driven away from her town by malicious gossip following her first love affair, has a series of short-lived adventures until she falls in love with Nino, a small time crook. In Parma, a police officer courts her but she keeps thinking of Nino and makes up her mind to join him. But he has found a new lover. (imdb)
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    Film in three episodes on the subject of macabre humour. (bfi)
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    Made in Italy
    Episode film., satirising aspects of life in Italy. (bfi)
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    Guardatele ma non toccatele
    An American military aircraft with some female soldiers crashlands in an Italian air base to the delight of the Italian soldiers. (imdb)
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    Accadde al commissariato
    Everyday all kind of people pass through a Police Station, especially if it is downtown. Today, however, the chief of police has bought his first car and he has decided to test it with his wife going to Ostia. But first a theatrical company sent out of the theatre, last Alfredo Todini arrested while walking wearing a gown and in the mean a series of human cases, ranging from the pathetic to the funny one, get in the way of his wish. (imdb)
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    Le dolci signore
    Theme tying four distinct characters together is that adultery is indispensable for a happy, lasting marriage. (bfi)
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    Il commissario Pepe
    Police Inspector Pepe, urged by a few collaborators, is unwillingly forced to start some investigations about a murder which took place two years before and which apparently involved a well-to-do family in the town. (bfi)
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    The Devil in Love
    Dissatisfied with the low movement lost souls in Hell, Beelzebub solves send one of his demons to earth to sow discord among mortals. So choose Belfagor for such a task, and the charge, along with his servant Adramalek, to provoke a new war between Rome and Florence.
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    Il Successo
    Giulio Ceriani (Vittorio Gassman) has a lovely wife, a close friend and a job. However, as soon as he figures a way of becoming rich he will put all those things in danger.
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    Accadde al penitenziario
    A prison warden keeps a diary in which he writes about the convicts he meets and their lives. (imdb)
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    La congiuntura
    Don Giuliano Niccolini Borges, Roman prince and member of the Pontifical Noble Guard, is very much attracted to Jane, an English girl he has met that is accompanying him on a pleasure trip to Switzerland. He has some plans for hanky-panky on their various stops along the route, but Jane has other plans as she is only with him because his car has a special-identification license plate and can go through customs without inspection... (imdb)
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    Two Nights with Cleopatra
    In this 1954 comedy, siren Sophia Loren plays two roles: Cleopatra and the slave girl who doubles for her. Every night, the Egyptian queen beds the soldier who guards her door, but the price he pays is his life. So, when a Roman soldier (played by Italian comedy king Alberto Sordi) is placed on Cleopatra's detail but becomes smitten with her look-alike slave instead, romantic complications put a wrinkle on this strange tradition. (netflix)
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    Trevico-Torino (viaggio nel Fiat-Nam)
    Fortunato Santospirito is a young man who migrates from Treviso to Turin, where he has been offered a job. There, he will suffer some typical misfortunes of migrants from the south, such as difficulties in finding accommodation, the precariousness of human relationships and the lack of adequate social services. (Filmaffinity)
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    Se permettete parliamo di donne
    Vittorio Gassman stars as different characters in each of the nine episodes of this unusual Italian comedy. Playing everything from a practical joker to a prisoner, he comments upon romance, love and women in general. (imdb)
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    Romanzo di un giovane povero
    Unemployed Vincenzo lives on his mother's small pension, his neighbor Bartoloni suffers under the rule of his despotic wife. One night Bartoloni suggests to Vincenzo he could murder Mrs Bartoloni for 30 million lire, but things don't go as planned...
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    Mario, Maria e Mario
    Mario and Maria Boschi, a 30-year-old couple with small children, are hit by a crisis: husband and wife cannot agree on a party name. A colleaguge, also named Mario, makes an impressive speech, and Maria find herself increasingly attracted to himl she semms able to relate to him like she could to her husband in the old days. They spend the night together, and she falls ill. (imdb)
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    Amori di mezzo secolo
    Mid-Century Loves (Italian: Amori di mezzo secolo) is a 1954 Italian anthology historical melodrama film consisting of five segments directed by Glauco Pellegrini, Pietro Germi, Mario Chiari, Roberto Rossellini and Antonio Pietrangeli. (
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