Earle Williams

Earle Williams

Total Credits at Criticker: 8 (Actor)

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (8)

    A diamond is stolen at a houseboat party given by the district attorney. He gives the thief a chance to return it by putting an empty box on a table and turning out the lights. When the lights are turned back on the box is gone, and the district attorney has a knife in his back and is quite dead. The police and the coroner arrive. There are several attempts made on the life of the coroner... (imdb)
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    The Juggernaut
    The Juggernaut (1915) - Short Film
    Only the final reel of this 1915 Vitaphone attraction survives. Anita Stewart plays Louise Hardin, daughter of Phillip Hardin, a prominent and corrupt railroad mogul. One of Mr. Harding's express lines has a bridge in bad shape, unfortunately Louise happens to be on the train en route, and the magnate, along with his college friend John (also Louise's love interest) rush to stop the train. The fact that this sole reel boasts a spectacular and real train plunging into a lake doesn't bode well.
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    The Bond of Music
    Short anti-war film in which a French musician turns out to be a German spy.
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    Willie's Sister (1912) - Short Film
    Willie Green, off for college, tearfully kisses Ma and Pa and Sister good-bye. Arrived on the campus, he approaches a grave and reverend senior to ask where the proctor is located. The senior knocks off his hat. Willie replaces it and laughs feebly at the joke. The senior sternly tells him to take it off and be respectful to his betters. Willie obeys, and awe-stricken, repeats his question. The senior points, Willie dodges, gathers up his suitcases and exits cautiously, watching the senior. (imdb)
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    The Diver
    The Diver (1913) - Short Film
    Rita, who is in love, makes a false accusation against the "Nymph", one of her rivals in love. But when the "Nymph" rescues Rita's daughter from the water, she has regrets, and retracts her accusation.
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    The Poor Musician
    Our story opens with a noted violinist practicing, his young wife sitting nearby, while their little daughter plays about on the floor, a truly happy family. The maid announces a caller, who, upon being ushered in, is presented to the wife. He is at once struck with her beauty, eyes her continually, but unnoticed by the musician or his wife. As the two men leave the room, for the first time the wife catches the expression on the caller's face and is worried. (imdb)
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    Julius Caesar
    Julius Caesar (1908) - Short Film
    Shakespeare's historical tragedy of the rise and fall of Julius Caesar, told in fifteen scenes. (imdb)
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    The Red Barrier
    The Red Barrier (1912) - Short Film
    A short romantic drama about a woman who is worshiped by both a lieutenant and a Russian diplomat; the latter wins, but later turns out to be a brute. A duel in the snow ensures that the lieutenant gets the woman, but both of them suffer from visions in which the deceased appears as soon as they try to get together.
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